Monday, May 13, 2019

Ariana Oliver- Police Officer Asserts Unecessary Force

A Florida police officer at the scene violently responded to a teen who was trying to give him a phone of the arrestee with violent force, while some are arguing he took an aggressive stance and clenched his fists, it was completely unnecessary for the police to smash his head repeatedly into the ground. According to CNN even the mayor of Broward County stated, ‘“The behavior of these Broward Sheriff's Office deputies was outrageous and unacceptable." "There is no excuse for a law enforcement officer to harm a teenager who was on the ground and who gave no resistance."’ (CNN's Artemis Moshtaghian).
While people say we have been seeing more police brutality, I still strongly believe that it is still important for society to still pay close attention. I believe even in this situation it is important to closely watch the videos of the incident and interpret it for themselves. Perspective is a focus all should take when interpreting a controversial video or idea. A 15 year old teen did not propose serious dangers to the officers, and he was clearly unarmed. The main purpose which we as an audience can gain is that we should truly not judge a situation at first glance, and most importantly to recognize that immortality is still present especially in regard to police brutality, but do not think of police brutality as an excuse to unnecessarily harass officers or others.
Throughout society's existence, we have seen how one person's mistake can take the world by storm, completely revolutionizing any aspect which could be seen as a focal issue.

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