This CNN article written in order to debunk the myths of abortion and provide the facts. Anti-abortion bills, or Heartbeat Bills, have been passing in many states recently. Alabama's bill is one of the toughest, and the goal of these lawmakers is to get the issue to the Supreme Court so Roe v. Wade can be revisited.
I'm glad that there is an article that provides purely the facts and the fiction. The author, Holly Yan, sited her facts and provided graphs to show true statistics. One myth, for example, was said by Alabama Republican Sen. Clyde Chambliss: a woman knows if she is pregnant between 7 and 10 days. The fact is that women sometimes don't even know if they're pregnant after a month. Some experience breakthrough bleeding that be took for a period, and for women with ovarian cysts it can be even harder to tell. The time frame is unrealistic, and the fact that a lawmaker can get away with saying something that is such a blatant lie and then the bill passes is just plain unjust. I hope that people actually look into this article because it's important to know the facts before you take a stance on the subject. This can be related back to Roe v. Wade because many Republican lawmakers are trying to overturn it.
It is very helpful in taking a position once you know the facts, especially with such a controversial matter where everyone seems to have something to say.