Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Abortions Becoming Illegal - Marianita Montalvo

Recently I'm pretty sure everybody has seen how abortions have became illegal in the state of Alabama. This has caused so much counter argument with a lot of people whether they think, it is right or not to make abortions illegal or not. in my personal opinion i don't  think a group of male representatives should be making the decision of what a women should be able to do with her body. its getting worse by the minute because in my opinion other states are building off of this decision made with other things such as making birth control illegal, saying that during sexual intercourse once you give consent you cannot withdrawal your consent. these laws were made back when the Roe v Wade supreme court decision was being made and other revolutionary women movements during the time. To me this seems like a clear example that we as people are backtracking, its 2019 and every year is suppose to be about growth and this isn't growth. This also sounds like related event that happened before in our history when the united states has had prohibition, when alcohol was illegal and not to much later they made an amendment to bring it back. Most likely because it beneficial for them, the men,but abortions are not they are just "unnatural' and "gods choice."

source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/18/us/abortion-laws-states/index.html


  1. I think one of the biggest things here is the lack of separation between church and state. People say there is one, but this makes it pretty clear that there's not. The idea should be "It's against my religion so I can't do it" not "It's against my religion so YOU can't do that".

    1. I agree, if something violates your religious beliefs just refuse to do it, dont take away everyone's right to choose.

  2. This is just insane! -kloe rhoden

    1. I agree with you it is insane what men will do to restrict bodily autonomy

  3. The man should never tell a woman what to do with her body. A man could have an input and help make a decision but at the end of the day it’s her choice

  4. I agree, and in the end, if women have all these restrictions imposed upon them, then men should have restrictions placed on them too.

  5. At the end of the day, a man can get 100 women pregnant while a woman can only get pregnant once every 9 months even if she has sex with a 100 men, wo why aren't there restrictions on men.
