Sunday, September 30, 2012

Texas State Fair Operators Hoping To Keep West Nile Away by Fredy Medina

          The state Fair of Texas was sprayed with an extra dose of pesticides this year to keep visitors safe from the west nile virus. The state Fair is also keeping an eye out for signs of swine flu. The health department is making sure all food stands are complying with city codes. police departments will be stationed at various locations throughout the fair grounds to ensure safety.


  1. I think it's great that they are trying to "Serve and Protect", but what about people that may be allergic to the pesticides they are spraying? What about the food? I don't think they actually consider the consequences if people... I don't know. DIED!

  2. I just want to go. I hope everyone has fun at the fair and that no one gets diseases from the spraying.

  3. What they sprayed is very similar to what is in off so everyone for the most part is okay and they sprayed a long time before food was even out at the fair. Trust me. I work there, I know. Not only are we ensuring that people in stands are complying with city codes but we are also firing those who don't. The fair is very strict on that this year. Police officers or us state fair officials are never more than 20 feet away at any given time.

  4. Its starting to cool down, hopefully that will help to keep mosquitoes at a minimum.
