Monday, May 13, 2019

Haley Bogdon - Appalachian Trail Killer Caught

This article is about James Jordan, a 30 year old man who was arrested Saturday morning for murdering one person and assaulting another on the Appalachian Trail in Tennessee.  It was said that on Friday, Jordan had approached hikers and seemed unstable and disturbed.  He was singing and playing the guitar and then started randomly making noises and threatening people.  He threatened to use gasoline to burn tents and told the campers that he would "burn them to death."  Jordan then returned Saturday and stabbed a victim and started chasing another victim on the trail.  The second person ran until she was tired and then put her arms in the air to surrender.  Jordan then began stabbing her.  She then fell to the ground and acted like she was dead.  When the police found Jordan, he had blood on his clothing and they were able to arrest him.

This article is informative and reminds people to always be on the lookout when you are running or are somewhere on a secluded trail.  There have been many instances where people are attacked while running and are not paying attention or have headphones in so they can't hear what is going on around them.  It is important to be aware of your surroundings and if someone seems like they maybe be unstable or could harm you, you should immediately try to get away and report it.

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