Thursday, May 28, 2015

New York City man Charged in shooting of police officer (Juliana Cortez Pd.3)

A man was charged on Sunday, May 1, 2015, with the  attempt to murder a New York city police officer. The police officer was shot in the head while he was sitting in an unarmed car. Officer Brian Moore was in critical, but stable, condition. Police said that Blackwell shot at Moore and another officer out of a random that Saturday evening. The officers tried questioning Blackwell, who had an extensive criminal background and was being sought for illegal gun possession. The truth then came out and Blackwell admitted that he wanted to avenge the deaths of black men killed in confrontations with white officers. The shooting of Officer Moore initially sparked concern it was a reply of the Brooklyn murders. Moore is the fifth New York City officer shot in the past five months. The wanted man faces up to 25 years in prison.


  1. I am so sad. I think the relation between our government and the citizens is slowing depreciating. Things like the police shooting harm less victims and then victims shooting police its all not worth it. Maybe these things will come up in the gun laws. (My article)
