Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Texas State Fair Operators Hoping To Keep West Nile Away by Fredy Medina
Sniper Shootings
Masked stranger killed by father by jonathan landeros
A masked stranger dressed in all black was carrying a knife, when a fifth grade teacher panicked, and shot him dead. Later on, uncovering the mask, he realized it was his 15 year old son he had killed. A background check of the teen described that he had no trouble in law and was described by his friends as a good boy. Although, the idea of him being in all black with a knife outside his aunts house at 1a.m. was suspicious, police found out that the dad had received a call from his sister that someone might had been trying to break into her house. The father worried set out with a gun to investigate, but when the stranger ran towards him with a knife the father shot at him immediately not knowing it was his teenage son. Police are now investigating if the gun the father carried was registered. I have to say that this is a sad story, and I don't know if the should get punished or helped because he did not know it was his son, and he also panicked when he saw him running with a knife.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
-Mitt Romney's View's-
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Road Rage Can Kill!
So to everyone who is starting to drive be careful cause there is people that can't control themselves when they get angry. It's easy for people to get away with things like this, especially if it's at 5 in morning.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Soccer Hazing
In Puente California three students who attend a Los Angeles high school accused the varsity soccer team of hazing. There is also investigation with the coach because it is believed that he had some involvement in the hazing. Parents are really upset that they weren't notified of the crime earlier.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Corporal Punishment Issues by Omar Rivera
I honestly think that the spank was unnecessary. The schools in the United States are smart enough to realize there's many other ways to punish a student/s for their actions and/or decisions. Completely against the districts policy and hope there's a stop to corporal punishment.
3 Days left Til. . By Rylie Walker
Everyone can enjoy it.
National Zoo-Panda Story by Carter Brown
Judge exonerates ex-Los Angeles gang member of murder -Paolo Buccino
Fertility clinic offers gender selection! By Nyla smith
Baby on the side of the Road???
Apple sells 5M iPhone 5s, analysts disappointed by Fredy Medina
25th Anniversary of "Full House"
Bob Saget(Danny)-Host, "Americas Funniest Home Videos" and narrates, "How I Met Your Mother"
Candace Cameron Bure(DJ)-Plays Summer Van Horne on ABC Family's "Make It or Break It"
John Stamos(Jesse)-Played Dr. Tony Gates on "ER," and has starred in, "Glee"
Dave Coulier(Joey)-Produced "Can't Get Arrested" and hosted "Animal Kidding"
Lori Loughlin(Becky)-Taken the role of Debbie Wilson on "90210."

Full House used to be my favorite show when I was little, it's so weird to look back and realize how much has changed. But it will always be my favorite!!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Titanic 2 by jonathan landeros
A mining billionaire named Clive Palmer commissioned a Chinese state-owned company to build a modern replica of the Titanic. The plan is to get it started by the end of next year and finished by 2016. Also, the idea is to have it as similar and luxurious as possible, but of course with modern technology such as navigation and safety systems. It will be designed to not sink, but do to superstitous people we never known what will happen. The ship is scheduled to sail from London to new York late 2016.
I think that people don't know what to make anymore for show but I guess it would be cool to have a Titanic 2 especially because it will be modern in technology.
Teens who drive dangerously learn from mom and dad
Teens who engage in distracted and dangerous driving most likely learned their bad driving skills from their parents, according to a study released this week. Nine out of 10 said they talked on their cell phone while driving and 94 percent admitted to speeding. A majority of teens said their parents practiced 'do as I say, not as I do' rules when it came to driving. Meanwhile, when kids notice their parents driving poorly, they never say anything. Only 21 percent of teens in the study said they would ask their parents to stop driving while under the influence of alcohol.
College Course Description Lumps Homosexuality with Rape, Murder, etc. Taiina Ayala
Definition of deviant: departing from the norm. That's not where the problem lies. The word deviant has no negative connotation to me. The problem lies where homosexuality is being studied in the same course that studies all bad things- assuming the University thinks homosexuality is bad or wrong. Which isn't too shocking, considering the school is a Catholic school that is traditionally conservative. But Gregory Gronbacher brough up a good point. "What if you're a gay student at Franciscan University? How are you going to feel if you're sitting in that class and they're putting you in the same category as murderers?" he asks. He has a point. Although the school is a conservative Catholic school, that doesn't mean there are no gay people there. If there are, and they happen to be taking that class, I could imagine how they would feel offended or uncomfortable. It's all a matter of opinion. The matter of homosexuality and gay marriage is one that is very controverisial and important to our nation's history.
