Monday, May 6, 2019

Sophie Knox- Teacher hits 5 year d student


Summary: In Kansas, a second year teacher was seen kicking a 5 year old student from a surveillance camera in the library. She was later identified as Crystal Smith who worked in the Shawnee Mission School District. In the video, you can see the little girl in a bookshelf. The , Smith forcefully pushes the girl out and kicks her behind the book shelf where others cannot see. The surveillance camera footage was only detained after the mother complained about the incident after her daughter told her her teacher hit her. She was fired immediately after the administration became aware of her actions.

Analysis: This article is not really biased. It primarily tells the mothers side of the story, but the video they show clearly shows that the teacher was just horrible. I’m really glad Ms.Smith was fired immediately. She’s a teacher- she should actually care about children. I understand kids are annoying sometimes, but she needs to act like a proper adult. I can relate this to US history because methods like this were once allowed. Teachers were allowed to hit students for misbehaving but now their are more law that protect children

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