Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Emily Shaw

Massive Black Hole Reveals the Beginning of the Stars(?)

Scientists have just discovered a crazy-massive black whole that existed surprisingly during the early start of the universe. The most distant ever found, it has been sitting so far away that its light must have been travelling for about 13 billion years before being able to reach earth. This was a major moment in history, Rob Simcoe adds: "It's when the universe first started manufacturing chemicals other than hydrogen and helium, all the elements of the periodic table were starting to be formed."

This is an amazing discovery! Being able to reach that far in the universe is unbelievable to me and I want to hear more about it. It's even harder to believe that something that big could have survived this long considering the given theory that black holes would be getting smaller and smaller as you go further back and closer to the event of the big bang due to the lack of given time for it to grow. I can't wait to hear more about this topic.

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