Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Smart Bullets- by Rachel Devine (6th)
This article relates directly to what we are learning about in APUSH right now, and that is WWI. During the first world war, many weapons were created- these included the tank, poison gas, the airplane, the machine gun, and more! This just goes to show that there is always room for improvment. Hopefully these bullets don't get into the wrong person's hands.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Protestants called 'low-life scum' from a senate chairman::Madhee Moseman::P6
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Drone In White House- TD Simons 5 pd
Delay The Execution? By Madeline Ibarra Period 2
Im glad that they are fighting to figure out a "more fair" way of execution. All executions are particularly gruesome and have never been absolutely fine with all people. Because of the horrid outcome of Oklahomas last execution, the world has eyes on them, limiting the steps they take next. The processes used can be comparable to human chemical testing, unsure of what may happen and the side effects. Maybe the Supreme Court review and bring an awful process more to a human level, whatever that may be.
Huge storm in the Northeast- Ausia Jones
Monday, January 26, 2015
Tonight's Sky Show - Sophia Davison

So many technological advances have been made throughout time, and the telescopes and binoculars, radar imaging equipment, as well as the mapping programs used to calculate predicted times of passing are utilized in today's modern world of astronomy. This has allowed us to even watch the asteroid tonight on a live feed of video.
Cold. Trevor Haueisen 6th
America is about to witness one of it's most severe weather storms. A blizzard. The national weather service, which is not one to exaggerate is making claims that this blizzard is "life-threatening" and "historic". It's causeing many schools to cancel and trappin people in there homes. It will have freezing rain and strong wind gusts up to 70 mph.
America has experienced many times of exesive cold. These cold spells would often reduce crop yields casuing hunger and sometimes famine. And these times foten corrolate to violence. As in during cold spells we saw the American Revolution. There is a very helpful crash course on this that furthers my point.
Chrash Course video:
Incoming Blizzard, Travel Difficulties Ensue - Froy G. 4th
A very large and destructive blizzard is set to blow through the Northeast. New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts are all susceptible- including New York City and Boston- instilling fear amongst many travelers. It is estimated that approximately 58 million people will be affected. Travel analysts at masFlight estimated that 250,000 people had flights cancelled in the past week. Some forecasts call up to three feet of snow by tomorrow afternoon! Needless to say, local governments are shutting operations down and people are being corralled into their homes.
This is reminiscent of the Great Blizzard of 1888, during the Gilded age, where people were confined to their houses for over a week and railroads were shut down.
Threats at Seattle-Tacoma Airport cause 2 plane evacuations/ Madeline Boreham
The motto "better safe than sorry" is proven in this incident. Luckily there was no threat, but the right steps were taken to ensure the safety of everyone on board that plane. It is comforting to know how seriously all forms of threats are taken. On social media today people think they have the right to post whatever they please without having to deal with the consequences. Undertake names they think they can get away with anything. Last year a teenager was arrested for sending a threatening tweet to American Airlines claiming to do "something big on June first." She did not face charges but it was the proper treatment to make sure she wouldn't do it again and create an example for other kids. I believe that the airlines made the right move and it will only help us prepare if something really was to happen.
This article was taken from the Associated Press for NPR to read the full article click the link below:
Winter Emergency Declared in Northeast; Margaret Canady 2nd Period
The cities of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia all began shutting down Monday night, and no vehicles are allowed to be on the roads after 11 PM. New York's bus and subway lines have also closed, and flights all along the East Coast have been cancelled.
New York City's mayor Bill de Blasio warned in a press conference: "Recognize this as an emergency, this is not business as usual." At least 28 million people will face blizzard conditions over the next day and almost 50 million people could see more than a foot of snow Tuesday morning.
I'm sure this storm will have a significant impact on the northeast's economy and society. It's hard to imagine places such as New York, known as the city that never sleeps, to completely shut down. It is good, though, that the local/state governments are issuing these ordinances and alerting citizens to prepare for the storm. Hopefully the blizzard will not do too much damage, and the northeast will quickly rebound from the natural disaster.
Blizzard of 2015 by Mackenzie McGregor
'Historic' Storm Set to Hit the East Coast - Hannah Kalan 6th Period
The storm expected to hit the east coast Monday night is coming in hard. The National Weather Service was terming it "historic" and "life threatening" due to gusts estimated to hit a startling 70 mph. Travel bans have already been placed in a few states due to the incoming weather and a multitude of flights have been cancelled coming into and out of the area. However, it's not just the ice and snow that people need to be concerned with. Wind gusts could potentially knock out power lines and leave many people without power for days, which can wreak serious havoc on a community. Getting stuck out on the roads on a trip to the store could also turn into a perilous journey as snow is expected to reach three feet in Boston and New York.
