Monday, May 20, 2019

Cathy Huynh - Alabama Aims Squarely at Roe, but the Supreme Court May Prefer Glancing Blows

Summary: Abortion rights are at risks at the Supreme Court, but short-term threat might not come from extreme measures passed by Alabama lawmakers. The court is more likely to chip away at the constitutional right to abortion in Roe V. Wade then to overturn it outright. Lower courts will almost certainly strike down the Alabama statute and other direct bans on abortion. 


Analysis: This article was posted by Adam Liptak on May 15, 5 days ago, it is safe to say this is trustworthy. I can synthesize this article to Roe V. Wade, because it references it. This article was written to supporters of pro-choice. This article was written, because Alabama recently ruled these extreme laws against abortion. This article is important, because this will be chipping away from a major court case.

1 comment:

  1. I hope people can understand the women out there who have to go through this.
