Selah Hunter
Trump Slashes Size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Monuments
Trump Slashes Size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Monuments
Trump has taken about 200,000 acres away from the national Monument Bears Ears, in doing so he helps Republican lawmakers and fossil fuel companies, but hurts Native Americans, literally taking their land- again, and democrats in general because it's a direct opposite of what Obama had done during his presidency, trying to protect Native American's land. The tribes being affected, like the Navajo Nations, has decided to take this matter to court. If they win it will most likely set rules on how presidents can expand or retract National Monuments, for this is not the first time a president has done this, but if they loose, it will give, or at least allow the continuation of, presidents power over national monuments.
This article was written by Julie Turkewitz and doesn't seem to be bias, all though everyone once in a while, it seems like in the undertone of the article she's belittling Trump. Some of you may be thinking, I've never heard of any of this in past presidency, what do you mean other Presidents have abused power over national monuments, and does the article really say the Obama is one of those presidents along with Clinton? I think the reason we haven't heard about it in other presidency may be because of a number of reasons. One may be how this is the only time you've had A-push, therefor, homework has changed over the years, you weren't reading the news as much. But, another reason may be because when someone hates someone else so much they will find anything to make that person look bad. I do think that there should be some sort of limit on how much a president can affect a national monument and all of that stuff, but what this article shows me is how much Trump just really give no craps to non-republicans and how those non-republicans hate him because of that. This reminds me of Abraham Lincoln actually because although in our day Abe is the good guy, back then the Southerners would try to find any reason not to allow him to become the president, even by taking his nam off the ballets in the south. Though beside that Trump and Lincoln are nothing alike. This analysis may seem random but, this is what it made me think of so thats what I wrote.
I think it's terrible that President Trump is taking away the Native American lands. He seems to care more about the gas companies than the Native American people.