However, the east coast has proved to live through several severe storms before, including the blizzard of 1888, a storm lasting over three days and leaving behind feet of snowdrifts. In comparison, the storm about to hit seems less dangerous, but hopefully people will still take it seriously and take the necessary cautions to stay safe.
Click HERE to read the original article!
You can also click HERE to read about the snowstorm of 1888
Ruby Tuesday Accused of Discrimination By- Nina Bharadwaj: 2nd period
This isn't the only instance in which this chain has showed preferential treatment towards women. During the summer of 2013, men weren't hired denying them the right to "earn money, gain valuable experience, and take advantage of free housing during the summer assignment."
Such an outward portrayal of discrimination is very rare, much like this lawsuit; however, this is a warning to other businesses that once a decision to only hire a specific gender has been made, it is hard to hide behind this choice. The EEOC claims that this restaurant has been guilty of unjust employment practices across the nation.
Discrimination has had an extremely long history in America, and it has been the most explicit in society when the nation had to deal with segregation amongst blacks and whites in addition to a lack of women's rights. We have taken so many steps to improve social inequality with many new amendments: the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th. Although in the 20th century, it took many decades for us to end segregation and to allow blacks to be viewed the same way as any other human being. Currently, women are still looked at in a different perspective than men. Although, they now have voting rights, there are still stereotypical characteristics that one associates with men and women. Discrimination still takes many forms in society, and it will not end until every human being is willing to put the idea of inequality in the past.
Yale Student Accosted at Gun Point -Hadassah Lai
Whether we can admit it or not, discrimination still has not gone away. Charles Blow does have a point when he says that the police should not have pulled out their guns. I think that this is very scary situation for one to be put under, and that police should be more careful next time they suspect someone. Things like this can and is very controversial and we do not want any more conflict in our country than we have today.
Drone on White House grounds - Corsica Steding
Ralph Ellis wrote this article on Jan. 26th for CNN. Before reading this article, I had heard of the event briefly this morning on the news. This article was written to inform the public of this strange and mysterious event. I imagine that there has been a considerable amount of speculation as to where the drone came form, who sent it, etc. If the White House makes this information public, I look forward to hearing more about this mysterious device.
Detriot Demolition - Elisa Weich p. 4
The degenerate state of Detroit is very sad, as it was once a hub for hope in the working world. Beautification efforts are good to see and long over due. The aid of the federal government is positive because it shows that the issue is being recognized and taken care of. These efforts could be the start of a rebound for the city that is much needed.
Full Article Here
Device found on White House ground Kalena Rodriguez p5
Democrats block Keystone XL bill- Joe Katinas
60 votes were needed on a pair of procedural motions to end Democratic filibusters, but each failed on a 53-39 tally.
Democrats who voted against moving to a final vote on the bill said they were frustrated Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell prevented debate and votes on amendments during a tense late-night session on Thursday that short-circuited what otherwise appeared to be actual bipartisan progress on the contentious issue.
"I'm very disappointed," Sen. Tom Carper, D-Delaware, a Keystone supporter, said as he headed to the floor to vote no. "I'm still not sure why that happened."
The vote was significant for Democrats who pointed to it as proof Republicans will need to reach across the aisle to get things done.
"Sen. McConnell promised Democrats an open amendment process and a full-throated debate on the Keystone pipeline and we are holding him to that promise," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, a Keystone opponent. "Trying to muzzle the debate by refusing to allow Democrats even one minute to advocate for their amendment and then simply refusing to hold votes on dozens of amendments is not remotely an open process."
Republicans saw it differently. They pointed to the more than two dozen votes on amendments from both parties as evidence they are running a much more accommodating Senate than the one they faced when they were in the minority for the last several years.
"We've had a lot of floor discussion. We've considered Democrat and Republican amendments," McConnell said before the vote.
What wasn't really explained in the article was what exactly the pipeline could or will be. It's a pipe that would run from the northwest or north midwest and continue to Steele City, Nebraska. It can cause oil leaks and spills and is bad for the environment but good for "big business.
