Thursday, September 27, 2012

-Mitt Romney's View's-

Mitt Romney states time and time again how he does not agree with anything president Obama does. He believes that the president has made things work. He also Repeatedly talks about how raising the taxes on the middle class will bring things back, while leaving the higher paid citizens of america alone. His views change daily, one day he supports The Tax Pledge the next day he does not. He constantly says disrespectful things, like "let Detroit Go Bankrupt". Is it you or is it just me? What kind of person is that running for president? Should You elect him? The answer in NO!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It really bothers me when people are indecisive like that, so when he is changing his view points all the time like that. It can get annoying, so I dont get why he would run as president.
