Saturday, November 26, 2016

Ciaja Beck 4th Period "5 Utah students stabbed at high school, teen in custody"

Summary: Five male students were stabbed from the neck to bottom inside the boys locker room at Utah high school Tuesday and a 16-year-old student was taken into custody after school workers risked their lives to keep him into a corner, police said. A junior named Karen Martinez said she saw three run to the school's office, one suffering from a head wound and another with an injury to his neck. One victim had blood running down the back of his shirt, she said.

It was awful," said Martinez, her eyes filled with tears. "It was so terrifying. I didn't know any of the kids but still it was like an awful feeling to see all those kids getting hurt." Officials says they will not release the name of the student but they are trying to find the reasons the straight A student did this execrable and awful action.

Analysis:Honestly this really damages my heart because  innocent lives were wounded at a young age and also school is supposed to be a safe environment for children and teachers. Therefore ,school county's should enforce some type of patrol during school hours, for this issue has become a very tremendous problem in the school system from Sandy Hook, Rock Crusher Elementary School, Hillside Elementary School etc. I don't understand why police are stopping people for moronic  reasons and persecuting people for being black when they could be  saving lives and keeping school's safe. Also what is the purpose of metal detectors if students are still being injured?  Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean you shouldn't take action in saving the next person's life .


  1. I agree with you, I think that it is awful to inflict so much pain and fear into someone. The school needs to be a safe and leaning area for students, who should worry more about studying than fearing for their life.

  2. This is awful! We need to find a way to reduce these kinds of senseless acts of violence.

  3. We need to find a way to reduce violence and how to help those with mental illness.

  4. This is really scary. We need to make sure that we can find ways to prevent things like this from happening, especially when children and teens are the ones committing the crimes.

  5. Wow this is just really sad. We need to find a way to prevent this from happening!

  6. It is rare for an A student to do such atrocities therefor I can infer that probably the individual had been in alot of pressure or emotional stress to be elicit to commit such crime .Even thought that doesn't justify his actions , I think that the school should be more attentive to the kids behaviour and their actions to able to prevent things like this to happen again.

  7. this is so scary i hope we can find a way to end this type of violence

  8. It's quite mind boggling how things like this start so early in the minds of teenagers and you begin to question the nature of it

  9. That is so horrible that this happened and I feel so bad for the families and victims. We need to do something so that these types of things happening in schools are lessened.

  10. This story is very scary but eye-opening. We need a better way to manage crime in our schools.

  11. This is terrifying that something so drastic happened at such a safe environment. I definitely agree that we need to have more regulations on gun control at schools. Especially college campuses. This is heartbreaking for so many people and we could easily prevent this by cracking down on our gun regulations.

  12. This is very sad and displeasing to hear, and the safety in school environments is not strong at all. Therefore, they really need to find a way to protect students from outside harm and inside harm, and it's also up to students to protect one another.

  13. This is heartbreaking. As he was a straight A student, he must have had some serious emotional trauma he was dealing with. It is disheartening to hear that he would do such a thing to his fellow classmates.
