Monday, November 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump Cold Open - SNL

Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump Cold Open - SNL

So, during this video, even though it was made to be a joke, the reporter talked to two actors who played as Donald Trump and Hillary. They joked about how Hillary sees things that Trump does  and how people would either blow it off say he's not doing anything. They even joked about the FBI assuming Hillary's emails were bad. That actually caused a mess up with her voting percentage, causing Trump to take the lead currently. He also (the actor) made some points about Trump always says "she" instead of her actual name. Lastly, they hinted on Hillary and Trump's slight hate for the other gender.

I picked this video because it may be funny, but it makes some really good points about this election.  People use comedy to usually state facts that people don't really notice- and it's a good idea.  It catches people opinion. When people couldn't vote for their own representatives or people in the government, it was extremely unfair. But sadly, Hillary and Donald have made people not want to vote. This video was posted on Nov. 6, Sunday. But overall, I really think people should be careful who they vote for and aCTUALLY VOTE. Even if they don't like the candidates, it's better than not voting at all.

Here's the link.~


  1. I think that this video could be both funny and educational because it could work as a learning tool for people who are still indecisive.

  2. Jada Brown: This video is a good way for people to actually get involved in the election and voting; More people understand situations better without everything being so serious

  3. Jada Brown: This video is a good way for people to actually get involved in the election and voting; More people understand situations better without everything being so serious

  4. Jada Brown: This video is a good way for people to actually get involved in the election and voting; More people understand situations better without everything being so serious

  5. Jada Brown: This video is a good way for people to actually get involved in the election and voting; More people understand situations better without everything being so serious
