Monday, May 6, 2019

Missile System Deal- Mia Murphy

      On April 4, Mike Pence, the vice-president of the US warned Turkey of a deal with Russian missiles. In order for Turkey to remain a part of NATO they would have to make the decision of saying no. The reason why this is such a big problem is because Turkey already has 2 advanced missiles- the F-35 and S-400. If they were to use these or do anything that would result in the Russians gaining access to the information about them it could help them learn how to defeat them. Pence had a gathering in Washington to discuss this matter, and said that if they don't side with them they won't be apart of the most successful military alliance program in history. This isn't the first time the US has had a problem with Turkey and its decisions. They have been suspended from the F-35 fighter jet program along with being pushed to buy American Patriot missiles instead. In my opinion I think that they should decline the offer to getting S-400 to ensure their place and safety to NATO.



  1. Issues like this always include challenging decisions and, while I worry that we won’t make the right decision, I trust that our leaders will choose the best option for our country. I hope they choose wisely. Oh god please.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. This is very interesting, I did not know we had a shaky relationship with Turkey.

  3. This sounds eerily similar to previous events in history... crazy.

  4. This is an interesting event taking place. I wonder what Turkey decides to do.
