Monday, May 15, 2017

Kate Pinkerton - School Lunch Shaming

Summary - This article is about the lunch shaming that often occurs in schools where kids cannot afford to pay for their school lunch. Sometimes kids hot lunches will be taken from them and given cold lunches in replacement, or even taken from them and having to go hungry. While there are free and reduced lunch programs, families are sometimes unaware that they are qualified to apply for the programs and continue to struggle to pay for their kids lunches. Teachers and legislators are looking for a way to end lunch shaming and the debt that piles up as kids cant pay for their food.

Analysis - This is good that people are trying to fix this problem. I know that in DISD everyone gets free lunch because such a high percentage of the district qualifies for free or reduced lunch. I think our districts decision to do this was the right thing to do because then students don't have top worry about if they will be able to eat at lunch that day or if they owed money and can instead focus on learning. I hope the government can continue making programs that help make equal opportunities for all students despite their socio-economic backgrounds.

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