Wealthy Couple Off to Prision
Bill Clinton On 47% by Clara McLain

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Arctic ice shrinks to all-time low; half 1980 size
According to this the arctic ice has shrunk at an all time high. "The ice cap at the North Pole measured 1.32 million square miles on Sunday. That's 18 percent smaller than the previous record of 1.61 million square miles set in 2007, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo. Records go back to 1979 based on satellite tracking." Now you may ask what is causing. obviously global warming. What can we do to stop it from melting? Well first we need to think about the actual habitat and global warming is not only just melting the ice but also is melting away homes for animals. Society nedds to learn how to start riding bicycles or walking and also taking the train or riding the bus because cars are one of the major factors on global warming. The other facter is factories. Of course we can't stop all factories from manufactoring their goods and what not but car pulling or using transportation the causes less pollution.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
$7 Million In Gold Found In Deceased Man's Home - by Paolo Buccino
Anti-Muslim Trailer by Clara McLain
Netanyahu urges U.S. to set 'red line' for Iran Fredy Medina
Poor response on Romneys part - Jordan Davis
Released polls show that people following the story in Libya approved more of President Obamas released statement than Romneys. The presidential nominee actually released his statement about the attack before it was announced that the American ambassador was killed. Many disapproved of the way Romney immediately centered the the sensitive subject around politics, aiming to strike a blow at Obama administration for their reaction to the event, under the claim that it wasn't harsh enough. He accuses the Obama administration of sympathizing with the enemy responsible for the American Ambassadors death. Many people weren't pleased with the way Romney decided to handle the situation. The Obama administration gained a slight edge in polls for their favorable reaction to the death of J. Christopher Steven, American ambassador to Libya.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Chicago Teachers on Strike
Lately, hearing about all the problems in DISD I don't really think about the other school districts that could be having the same or even worse problems. Chicago seems to be having almost the same issues; no pay increase, poor evaluations. The Chicago teachers are pretty brave for doing this even if it doesn't impact anything on paper. Those teachers still spoke up about their problems hoping to change someone's mind and took the consequences(no pay while they were out of work)
Peoples views on Police Officers....
No matter what you have done... They will still protect you if they can.
Police officer pay starts at around $45,000 a year for a Rookie. Thats not a lot of money at all. You can't be a police officer for the pay. You have to do it because its a passion. A passion to make a difference. Yeah, okay they arrested your brother... But think about what he did... If he killed someone, then he gets arrested. If it was the other way around and your brother was murdered, wouldnt you want justice? Nobody in the United States of America is above the law. Justice applies for all! Maybe you think smoking marijuana isn't bad. Thats your opinion. Smoking marijuana has led to testicular cancer in men and of course, arrest. While some may enjoy it, its still against the law.
Nobody has said it better than Paul Harvey...
The Strong Surviving Panda by Omar Rivera
I have always thought pandas we one of the most precious and astonishing animals there's ever been. We are very lucky to have an endangered specie in our nation. I hope our zoologist keep treating Mei Xiang and Tai Shan in good hands.
Sex abuse involved in The Boy Scouts Of America: Ashley Ragsdale
Jewish Service.. with texting?? Amanda Garcia
"What is one thing you wish you had done differently this past year?"
"Text the names of ailing loved ones who needed prayer"
Apparently the children and adults really enjoyed it. I personally think that this is a great idea, and that they should expose this to other church's and religions. It would really help some shyer people to contribute to the service.
#1 Killer on U.S Hispanics AKA Cancer! By Rylie Walker
Cancer is the #1 killer in America. It kills lives every second of every day. Cancer has became the leading cause of death among Hispanics in the United States.
Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic group in the United States. About 110,000 people of Hispanic ethnicity will be diagnosed with cancer and about 30,000 will die of cancer in 2012. One in 10 Hispanics are age 55 or over, compared to one in 3 non-Hispanics. You should always wear sunscreen and keep out of direct sunlight. Cancer is a very serious thing in this world and people should take it more serious. Not just Hispanics get cancer though, Whites And African-Americans, Heart disease remains the leading cause of death so Stay Safe and Always keep clear about what can just scream the name CANCER!
