Monday, May 1, 2017

Chloe Dupuy- Fidel Castro is dead, but Donald Trump could give Cuba’s dictatorship new life

Summary: The Death of one of Cuba's most fierce and powerful rulers has expedited the development of and already changing country but recent remarks from the president elect have made it seem that all the pushes for change would be useless. For about the past 6 years, president Obama has been trying to work with Raul Castro to strive for a better and more stable government in Cuba but the life mere presence of Fidel Castro halted to changes to be made for the economic growth in Cuba. Now that Fidel has passed, changes in Cuba, like lifting the US trade embargo, could be put into place but at the cost of never being able to truly be able to return to a pure communist nation. However, the president elect has stated that, "If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate the deal, " referring to the deal to open up more trade between Cuba and the US. Denying this deal would be a catastrophic move forcing Cuba to have to resort back to older ways.

Synthesis: The topic could synthesize with with time in which the states had separated into the Union and Confederate states. The two different sides had different morals and plans for the future of the country's economy. One side was based on suppressing citizens and other people for the better of the nation, not knowing the after effects of the actions and the other side based on the morals and values of equality but not much growth could happen because of the presence of the other side.

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