Recently, the exceptionally conservative Supreme Court has overturned a precedent that makes it appear as if the famous, or infamous, depending upon your beliefs, Roe V. Wade decision, which protects a woman's right to an abortion, is under attack and could see a potential overturn. The Supreme Court, in what was a small and mostly irrelevant case, made one statement in particular that was concerting: "stare decisis does not compel continued adherence to this erroneous precedent," which, in more simpler terms, implies that the Supreme Court doesn't plan on upholding historical precedents. One particular precedent that many have come to realize could be turned is one of the most important and controversial: Roe V. Wade.
This would be so historically vast in importance that it could, over the long run, be more important than anything that has happened during the Trump administration's time in office. If this were to happen, Women's rights to abortion would suddenly cease to exist, and with the subject being so controversial, outrage would likely ensue. Such a decision could be quite nearly comparable to a modern day Dredd Scott decision (although perhaps not as awful as the horrors of the upholding of slavery.)
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