Monday, May 13, 2019

Trump’s Tariffs- Gracie Zytynski                 

This article written by Jim Tankersley and Jeanna Smialek apart of the New York York Times discusses President Trump's outlined tariffs. Trump has stated that he has outlined to raise tariffs to about $300 billion worth of goods, including nearly every product China sends to the U.S. Additionally, Trump is still unsure if he will impose these tariffs; however, the process to pass these tariffs has begun. The list of taxed products spans 4,000 product categories, such as
Coffee makers, hair dryers, clothes, TV’s, etc. This connects to the Tariff of Abominations,
that was passed by Andrew Jackson in 1828. The Tariff of Abominations was designed
to protect industry in the north leaving the country angry.

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