This article makes me feel disappointed. Haven't we learned anything about the harmful effect oil has on the environment? And building this would cost a lot of money when we could be putting that into helping others. Still, it doesn't surprise me that Republicans were the one for this idea and that, thankfully, the democrats tried to stop them. I also saw that Obama plans to veto the bill for the pipeline if it passes through congress. I can relate this to many other times in US history, like the want of gold and silver to use as currency, where one person or group introduced a kind of dumb idea but it was struck down.
Here is the source:
Former CIA officer convicted of leaking information - Noe Perales
Sterling, 47, of Missouri was convicted of 6 counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information and other charges.
The verdict followed a weeklong cloak-and-dagger trial which CIA agents and former Russian nuclear engineer known only as "Merlin" testified behind a screen and former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice talked in open court about how she persuaded editors at the New York Times to kill a proposed story about the operation. talk about freedom of speech emirate.
Snowmageddon?- Myles Bennett
For more information, click here.
Analysis: Many factors in the early part of our countryhood kept us from traveling and expanding into new territories. Sometimes it was weather, other times it was geographical difficulties. Many people couldn't survive the harsh winters on the road to expansion so they decided to stay indoors. New Yorkers today may think they will be fine in the snowflakes hurling down, but they must keep their ancestors who died during the cruel winter months in mind and put their health as the top priority.
Go Home. Stay there. Kalena Rodriguez p5
14 year old faces capital murder charge in baby's drowning- Jazmin Garcia (2nd Period)
A 14 year old faces a capital murder charge for drowning a 2 month old baby in an apartment and police got the call at 6:20am Monday. The officers found the dead 2 month old baby, Justice Hull, with 2 other teenagers. Police think the female teenager, 14 years, drowned the baby and the second teen was a witness and likely not involved. The baby's mom is currently in jail and surrendered the child to CPS. The agency placed the baby in the home where the incident occurred at the request of the mother. The adult female caretaker of the baby left for work before the drowning occurred. Police say the 14 year old could face trial as an adult.
This relates to APUSH because in the past, there have always been trials like this where they try to do the court case as fair as possible. In this case, the 14 year old may be tried as an adult. I believe they should try her as an adult because a 14 year old by then is aware of what she's doing. Purposely killing a baby is wrong on all levels. I hope they figure out a way to right this wrong and I hope she learns that killing is wrong and should never be done.
Russian Spies in New York! Hannah Clifford 5th Period
Russian spies were caught in New York City earlier today. One was arrested while two others got away. They were based in Manhattan with the goal of gathering economic intelligence and recruiting more spies. The man they arrested is Evgeny Buryakov. While in New York, he was seen as working with a Russian bank, but in reality was working for Russian intelligence services. Apparently the spies were using coded messages to send information to their home base in Moscow. Buryakov was set to see a Federal Judge today.
This was written by Shimon Prokupecz earlier today to inform the public of an alleged spy that could've put our country at risk. While the press has a right to freely present information to the public, there are times when giving out information about police cases can get in the way of investigations. There was not a whole lot of valuable information concerning the contents of this case, but even small things such as releasing the fact that the FBI was able to take hold of encoded Russian messages could give the spy ring a heads up on what to avoid next time they try to infiltrate our country. I suspect that this limited account of the run-in with Russian spies has something to do with the FBI trying to withhold any useful information from unwanted ears.
Crashed drone used recreationally- Glenna Loughlin 5th
Drones are illegal to fly in the White House area but this does not seem to stop flyers. Drones could be used as weapons or spy material. The protection of the president and his family has always been a major concern even before the White House existed. Security is highly important and must be attentive at all times especially since the White House is so big and necessary to the government.
Craigs List Body Disappearance- Kennedi Mayes
The bodies of a husband and wife were found today. Aparently the couple had gone missing after contacting a person selling a car on Craigslist. Their car was found in a lake; however, no one knows what happened to the Georgia couple. Officials are still unsure about whether this is the missing couple, but all of the facts are lining up. The man behind this tragedy turned himself in to the police.
This is seriously sad. I don't understand people's motivations for doing crazy stuff like this. It makes absolutely no sense. I send my condolences to the family that has lost their parents.
A Mysterious Device found on the White House's Lawn by Megan Darlington
This is alarming to me, because what reason was a drone dropped? Was is recreational, or actually a threat? It was probably just recreational but now that the attention has been brought to this, what is stopping people from doing damage? If this were a threat, it relates to the germans using secret submarines to cause damage towards the end of the progressive area. Its a scary world!
