According to therapists, therapy take time. People tend to approach the process as a relief rather than understanding the hard work ahead of them. Most prefer to take medication to ease the pain rather than work through the unresolved problems, and focusing on the speed can actually elongate the process. The two types of therapy are CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and Freudian therapy. As CBT focuses on immediate problem solving, Freudian Therapy focuses on traumatic issues resulting in longer processing. In this case, it is crucial for therapists to establish a foundation of trust before diving into past trauma. If patients are intoxicated or suicidal then they are not ready for on-one-one therapy yet, and in these extreme case group therapy can be the best fit.
This relates to history because so many individuals nowadays are suffering from mental disorders and abuse or traumatic experiences as this has become more accepted into our society. Especially after the Mental Disorders Act, so it is important for therapists to understand the different ways to deal with their patients.
Emma Burkey: I think that it is very important that people understand the long process of therapy. Just because someone says they're going to therapy doesn't mean it will change their mood immediately.
ReplyDeleteTherapy is a process it helped people heal which is also a process