Saturday, November 5, 2016

Kyla Thomas- Women's cancer deaths expected to rise 60% by 2030

Summary: The article explains that women's death rates from  cancer are exponentially rising and will likely increase to 60% by 2030. The article questions whether or not the country plays a part in the death rate. Cancer is said to have been the results of poor diets, unhealthy lifestyles, and the lack of proper treatment.The United States, in particular has seen a 20% decline in cancer incidences since 1991 because of the advance in technology, but what about countries who don't have those resources? The leading cause to women's death by cancer is breast cancer. This issue also takes an economic toil. In 2009, the economic burden of women's cancer estimated to be about $286 billion dollars.

Analysis: This article is relevant to current times and it should raise awareness to women to are of the appropriate age, to take the necessary procedures in order to prevent cancer or treat it before it gets out of hand. The statistics and facts shows that the world is in need of cures, but until a cure is found, we should all live healthy lifestyles and eat a healthy diet. In relation to history, in the 1920's, for women, childbirth was one of the leading causes of deaths, because of the lack of proper care for the mother and child and the lack of technology.

Source: iid=ob_homepage_deskrecommended_pool


  1. Hopefully technology will continue to progress before the cancer death rate can get this high.

  2. In this country without technology our death rate would be much higher due to the unhealthy diet, and not enough exercise. It would make sense for other countries death rate to rise.