'Historic' storm set to slam Northeast; airlines cancel flights by, Harrison Epstein
Officials throughout the North East are making one thing very clear, to stay at home! Some people believe that the blizzard that is on its way could be one of the biggest in history. Many officials are warning people about travelling after around 10pm because the roads could be beyond dangerous. Some counties are even shutting down roads all together and putting a curfew for driving into place to help keep its residents safe from the storm. Even the National Weather Service, which is notorious for underrating storms has said that this is going to be a storm that could go down in history books and has deadly capabilities. Not to mention the fact that the storm has not even occurred yet and over 6,000 flights have been cancelled.
This is one of those times that I am glad to live in Texas, but seriously, this is so terrifying to have a disaster head your way and have no way to stop it or escape its wrath. I think we all should give a little shout out to those in the North East who have to deal with this and hope that the casualties are not bad. The fact that this could make it into history books is so shocking and it reminds me of the Dust Bowl, and how the massive storms of dust came crashing through dry land as a result of poor farming techniques. While I am in no way blaming anyone for the storm, you have to wonder, did we do something to cause this? *cue twilight theme music*
Two 9-year old twins left alone for days at a time (vanessa de la cruz)
Rocket strike kills 30 in Mariupol, Ukraine- Alan Nino period 2
This is horrible because due to his lack of human remorse. It shows us that when a person of high authority gets over-themselves they can cause serious damage. especially since peaceful citizens tried to resolve the problem and instead of being considerate he just acted with violence to end a problem. People like this NEED to be stopped.
This relates to APUSH by proving that when we do not accept others for who they are. We do not progress like in the progressive era. We just stay savages.
4 year old- savves her moother and unborn baby brother by a 911 call (vanessa de la cruz)
Supreme Court to review Oklahoma lethal injection procedure : Vivie Behrens (Period 6, Week 3)
It is important to acknowledge the fact that it is very difficult to accept any means of execution as not cruel. However, it seems that when this drug is administered correctly, inmates slowly become unconscious, leading to a peaceful transition to death. The Constitution does indicate that no American should be cruelly or unusually punished; therefore, the plaintiffs do have a credible case - no American deserves to slowly gasp for air before dying. I am glad that the Supreme Court is reevaluating this means of execution and hopefully a new drug will be produced that ensures the most painless possible death.
California measles outbreak grows to 68 cases - Jack VanGorden 4th per.
This article was written by Ralph Ellis of CNN News on Sat January 24, 2015 at 9:57 AM ET. I had heard about several visitors at Disneyland contracting the disease but I never realized that the number had gotten so big and that it had gotten so widespread. I have hope that the CDC is going to be able to contain the outbreak, but I do wonder what at Disneyland was giving the employees and the visitors the disease. Hopefully, the park will be able to get to the bottom of it so that it will be open and safe for everyone shortly.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Increase in U.S. Carbon Emissions Madana Kloss 4th period
The U.S. carbon emissions increased, contrary to the White House's promise to lower carbon emissions. This is due mostly to the rebounding economy. Although carbon emissions have increased, there have been an increase in renewable energy, such as solar or wind. Also, more Americans switched to fuel-efficient cars and trucks to try to combat their pollution. President Obama remains optimistic, and says that America will reach his goal. The pollution the U.S. is experiencing is similar to what happened in Britain when they had their Industrial Revolution. In my opinion, I think the administration will have a hard time reaching their goal, because Americans have put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the last six months compared with the same period in the last two years.
California Measles Outbreak - Olivia Lambert 3rd Period
This whole outbreak of a well known disease is terrible and whoever the 68 cases are, doctors should hospitalize them and make sure they are well before they even go into the public again. This outbreak reminds me of Ebola because of how it is affecting several people and how the disease can be spread through the air and/or contact. This disease also reminds me of the 1600s when the spanish came to America and explored the land because they brought several diseases with them; the Indians especially.
Cuba and US - 3rd Period Rachel Webb
Since the mid-1900s, the US and Cuba have not been on good terms. The Spanish-American war is the blame for this. America benefitted from its intervention in the battle for independence from Spain, and Cuba did not as well as the US. Jealousy may have been the factor here. In this article, the prior discourse has been partially resolved and Americans are no longer banned from Cuba.
"There were other post-Bush differences in the direct-to-Cuba zone. The lines had grown fewer and shorter. Most noticeable, the Cubans on our flight — a mixture of Cuban-Americans and returning Cuban nationals who had been in Florida or D.C. on visas of their own (some people do move back and forth) — weren’t carrying as much stuff. The crowd cast a fairly normal profile. Last time, people had multiple pairs of shoes tied around their necks by the laces. Thick gorgets of reading glasses. Men wearing 10 hats, several pairs of pants, everybody’s pockets bulging. Everybody wearing fanny packs." - John Jeremiah Sullivan, the author of Where Is Cuba Going?
