Sunday, May 14, 2017

Seanelle Higgins: WannaCry CyberAttacks

Summary: Recently global officials have been scrambling to "catch" the cyber hackers who are attacking computer systems globally. These hackers are calling this ransomware WannaCry, and are demanding hundreds of dollars in exchange for regained control over the person's computer. They also threaten to release personal information that will convince the victim to pay their ransom. More than 200,000 computers were shut down in 150 countries. Most victims were able to recover their information with their computer back-ups, but some were not so lucky. The CIA director sees this as a wake-up call, and wants to stress that government security vunerability can lead to more attacks like this in the future.

Analysis: I think that this is a very sad situation and I sincerely hope the media attention has warded the hackers off from doing this anymore. This is a very scary thing that can ruin a lot of lives and threatens the security that you would expect at home on your personal computers. I hope that the government uses this wake-up call to further budgeting for our cyber security. I believe that officials will if they truly care about the safety of our privacy and home security. 

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