Saturday, May 13, 2017

Kennedy Waterman - This software-school startup doesn't make students pay -- until they score a job

App Academy, an intensive 12-week software engineering bootcamp, is using a new form of tuition called the "deferred tuition" model. Basically, the students don't pay for the program up front, but rather with 22 percent of their income the first year they graduate the program. This is a big risk because if a student doesn't get a job after the program, the school doesn't get any money. However, 98 percent of the students secure a job at the end of a year. Nonetheless, deferred tuition is very controversial. To some, it greatly reduces student debt. But to others, it's too risky and a bit like indentured servitude.

The article was published May 11th, so it's recent. Before reading it, I hadn't heard of deferred tuition, but I honestly like the idea. I think certain aspects of it need to be changed to ensure that it stays safe and actually benefits the student, but it seems like a good idea. The purpose of college is to educate you, but more importantly, get you a job. Deferred tuition seems to ensure that the program is held responsible for a student's success. If any college is as good as it says it is, then it should feel confident in the monetary successes of its students, and deferred tuition shouldn't be a problem. Of course, there are certain colleges and programs this wouldn't work in. The fine arts and sports, for instance, are far too competitive to ensure that every graduate would get a steady job. This relates to indentured servitude. The participants would come over to America free of charge and then pay for their expenses through their work.

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