Snow Storm Brewing by: Zaria Chambers 5th period
11 Rescued from Sinking Vessel- Iris Hughey p.5
It saddens me that small accidents such as this can potentially lead to very disasterous outcomes. 75,000 gallons of diesel fuel in the ocean is not a good thing, and this happens quite often. I hope that they are able to find the cause of what made the vessel sink in order to prevent it from happening again.
5 Year Old Accidently Shoots His Baby Brother (Ashton Garcia 2nd)
A short but horrifying story. People have the right to bear arms, and although I personally have no intention of owning a gun, I understand many people do. Which is totally reasonable and understandable. However, there should be a strict regulation and strict rules. No child should ever be in reach of a gun, nor believe it's a toy. Accidental shootings have been going on for a while. How will it stop?
Two Dead in Shoting - Diego Garcia
These kinds of shootings happen all the time. Some people do not feel safe any where. it is better to just live life. there has always been murder and people killing and sometimes you do not know why do it. The crimes are harsh and are punished.
Northeast braces for another major snowstorm
This just made me think in history of the times when people had to work know matter the weather condition. Slaves, workers in the factories including children all had to perform their duty rain or shine. The weather can be really dangerous so it is good we have protocals to follow in this day and time to protect the lives of people.
Maddie murphy pd. 6
Measles Outbreak- by Rachel Devine (6th)
This article is concerning because, even though we don't live near where the disease is prominently being spread right now, it can still find a way to infect us through travel and other means. Hopefully the outbreak has reached its peak and won't cause a big panic, like Ebola did.
Photo Journalist Documents One Family's Struggle - Roni Carleton 5th
Photos by: John Trotter
Article by: Amy Pereira and Ned Resnikoff
These photographs document the struggle of a family trying to make ends meet on a minimum wage paycheck. These photos are more compelling than an article by itself because it forces the reader to actual look at the difficulties these people face and acknowledge the realities that these people face everyday living in poverty.
These photographs can be compared to the photos Jacob Riis took to raise awareness on the struggles of immigrants coming to this country.
Koch Brothers Work On Their Image - Roni Carleton 5th Period
Speakers: Steve Kornacki, David Corn, Genevieve Wood
The Koch brothers have decided to reveal the people who donate to the superpack, something they have never done before. They are doing this in a hope to increase trust in the party. The goal is that increased transparency will make it easier for voters to trust them. The Republican party has had issues getting women, people of color, young people and the poor to come to the polls due to views that discriminate against or offend members of these groups.
This can be compared to the push for direct election of senators, the people want more transparency, with out that level of trust people will not back a party and the party cannot survive.
Northeast is about to Get a Big Winter Surprise (by Elizabeth Muscari, 6th period)
It's essentially a blizzard, according to the National Weather Service. Mayor Martin Walsh of Boston urged Bostonians to look after their neighbors for this storm might just be the worst storm the Northeast has yet to see.
Analysis: This relates to the many storms the United States has seen, including the dust bowl. We are fortunate now because we have technology and medical advancements that can aid anyone who is hurt and inform the public on what to expect when a huge storm like this is about to come through.
Courtesy of USA Today
Written by Elizabeth Muscari, 6th period
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Why do We Care if King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud Died? By Yasmine B (5th pd)
As soon as the king's death happened, oil prices went up by two percent. Oil trade has been at an all-time low recently. The average barrel used to be well over $100 but it just traded between $46-$47 on Friday. People would think that cheaper oil is good (because it means cheaper gas prices) but this is not necessarily the case for this situation. Many American oil companies had to start laying off employees because there is just not enough money circulating in the world of oil to match the large amount of production happening. But, interestingly enough, the United States GDP is expected to grow by half a percent because of $50 oil, and Saudi Arabia's is expected to go down by 2.5%.
I wonder what happened to the oil market when John D. Rockefeller died. This instantaneous price change and people constantly worrying about their market share is an old practice in US history, especially during and after the Gilded Age. Big businesses like ones that Rockefeller had carry a big portion of the economy on their back and usually do all right, but it is very hard to explain or predict the negative affects once the person in power is gone. From this point, everything depends on the new king and fluctuation levels of the economy. Many Americans are not only mourning the death of King Abdullah, but are also mourning the death of one of their beloved friends called potential prophet.
