Thursday, June 5, 2014

First world problems, no. (sydney c, 5th)

Water is Life is a non-profit organization that accepts donations to get water to people in countries where resources are scarce.  They recently made a video depicting people from third world countries quoting "First World Problems" against the dramatic backdrops of their small homes, run down villages, and barren farms. 

These dramatic images really speak of the growing gap between the rich and the impoverished.  People in countries where the government is functional, the infastructure works, electricity is readily available, and water is everywhere tend to take their higher standard of living for granted.  The development of the "first world problems" trend is proof of this thought system that many seem to have adopted.  We should stop complaining about leaving the milk out and losing charger cables, and start acknowledging the fact that we are ridiculously lucky to have milk and charger cables. 

Watch the video here.

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