Saturday, May 4, 2019

ERYN FAYSON- Rachel Held Evans, popular Christian writer, dies at 37

Rachel Held Evans, popular Christian writer, dies at 37

Rachel Held Evans was a famous New York Times best selling author. She died Saturday morning at the age of 37. Her husband informed people about her medical conditions on her blog. She was dealing with constant seizures and was placed in a coma because of it. Later on that week her vitals changed and the doctors found swelling on the brain and had to take emergency action. The damage was to much and the doctors were not able to find a solution to the swelling.

Analysis: This article was written on May 4,2019. This article was important because she was loved by many and her books helped and informed people. This article relates to history because many other celebrities died of problematic brain issues: Steve Young, Kevin Pearce, Amy Davis etc. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's very sad the way that she died. Hopefully this story is told and people are exposed to the story. I will keep her family in my prayers.
