Monday, May 12, 2014

Carsin Ablon, 1st Period APUSH - IEA: Decarbonising the economy will save $71 trillion by 2050

According to Dong Energy, by replacing carbon based fuel cells with renewable green energy sources, America could save 71 trillion US$ by 2050. Not only would America save money, but by acting fast and taking the position as the world's largest green powered country, America would gain a key role in the upcoming conversion to global green energy. The math comes down to the 44 trillion dollar cost of converting to green fuels which would be offset by the 115 predicted trillion dollars in revenue gained. As carbon fuel disappears faster and faster, the price will also grow dramatically. Economist Sophie Yeo states that America, already experiencing a major recession, will not be able to handle a spike in petroleum prices, thus saying America's transfer to green energy should be made sooner than later.

After reading Sophie Yeo's points, a can not help but agree with her thoughts on converting America's main energy resource to green renewable means. The remaining oil in the world should be preserved for it's unique qualities and useful plastic productions (when necessary). America, being dependent on middle eastern energy, would benefit greatly by turning the tables and being the new provider of renewable, nearly cost-less energy. By securing a role in the global emergence of the green market would also allow America to regain power in the global market.

To read more, see:

1 comment:

  1. Green Energy is clearly the most logical solution for the energy crisis. I hope that America and other countries will actually have the sense to invest the money necessary to implement such changes.
