Sunday, November 6, 2016

Madilyn Weems

This article discusses how in Brazil scientist are preparing to release millions of factory-bred mosquitoes in an attempt to wipe out tropical diseases such as Zika, dengue and yellow fever. This development has been lead by Oxitec who decided to use natural resources to fight diseases. I think this is an extrodianry technology that should be used more often, because too often scientist end up destroying the environment with new unworldly technology instead of using the resources provided. This relates to the Egyptians who created the irrigation system, and instead of destroying nature they used it and kept in contact. This technology is just as extraordinary as making new machines, and perhaps even harder, but it's necessary to use this  type of technology. 


  1. I think this is a very neat concept, and, like you, I am glad hat science can progress and solve problems without creating more.
    -Linnea Soderlund

  2. If this goes as planned, this could be revolutionary in the science world. I'm thankful for science and how it can progress us as a society.

  3. science is so cool, if this works, it could make many differences.

  4. Wow, that's a great idea on how to get rid of Zika. It's very interesting what some people can do.
