Sunday, May 5, 2019

u.k parliament declares climate emergency - willgoodell

     lawmakers in the u.k parliament have declared a national emergency regarding the climate and our environment, making it the first country in the world to do so according to the opposition labour party. this move follows multiple student protests at the capital regarding climate change and the failure to recognize it as a national emergency. student activist greta thunburg responded to the new bill with 'it is a great first step because it sends a clear signal that we are in a crisis and that ongoing climate and ecological crisis are a priority'. earlier this week, welsh and scottish governments declared a climate emergency as well, following the u.k.  i think this is a very crucial first step in recognizing the climate crisis that is plaguing our planet, and hopefully other countries follow suit. this is also similar to the book 'the silent spring' which led americans to first recognize climate issues in the 70s.

1 comment:

  1. This is so important! Our earth is dying, and I'm glad a government is actually doing something about it.