"Anti-Islam video does not represent Coptic community" by Carter Brown
Mars Curiosity Rover to Drive in Search for Life
For five weeks, the NASA Curiosity Rover has been sitting in the Gale Crater on Mars, sending high-definition pictures of the surface of Mars and patiently awaiting software installs that would allow the vehicle to begin to traverse the foreign terrain.
The mission has so far had no glitches, as the small vehicle sends and receives messages from Earth intended to direct its next maneuvers. These include collecting and analyzing soil samples, in search of microbial life forms that might prove the past existence of life on the Red Planet.
It seems like science fiction. Yet NASA scientists have launched and deployed a scientific laboratory on wheels, farther from Earth than ever before, and the mission shows signs of continued promise. When skeptics question the value of NASA, there is no better answer than to look to Curiosity, and see how much we stand to learn not only about life forms in our solar system, but about the potential of the scientific community in mapping our future.
Fake Bill from WALLY WORLD! WOAH!
Financing 9/11 by Jonathan landeros
I think that this project is a great idea because it will keep generations knowing what happened on that day and to remind us that we need to be alert at all times.
Don't mess with Muhammad!
Omp (oh my prophet)! Who would've thought that a short film could have caused so much ruckus. Never mess with a prophet! Islams area extremely upset about a video that an American made about their prophet Muhammad. The film was portraying Muhammad as a womanizer, liar, and a child molester. Obviously, Islams didnt like that too much. I feel the making of the short film was a tad bit risky too do. I dont understand why we as Americans continue to mess with Afghanistan and Pakistan when it is very clear it will never be peace between us. We should just leave them alone before we have another tragic 9/11 incident!
U.S. Ambassador Killed in Libya- Political Debate- Taiina Ayala
Things like this really disturb me. There are just so many things wrong with this whole situation in my eyes. I know there is a lot of hatred in the world, but it's not every day that I hear about it, so when I do, I'm somewhat shocked. I'm ashamed that there are people like Sam Bacile in our very own country. I understand that everyone has the right to their own opinion but there's a line. You shouldn't just blatanly offend someone else's religious beliefs. Religion has, and always will be a touchy subject in this world. I don't understand why people can't just agree to disagree. How is Islam affecting Mr. Bacile's every day life to the point where he had to make this ignorant video? I am offended and I'm not even Muslim! It's just outrageous that ny of this had to happen. This is the kind of stuff that starts wars. And Mitt Romney is mad that Obama isn't "promising justice." I mean, Obama is a smart man, what is he going to do, start a whole war because of this one small group of violent protestors in Libya? It wasn't the whole country's fault, just like the making of the "Anti-Islam" film isn't all of America's fault. I don't want to offend anyone's political beliefs, as am I not the most educated person on this subject, but I do strongly believe in Ben LaBolt's comment about Mitt Romney's statement. This is not a time for a political attack. It's a time for all of us to sit back and think, and to honor the lives that were lost. This is all such a shame.
The President and Faith by Bailey Hilliard
In this article, Eric Marrapodi writes about Barack Obama's campaign. In the video, Obama explains that his faith is very important in his decision-making process. "People of Faith for Obama" was revealed on Monday. This was meant to help push people into voting for Barack Obama. The president tells us that his Christian faith has guided him through his presidency and in his life. Obama also mentioned the issue of religious liberty. This article explains that religious liberty is a highly sensitive political issue after the administration was criticized by religious leaders over a mandate on insurance companies covering the cost of birth control methods in certain situations, and some people felt that this was a violation of their beliefs.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thousands Attend Rally for Chicago Teachers as Union Nears Contract-Natalie Newman
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Battleground polls: Is Romney's path to the White House now more difficult
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
New drivers license and ID law by jonathan landeros
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Parents voice frustration as they deal with fallout of Chicago teachers' strike
-Paolo Buccino
about D.J.
