Recently, Alabama has been postponing the consideration to pass a law that could be one of the most restrictive abortion ban in the country, even getting rid of possibilities of rape and incest. This bill could go against the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, and eventually change the decision of Roe v. Wade as law makers hope. Many are against this thought, saying that it isn't fair and that many are trying to jump into making this decision way too fast. Many are saying that the bill would be outrageous, making it a criminal offense to have an abortion, even if you were raped. The state of Alabama is among many other states looking to pass abortion laws like these.
This article was written on May 10, 2019 at 4:17 AM by Laurel Wamsley. The reason this article is important because many states are passing laws on abortion that completely undermine the way women feel, mentally and physically. These laws don't only affect women who made bad decisions, but women who have been raped, sexually harassed, and who are in grave danger of giving birth. To assume that all women who are getting abortions are just women who have gotten pregnant because of a mistake, is an unreal expectation that is ignorant. We can relate this to Roe v Wade, the original court case that was supposed to end the debate on abortions. This court case was a landmark case in history, because it legalized abortion. We can relate this to the bill that is being passed because it also decided the legality of abortion.
This bill has now been passed. I am literally about to start crying. Women shouldn't be forced to carry a child if they don't want to. This is not ok.