Thursday, May 16, 2019

Racist Promposal Sign - Sydney Ewing

Two students at a Southern California high school posted a photo of them holding up a racist promposal sign on Instagram and Twitter. The sign read: "you are racist but I would give aNythInG for you to Go with mE to pRom."
The principle stated that there will be “severe consequences” and he described the word as "a slang term for African-Americans." The Palos Verdes Police Department said that they would have an increased presence at area school "due to recent social media postings."

It's kind of shameful how much the unjust culture of the past has continued to carry on into the present. It's senseless and unnecessary events like these that completely undermine the messages of the civil rights movement and the notion that “all men are created equal.” Something as trivial as a promposal sign being a symbol of racism really shows how deeply rooted this mindset is. Disgusting.


  1. The fact that someone would do this in public or even think to do this at all is disgusting. This is supposed to be the 21st century and yet there is still racism and stupidity when they could've kept this whole ordeal to themselves.

  2. There is absolutely no reason for a promposal sign to be racist. It is obvious that this was used as a way of ridicule and was a joke to them. Horrible.
