Monday, May 6, 2019

Faith Stevens - Second Largest Colony of Emporer Penguins Dissapears

Antarctica's Halley Bay of emperor penguins (the second largest in the world) has disappeared.

This colony normally breeds 14,300-23,000 pairs a year has had a 'breeding catastrophe', with failing population inclines in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Scientist believe it is due to the changing ice conditions, which is a result of climate change.

Satellite images picked up that less that 2% were at the breeding site this year, with the rest at the edge of the sea ice, a place emperor penguins do not usually breed or feed their young. Not only is the colony disappearing alarming, but also because the area of Halley-Bay was thought to be protected from the effects of climate change.

While it is possible the Halley-Bay area pairs moved to the Dawson-Lambton Glacier colony (whos population shot up from 1,280 pairs in 2015 to 14,612 in 2018), that the changes that affected Halley-Bay could affect Dawson-Lambton as well.

Over the next few decades, as Antarctica warms, emperor penguins will become more threatened (even though they are already on the near-threatened list) and could possibly move to the endangered species list.

Ok, so the penguins are disappearing. What did this? Climate Change.

Climate change melting the ice, destroying animal species. Can you imagine living in a world without penguins?

Climate Change is a slow, silent killer- and it can be prevented, though big company's would rather get their money and destroy the earth a little faster.

This is the earths second largest colony-decreasing so rapidly, penguins moving to a different colony...other not laying eggs? Its awful.

It has been 179 years since the industrial revolution ended, and we haven't changed a bit.
If you were to stretch the time of the earth, and put it on a football field, humans would be the span of a single blade of grass, at the very end of the field. That's how fast we have destroyed the earth, and that's how soon we will ruin it for everyone who lives on it. Including the animals we share it with. Prevent climate change, save the earth we live on-before it's too late.

1 comment:

  1. That's depressing. There has to be a solution to stop the penguin population from decreasing.
