Monday, September 17, 2012

   This following week on Sunday September 16, many Dallas citizens straight, gay, or bisexual went out to celebrate! A good handful of people went out to show their pride and support for our gay community. I couldn't make the event that day :( but hearing it from my relatives and friends made me jealous. Though it rained, it really didn't stop any one from heading out and enjoying themselves! I actually heard that it made things so much "Better." Its always good to be optimistic and I think this annual event is needed to show the awareness and open armed acceptance of being attracted to the opposite sex!


  1. So, I did hear about the parade. I heard it did rain, but that didn't stop them I think the gay community is extremely dediated to their culture to start a parade for it. I personally do not agree with same sex dating, marriage, atc. but I feel however you decide to live your life is your choice and your choice only.

  2. Wish I could have gone, it was totes boss applesauce
