This article was about a father, Justin Ross Harris, who was sentenced to life in prison with no parole for the murder of his son in 2014. His son was in a backward facing car seat in the backseat of his car where,, left him. Because of the heat and lack of air his son died. Not only did this man leave his son to die he also was involved with a lot of sexual things online and through text. His ex-wife says that while they were married he was doing the things, and the worst part is that some of the people that he interacts with are minors which make his situation a lot worse. This article was written by Mayra Cuevas, CNN staff, on December 5, 2016. There was no bais and the informations was clearly stated. This article has a positive influence on the audience because it creates an emotional response from many people. Before reading this article I had heard about lots of dogs getting locked in cars but I don't think I've heard of kids. It's sad that he would forget or purposefully forget his kid in the car. This article relates to any bother occurance of someone leaving their pet or kid in the car.
It's shocking that a man who is known to be involved in these certain activities is allowed to car for a child. Publicity is what this needs, for word to spread so that situations like this can be avoided in the future.