Monday, May 13, 2019

Cathy Huynh - Apollo rocks showed how the moon was made and now they're about to solve more mysteries

Summary: Neil Armstrong needed to pick up as many rocks as he could carry and as interesting he could find. The material he collected would constitute humanity's 1st samples taken from another world. For 50 years, research on these rocks has transformed out understanding of the moon, revealing how it was born and reasons for its composition. Now, NASA has decided to release 3 new samples for analysis, samples that no scientist has touched. With Apollo 11's 50th anniversary this year plus renewed interest in the moon ahead of an announced return mission, the right time is now. The moon materials were extraordinarily ancient. Although they contained many of the same chemicals as Earth rocks, they were surprisingly poor in "volatiles". Studying material from the moon up close hasn't completely explained its history. NASA hopes that the 3 newly available samples will answer these questions.

Source: Apollo rocks showed how the moon was made, and now they're about to solve more mysteries

Analysis: This article was produced by Sarah Kaplan on May 12, so this article is very up-to-date. The moon landing was very famous, but I didn't know there was going to be a return trip to the moon. I can connect this article to the arms race between the U.S. and the USSR during the Cold War, NASA was created in this arms race and launched the 1st man on the moon. This article was written for those who love astronomy and the world beyond Earth. This article was written, because these new samples are now being revealed after so many years. This article is important, because these 3 are half of all lunar material the space agency has in reserve.


  1. I think it is good that we are making scientific advancements

  2. I hope they make new discoveries! -Alma Alvarado
