Friday, May 16, 2014

Madison Ceurter 5th period: Seniors hang N-word banner at Georgia high school; school sends email apology

Senior students at South Forsyth High School in Georgia decided to hang up a banner for their senior prank.  It was a lyric from one of Drake's famous songs, "N---a We Made It."  They used this lyric to celebrate that they were graduating from high school.  The principal was very disappointed with these seniors and immediately sent an email to all of the parents.  He told the parents that the sign was taken down and the students will suffer serious consequences.  Parents were confused of why the seniors put up the banner because the school has a lot of diversity.  More then 70% of the student population at the school is white, more then 10% is hispanic, 12% is asian and less then 5% is black.  Surprisingly this wasn't their only senior prank, they put a slip and slide in one of the hallways and put a for sale sign on one of the teachers car.  Senior pranks these days have become too crazy.  Students want it to be good, but they are taking it too far and they aren't thinking of the consequences of their actions.


  1. Tyra Harris, 5th period

    Wow that school goes all out for senior pranks. Wasn't the slip 'n slide enough?

  2. I know senior pranks are know to be outrageous and all-out but this went a little to far and these student deserve whatever punishment they receive.

  3. Wow that's not even like a prank, that's just dumb and bold. Why do people do stuff like this.