source:MY BRAIN O.o
Salton Sea The Culprit Of SoCal Stink
Monday, September 10, 2012
Latin American Drug Cartels, Grace Young
Mexican Minor Migration- SAD. by Taiina Ayala
To me, it is just absolutely sad that this has to happen. Although I'm not the most educated person on the subject of illegal immigration, I do believe that minors who are caught trying to cross the border should simply be let in. There's a difference between a murderer entering our nation, and people who are desperate for a good future; people who need and WANT an education, people who need jobs and need to support themselves. These are the people I want in our nation. Hardworkers, go- getters, and perserverers- some words that can't even be used to describe many Americans! We take it all for granted. Stories like these help me to remember to appreciate what I have, and to take advantage of the opportunities I have to live in America. The thought of people smuggling their small children into our nation atop of freight trains and buses absolutley frightens me. These are people who are seeking refuge, and we are simply denying them it. Maybe I'm weird, but I definitely think something needs to change. Do you think the parents of these children WANT to send them alone to somehow make their way across the border? I'm sure hundreds of hearts a day are ripping apart as parents say their goobyes- probably their last- to their children, sending them off to a hopeful, better life. The fact is, they don't always make it across successfully. Attempting to illegally cross the border, of course, is always a BIG RISK. I can't even begin to try to understand the terror in these kids' souls! They're so young, they don't even fully understand what's going on. They're saying bye to their families, going through harsh weather conditions, crossing big rivers, being caught, being detained, and standing in front of a judge all so fast! These poor children. :(( SAD DAY. If we could just make some kind of laws or SOMETHING so that these things do not have to happen! GET IT TOGETHER GOVERNMENT.
This Be Taiina, Yo!
Boy with Down Syndrome is denied a first class flight
I honestly think the airline is rude for doing this. The video showed the boy waiting around for the flight, he did not show disruptive behavior towards anyone near by. Since he wasn't bothering anyone around him, does the airline discriminate him because of his disability? I think they do, and it was really emphasized when the family was bumped down to coach and put all the way in the back of the plane to avoid "bothering" other people. If their son was instead a crying baby, I'm positive nothing would have been said to them about their "disruptive" child.
Nicki Minaj is a Republican? by Bailey Hilliard
Nicki Minaj is a Republican? In a new song from Lil Wayne's "Dedication 4" mixtape, she rapped "I'm a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy b*****s is f*****g up the economy." Obama doubted the seriousness of the rap, but Nicki Minaj still stirred things up. Nicki Minaj later tweeted to Barack Obama, saying "Ha! Thank you for understanding my creative humor & sarcasm Mr. President, the smart ones always do... *sends love & support* @BarackObama"
Barack Obama did not think that Nicki Minaj's rap was serious because "she likes to play different characters." Barack Obama said he didn't think so when asked if his daughters, Sasha and Malia, listen to Nicki Minaj and he admits that his children are "hipper" than himself.
Guantanamo Detainee Found Dead in Cell- Dempsey Payne
Guantanamo Detainee Found Dead in Cell
An unidentified Guantanamo Bay detainee was found dead in a cell over the weekend. The detainee -along with others- had been participating in a hunger strike since earlier this year. The captive was not a high profile target and was not currently being tried by the military commissions. With the death there are now only 167 detainees at the camp, a stark difference to the 779 at its peak.
It still surprises me that Guantanamo is around and able to carry out some of its constitutionally maligned tactics under the pretense of Terrorism. When you start side-stepping the rights of the people the line gets more and more transparent. The fact that we cannot decide on a specific definition for terrorism is akin to the constitution not having a bill of rights. The general public does not know what really goes on in Guantanamo, or how truthful the stories they push out are, but I believe we should be a lot more suspicious.
Taliban threatens to kill Prince Harry by Carter Brown
Uhhh, no.
"Michelle Obama's National Convention speech " talk about
Michelle Obama also talked about how for Barack success is not about how much money you make, its about how much of a difference you make in people's life. Stating that the hopes and dreams of the nation and the youth of the nation, and struggles drive President Barack Obama. Stating that every deserves a chance at living the great american dream.
BP Selling Oil Fields in Gulf of Mexico Ahead of Deepwater Horizon Fines
Brandon Hicks aka MR. I LOOK GOOD
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Jorge Olvera
Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”
Paul Ryan is asked, "What do you think about the legalization of marijuana?" He simply replies with the best answer. "Let the people decide this November." Other people like Mitt Romney disagree. He says that it is a gate way drug and causes a lot of contraband between the U.S and other nations.
