Sunday, January 11, 2015

Low prices on gas will not last by Sarah Oviedo 6th pd.

This article on CNN is about how Obama announces about gas prices not staying at a low cost forever. He mentions how this is a mark in history due to the dramatic change in financial benefits. This is made a major impact because motor vehicles are a contributing factor in society and the governments call to action. Gas prices are so low with Obama's help and many people are pleased however it will not last forever, he warned.

I think that this has probably been the best news in a while with all that has been going on with the feud between the republicans and the president with the different point of views about immigration laws. Gas prices have really helped the people in the U.S. and it is disappointing that it cannot last forever due to the fact that motor vehicles are the key factors to transportation today.


Sarah Oviedo
6th pd.


  1. It is true, gas and oil prices will not stay low forever, and the effects of these prices will eventually catch up with us.

  2. The gas prices were too good to be true! The economy is ever changing, but I am glad that the economy is doing slightly better than previous years.

  3. I admit, I have been enjoying the low gas prices. However, I worry that prices this low will inflate their costs, which will destroy oil companies and may lead to potential losses of employment for many people.
    -Vivie Behrens (Period 6)

  4. As a driver, I am extremely pleased with the prices. Yesterday I filled up my car for a full tank and it costed only fifteen dollars! While that is exciting news, it still doesn't alter two important details. One, which Vivie stated, is that the low gas prices will be detrimental to gas companies and their employees. The other, is that even with low gas prices, we are still putting a dent in the environment, which is why cars that charge are more efficient. Either way I'll be sad to see the gas prices become higher again.
    Elizabeth Muscari (6th Period)
