There have been 4 states to pass the heartbeat bill, but only Alabama's has directly challenged Roe vs. Wade. Alabama's bill would ban most abortions and if doctors successfully do the procedure then they can face up to 99 years in prison and if they fail then up to 10 years. Exceptions for rape, incest, and serious threats are still not counted as exceptions. Georgia passed the "fetal heartbeat bill" which states that if you are pregnant for more than 6 weeks then you cannot get an abortion. 6 weeks is when the baby has a heartbeat; therefore, it is alive. Kentucky passed a heartbeat bill but it was blocked hours later. Then a couple of days later, Mississippi passed one as well but is expected to be challenged later this month. And now Ohio, made a law in April and is expected to go into effect in July. In New York and Virginia, they have laws that permit abortion 24 weeks into pregnancy.
Analysis :
The is very scary to me. I cannot believe that rights of mine are getting taken away from me and I cannot really do anything about it. People keep on saying that it will go to Supreme Court but the judges on the Supreme Court will most likely vote 5-4 on banning abortion. That is insane. When Roe vs Wade was passed, it granted women a new right that could change their lives: however, now we could only get 6 weeks to make life altering decision. The reasoning behind getting an abortion should not make it more or less valid to have one because in the end it should be what women are comfortable with there body. I guess the real question is, is it a women's right to our own body more important than an unborn baby?
The government should not be able to force a woman to have a child if she doesn't want it or if she knows the child will have a bad life. Is it better for two people to suffer for the sake of someone else's beliefs?
ReplyDeleteThis is disgraceful. I cannot believe people think it is right to take away women’s rights to their own bodies. Some women do not feel they will make good mothers or are not in the right position to care for a child so decide it is best to have an abortion. This is their right, and we should not be told what we can and can’t do when it pertains to our own bodies. Lily Philips