I completely disagree with Mr. Romney. Alcohol used to be considered a drug and illeagal in 1920 through 1933. They're has been more reports made on people who were under the influence of alcohol than marijuana. Any arrest of citizens that involved marijuana are positions and distributing. If we legalize it than a majority of the problems will stop. Than by passing this law their will be rules! Which means under aged individuals will have a harder time getting it. Over, all WE THE PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE THE FINALE SAY!
World Suicide Prevention By Carlos Walcott
Prosecutor in O.J. Simpson Trial Accuses Johnnie Cochran of Tampering with Evidence by Nyla smith
Dispute Over Costs Delays Opening of 9/11 Museum- Natalie Newman
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Governor Andrew Cuomo are unable to agree on a number of things; unfortunately these things are preventing the 9/11 museum to be opened for the 11th anniversary of the fall of the twin towers. All negotiations dealing with which government agencies will be responsible to pay the costs of the making of the museum have been nothing but failures. The big debate is whether the September 11th foundation is responsible for the payment dues or the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is responsible. The foundation, which is also in charge of the National September 11th Memorial and Museum, is led by Mr.Bloomberg. Wheras, the Port Authority owns the World Trade Center site; which is led by Mr.Cuomo. Much needs to be resolved in order for the museum to be opened and ready to go. For the families out there that lost someone in the attack, they are all waiting anxiously to be able to walk through the event once more in which changed their lives. In The New York Times Article, Ira M. Millstien had something to say about this ongoing debate between Governor and Mayor; “It would be catastrophically sad if they can’t find a solution... They really ought to sit down in a room and look at each other. It can’t be solved with e-mails.”
By: Natalie Newman
President Obama at the DNC ----Ashley Ragsdale ^_^
Dyamand Dillard post #1
LaTerria Whitfield <3
Yeah, I know I'm super late with this but... HELLO^__^ I'm LaTerria. I'm in the theater cluster focusing on costume design and a little bit of acting. I'm 16, and I loooovvvveeee to eat like just about any other 16 year old does. I like taking pictures, shopping, hanging out with my friends and just having a good time. If you ever see me in the hallway dont be afraid to say hi! I promise I dont bite^.^

The Death Sentence
Al-Hashimi was sentenced to death Sunday September 9th, today, for the involvement in the killing of a lawyer. He was an Iraq fugitive who was also charged for a bunch of other things, but the murder is the reason he was hung. There are many people saying that the charges are untrue and there were false accusations, but enough evidence was collected in order to "fairly" prosecute him. I believe there should have been more evidence collected that would actually prove his involvement. As of now, it is all a bunch of 'hey say, she say'. One thing that is for sure he was most certainly put to death for it. For the nations sake I for one really hope thats more evidence is collected that fot sure proved his involvement because if not this could all turn into another disagreement between the united states and Iraq. This could get ugly.

Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Impact of Social Medias by Amanda Garcia
My opinion on this event is that we can't abuse the benefits of all the social media we have. Sometimes we post too much, that it may be hurtful, in this case the post enraged Smith to go overboard. Smith showed poor judgement by trying to get back to Shell. Especially since it interfered with safe air travel. Of course, the use of social media in this case was just a tool in several misjudgments.
By: Amanda Garcia
My thoughts on Obamas DNC Speec
I think the President started off on a great foot by making it personal thanking his family and THEN thanking his VP and THEN accepting his nomination for president of the united states. I really enjoyed how he began to talk about his first time at the convention and then saying "when all is said and done, you will be making the easiest decision." I loved how he said everyone will get a fair shot and that everyone will play by the same rules. Then he began to speak about families rising and money not... Which was a very big problem everywhere. I ESPECIALLY AGREE with him saying that firing teachers, taking away financial aid will not make it better for more people just to make those suffer. After everything we have been through rolling back regulations at wall street will not work! Like he said We ARE MOVING FORWARD! Not every problem can be remedied by the government or a dictate from Washington.... BUT Our problems can be solved! Be completing real achievable plans! This entire speech is one of the best I have ever heard. I am actually paying close attention to what he is saying. I love him as president and I believe he should/MUST serve a second term to help us accomplish these REAL goals! He believes he can help everyone is some way and I back him up 100% because I believe him! I believe in Obama for a second term as president of the United States of America.
"Thank you, and may god bless you, and may god bless the United States of America." - Barack Obama