Link for article:
"Dozens dead, 7,000 arrested as political violence rocks Bangladesh" - Addison Norman
The U.S. has a history for elections that have ended in turmoil. In the election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected to office, and immediately after seven of the U.S.'s southern states succeed from the Union. This led to one of the most deadly wars in American History, the Civil War. Another election that caused unrest in America was the Corrupt Bargain of 1824 when Henry Clay dropped out of the election. This resulted in John Quincy Adams winning the presidency while Henry Clay was appointed Secretary of State.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Charges dropped from a murder case. ( vanessa de la cruz)
Six Missing After Mansion Fire - Corsica Steding
Ray Sanchez wrote this article on January 20th for CNN. Before reading this article, I had heard about the event on the news but was unaware of the details. This article was written to inform people of the suspicious events that transpired at the mansion early Monday morning. I sincerely hope that they locate the six missing family members and that the cause of the fire is identified as soon as possible. It's very strange that such a fire broke out and burned that much of the home. There's definitely plenty of reason to treat the burned-down home as a crime scene until they know more.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Jury selection begins in Colorado theater shooting trial By, Harrison Epstein
James Holmes is just now being put on trial for the massacre at the Aurora movie theater in Colorado in 2012. He is being charged with the murder of 12 people and faces either life in prison or the death penalty. The prosecutor is trying to get the sentence to be death but the mans parents insist he is insane and doesn't deserve it. He is pleading insanity to get a lighter sentence but it is widely believed that the plea will have little effect on the 12 jurors. The trial is expected to be very lengthy and possibly last into October.
I was actually really surprised to see this pop back up because the actual event took place so long ago. I personally think this is a very tricky subject because there is not only constant debate as to whether or not the death penalty is constitutionally legal, but also the debate if insanity is a valid plea and if so, does it excuse certain crimes. I mean killing 12 people is an awful crime by anyone's standards and should obviously be punished no matter what the person has to say but to what degree should said person be punished? On one hand the person is a menace to society and his death would perhaps "pay" for the crimes, but on the other hand how does adding another person to the body count help anyone? Not to mention the poor jurors who will have to deal with all the court time. The deed of carrying out justice has been a part of American society since its very founding and well known cases like Miranda vs. Madison and Roe vs. Wade show us how the courts function even today.
5 year old boy finds gun, shoots baby brother in the head Heather McKay
I do not have a very strong stance on the gun control debate, but stories like this make me extremely upset because this was 100% preventable. Now this boy has to grow up knowing that he shot and killed his baby brother. I am not saying that nobody should have guns, but at least better safety measures should be taken, because incidents like this should never have to be in the news.
Doctor injured, suspect dead in hospital shooting- Myles Bennett
For more information, click here.
Analysis: This could be related to the second amendment and the debate over gun control. I agree that the right to bear arms is a right that cannot and should not be taken away from us, but I think it should be regulated more strictly. At the time the constitution was written, we needed the ability to carry arms because we were a new nation and we needed to defend ourselves against attacks. Now that we have an established system of defense, we can regulate the purchase and possession of guns and other weapons a little more.
Father Arrested For Treating Sick Daughter- Iris Hughey p.5
While marijuana is illegal in Australia as well as many other areas in the world, I think it is unjust that it cannot be used for the medical treatment of a person enduring extreme pain and discomfort. There are probably hundreds, maybe even thousands of other cases like Rumer Rose's where a person is ill and is forced to "commit a crime" by treating themselves with a natural drug that could make them feel better than they have in years. I hope that with this case, some changes are made for the better.
NSA infiltrates North Korea's Hackers?- Froy Gutierrez 4th
With the Sony attacks upon the US fresh on our minds, suspicions have been high in regards to North Korea as the aggressors. With many US officials coming out and saying that North Korea is at fault for the Sony attacks, the average US citizen is left wondering just how they know that. With little to no evidence provided, its hard to fairly trust the NSA and the US government. Apparently, it turns out that the US has been spying on North Korea's hacking activity since 2010. Wielding Chinese software systems, the NSA was able to infiltrate North Korea's hacking unit of hackers, called Bureau 121. NSA officials have released information that North Korea's hacking operations did not spike nor decrease during the month of December, when Sony was attacked. This calls into question the US government's certainty when they blamed North Korea's hackers. Nonetheless, it was revealed that the US had received warnings from North Korea in regards to the release of Sony's movie. North Korea referred to "The Interview" as an act of war in June of 2014. Why the US government didn't report this information to Sony is unclear, and hopefully more will be uncovered as time goes on.