The election has taken over every American's life for the past few months, becoming increasingly urgent the past few weeks. People have been rolling their eyes, wanting the election to simply end, or fearfully awaiting the results. However, this election isn't just at the forefront of American news. Countries all over the world are watching and listening and carefully forming new opinions of America, once a beacon of hope and democracy. Now, the world is less in awe of us, and more embarrassed.
The article was written November 5th, just 3 days from Election Day. Yikes! Before reading it, I knew that America had become almost a joke through this election, and I've definitely felt embarrassed pretty frequently. I think it's shameful that such a strong, world power kind of country is being defined by these two not-ideal candidates. It's hard to learn in APUSH about all of the trials and tribulations we've overcome in the past as we slowly rose to respect and power in the eyes of the world because it now seems like America can't be taken seriously anymore. I think this article is important because it really shoves the issue into our faces. We don't want to think about how badly the world is perceiving us right now, but maybe we need to. This election can be related to the crazy politics of the election of 1800 or the Corrupt Bargain in the election of 1824.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=9&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
This is so sad, and I honestly think one day I'm going to wake up and this will all be over. But sadly, it just keeps getting worse, and other countries do see us as a joke....