Monday, May 8, 2017

Rachel Bozalis - possibility of troop increase in Afghanistan

Proposals for increased american presence in afghanistan have reached Trump this week, though no news has been made of his decision. The increase could range from 1,500 to 5,000 soldiers who would accelerate training missions for afghan forces as well as fight the Taliban. The national security advisor supports moving more troops into the area. It is unclear whether or not trump will agree to the proposal or not.

The war on terrorism is very closely related to the war on communism. In afghanistan, the armed conflict was against terrorism and involved american troops even though it did not directly affect america, just as the vietnam war was in an effort to contain communism, even though it did not affect america. As long as the increase does not lead to another full commitment of American troops, I am indifferent to this increase of activity overseas.


  1. This is definitely going to lead to an unwanted conflict!

  2. It's hard to believe this would ever lead to a victory, whether it be from conflict or from peace.
    -Anna Czyzewski

  3. This seems like a cause America is fighting for that has already been lost. Hopefully it doesn't come to more unnecessary deaths.

  4. I agree with your synthesis. Hopefully this does not have to draw out much longer.
