Sunday, May 14, 2017

Does the President Actually Think About What He Says? - Cal Thompson, 1st

As you most likely know full well, Donnie recently fired the head of the FBI during an investigation of Russian interference in the election. Speculations continue as to his motive- some believe that he is trying to hide something and stop the investigation, while others speculate that Comey's alleged refusal to swear loyalty to our first orange president with a penchant for grabbing women by their genitals prompted the decision.
Trump himself says that "the Russia thing, with Trump and Russia" is all a fake Democrat excuse and a waste of time. However, even if he isn't having a little fling with Putin on the side, that doesn't mean that the investigation would have been fruitless- anyone in his administration could easily be Trumping in the streets and sending explicit information to Russia in the sheets without his knowledge. He is not omniscient.
Essentially, he's a big-headed, entitled person with a lot of power who thinks he knows everything. That's the best type to run a country, don't you think?
This reminds me vividly of Trump's habit of blurting convoluted claims on twitter- even when he's prepared to speak on a topic, he says ridiculous things. This time they're self-incriminating and contradict statements released by the White House.

Here's the article:


  1. No he does not. It is really sad how he gets away with saying and tweeting about anything. Just sad.

  2. He really needs to learn to think before he speaks, it is quite pathetic.
