Tuesday, May 14, 2019

ERYN FAYSON- Tiffany Haddish,stability mark ABC's 2019-20 schedulue

Tiffany Haddish, stability mark ABC's 2019-20 schedule

ABC is trying to make sure they give the viewers what they want. They had a slow start in January but they have always had a long term success with shows such as Greys Anatomy and The Bachelor. They are trying to make sure they are not adding too many stories lines for the viewers. Tiffany Haddish is going to be able a newcomer to ABC's 2019-20 schedule.

Analysis: This article was interesting to me because you don't really know what happens in show networks. They have to make sure they have viewers watching and keep the ratings up. This article relates to history because many networks struggle at a certain point in its existence with making sure there is enough viewers and to keep people entertained.

1 comment:

  1. This is true. The average person doesn’t know what goes on “behind the scenes” of a tv network so finding out how things work would be interesting. It must be hard to try and balance the ratings with new shows and material. Lily Philips
