Monday, November 28, 2016

Angela Merkel Calls For 'Full Veil' Ban In Germany - Emma Reyna


In this recent news article written for NPR explains how German Prime Minister Angela Merkel has called for restrictions on full face veils due to pressure to combat Islamist extremism. She stated the reason behind her motive was because she felt that Islam was not compatible with European values and is considered inappropriate in their country. Jens Spahn a lawmaker from Germany's ruling party, the Christian Democratic Union also agrees with the fact 2that niqabs should be banned everywhere in Germany since it demeans women and divides society. In addition he feels that it might make people uncomfortable because it interpreted as the opposite idea of an opened society so if Muslim refugees want to live in their country they must learn to adapt to it if they want to be accepted.But many Muslim women disagreed to this, a woman named Nora illi stated "In Islam, we can decide whether to cover our faces, wear headscarves or anything else. I personally decided to wear a niqab. It's about self-determination and freedom." Although many people may not be accepted to the idea of Muslim women to wear niqabs I believe they have a right to their own customs and values which no one can take away from them. As many European countries are continuing to oppose these values and even banning them I feel like it's almost discrimination in a way. Yes they're motives behind these laws due to a number of Islamic attacks but I still feel like people need to be more accepting of other peoples cultural values because you can't just judge one ethnicity on actions done by one person or a group of people.

Synthesis: In conclusion this can be connected to the burkini ban that was intact in late September of this year or when France banned niqabs and burkas in public places in 2011.

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