Monday, May 20, 2019

Alabama Abortion Law- Perla Diaz

Alabama Senate Passes the Nation's Strictest Abortion Ban

Alabama's Senate passed the strictest abortion law in the U.S., where the procedure is banned in all stages of pregnancy and makes no exceptions for rape or incest. The law is unconstitutional and directly opposes Roe v. Wade. Although this is true, many politicians pushed the bill so it would bring the topic of abortion back to the attention of the Supreme Court, trying to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision. The bill also criminalizes abortion so that any doctor who performs an abortion can be charged with up to 99 years in jail.

This is absolutely insane to me because in today's day and age we should not still be trying to oppress women and control what we are allowed to do with our bodies. Roe v. Wade was established for a reason, it was a sign of progress, a win for civil rights and now the possibility of it being overturned has become a reality that honestly scares me. Abortion should be something that a woman can choose to have if they feel they are unfit to birth an entire human being. Women can often times face consequences due to being pregnant and to force them to have to deal with those repercussions despite having the resources to aid them is inhumane. Not to mention this bills lack of exception for victims of rape or incest is disgusting; no woman or girl should be forced to carry the child of a predator and have to live with a constant reminder of their trauma. A woman should not have to live with the consequences that are caused by predatory men and face up to 99 years in prison for trying to solve it which is more than most rapist are given as their sentence.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Men should not be able to but strict limitations on how a women should care for her body.

    1. I agree it is not a mans job to tell a woman what to do with her body

  3. Every man has to be pro choice. They don't have to carry the burden women do.

    1. If men want to force a woman to carry a baby to term they should be forced to pay the child support
