Summary: Several organizations that advocate for the benefit of animals believe that the canceling of the circus is a huge success and turning point in history. The audience size was decreasing drastically and the public was no longer in favor of animal entertainment.
Lisa Lange of PETA thinks social media is a major influence on spending the awareness.
Analysis: Activists share the common idea that the public view on the treatment of animals will change dramatically after this event. Social media allows the perspective of everyone to be molded differently by each source provided to the viewer. Controversial incidents can easy be shared with people with the click of a button. This is convenient for activists and for those who wish to get involved.
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Grace Schwall- UN workers killed
A few weeks ago two workers from the United Nations were killed while working in Congo. Many are alarmed by the danger their job put them in. It has recently been debated whether the work the UN is doing in these dangerous locales is worth the lives of their workers.
I think it's so sad that this unfortunate event occured. Though the peace the UN works towards is super important maybe there should be a few more precautionary measures for those involved. This is like how UN members were hurt during the Korean War.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
I think it's so sad that this unfortunate event occured. Though the peace the UN works towards is super important maybe there should be a few more precautionary measures for those involved. This is like how UN members were hurt during the Korean War.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Friday, May 19, 2017
Hannah Howell- Students Sprayed With Pepper Spray
Summary: A high school in Ohio did something crazy. For a class in law and public safety, the students had the option to sign up to get sprayed with pepper spray to experience what it is like. This was purely for educational purposes, but some think that it was too far. There is a viral video show they students getting sprayed and to say the least, it made people very uncomfortable. Student Madison Garland said "As it went on and people kept screaming I'm like, 'That's not funny... it's uncalled for.'"
Analysis: I first saw this video on twitter; it was all over my feed. I was extremely shocked. This is a good idea in theory, but I don't think it was appropriate for school. Definitely not worth the extra credit points in my book.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Police Use Hancuffs to Restrain 7-Year-Old
Dallas school district police are being accused of using extreme force to restrain a 7-year-old boy. Yosio Lopez, a student who was diagnosed with ADHD, had recently had an outburst and started banging his head against the wall. So to restrain him, the officers bruised, tased, and handcuffed the student and later sent him (without his mother's permission) to a mental health facility for a week.
There's a lot that concerns me with this story. The first is that I don't understand why it took all of that force just a for a little boy. Wouldn't actions like that just risk making his outbursts worst?? Also why didn't the police at least inform the mother of the decision before sending him to the facility??
I just hope that the correct consequences can be brought upon the officers. And that a thing like this won't happen again.
There's a lot that concerns me with this story. The first is that I don't understand why it took all of that force just a for a little boy. Wouldn't actions like that just risk making his outbursts worst?? Also why didn't the police at least inform the mother of the decision before sending him to the facility??
I just hope that the correct consequences can be brought upon the officers. And that a thing like this won't happen again.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Mollie Hamman - 1st - Climate change
Many countries such as Guatemala and Vietnam are suffering due to climate change. Since the Paris deal, the Climate Vulnerable Forum has stated that meeting the agreement is the "lifeline" for these countries, and all countries involved in the CVF need to put as much effort into decreasing climate change as they can. One suggestion is trying to move to 100% renewable energy as fast as possible.
All these countries need to act fast and view climate change as one of the top priorities, because if it is not prioritized, there could be terrible results. Countries who are suffering because of this such as Guatemala and Vietnam need the support of the countries and need them to meet the Paris agreement in order to do well.
Getty Images, Guatemala
Getty Images, Vietnam
All these countries need to act fast and view climate change as one of the top priorities, because if it is not prioritized, there could be terrible results. Countries who are suffering because of this such as Guatemala and Vietnam need the support of the countries and need them to meet the Paris agreement in order to do well.
Gay Chechens Fleeing Russia Denied US Visa- Austin Wallace
As many as 40 Chechens have applied for US visas while attempting to flee the country. All of them haven been denied, and only two have been able to secure visas to safe countries at all. The ruler of Chechnya is Ramzan Kadyrov, a man who only answers to Putin, and rules semi-atonimously over his provence with an iron fist. Recently a Russian newspaper broke the story about the secret prisons within Chechnya, torturing and even killing gay men. Kadyrov of course denies any claims of these torture camps because, "There are no such people (gay men) in Chechnya."
This is a horrific and continuously evolving tragedy happening in Russia, and I have been following the situation quite closely. There are secret organizations, such as the Rainbow Railroad, which are working to help people escape persecution in the country, but when no other countries are willing to take them, they might as well be dead anyway. America, I think, has a moral responsibility to help these people. The fact that this administration continues to do nothing shows further evidence of their Illegal collusion with Russia.
This can be synthesized to the fugitive slave act, when runaway slaves who fled to the north, where slavery was illegal, were hunted down and forced to return to the south.
This is a horrific and continuously evolving tragedy happening in Russia, and I have been following the situation quite closely. There are secret organizations, such as the Rainbow Railroad, which are working to help people escape persecution in the country, but when no other countries are willing to take them, they might as well be dead anyway. America, I think, has a moral responsibility to help these people. The fact that this administration continues to do nothing shows further evidence of their Illegal collusion with Russia.
This can be synthesized to the fugitive slave act, when runaway slaves who fled to the north, where slavery was illegal, were hunted down and forced to return to the south.
One Butthurt President - Evan Daane
Donald Trump (Lizard in an orange peel) has been recently quoted as saying that he is the most poorly treated politician in history. He goes on to blame the media and the other politicians. His speech turns into a motivational speaker speech as he talks about how you must ignore the naysayers as they only bring you down. Then in Trump fashion, he went on to talk about how he's so great or whatever.
He can't even say he's the most poorly treated politician because he's not a politician. He's an overzealous howler monkey with a cat's ass for a mouth. He's not treated poorly either because much of what he says is nay saying and hate speech is just facts. Facts are apparently hate speech. Who knew? He's just one butthurt balding jackass. See that's hate speech. If I said "global warming is real" he'd take it as a personal attack, even though it's a goddamn fact.
Mollie Hamman - 1st - Former FBI Investigating
Former FBI boss Robert Mueller has been appointed to lead an investigation on Russia's suspected interference in the 2016 election in favor of the Republican side. They say that they needed an outsider to do the investigation since Trump recently fired the former FBI boss James Comey. Of course President Trump claims that there is no issue and no need to follow through with this accusation; he stated that it will only clear up what he already knows.
I think that this investigation is good because it will help further clarify any uncertainties about the election.
I think that this investigation is good because it will help further clarify any uncertainties about the election.
McCarthy 2: Judgement Day - Evan Daane
House majority leader Kevin McCarthy has been quoted in 2016 for saying that Trump was being paid by Putin. He was talking to other major republican party members and while he is trying to pass this off as merely a poor attempt at humor, a nazi claiming the holocaust was just a poor attempt at humor is basically the same thing. There may be more to this story in due time, though, as Trump's ties to Russia seem to grow more and more everyday as their vine-like tendrils climb and entangle with each other.
This seems about right. "America The Screwed". McCarthy is accusing someone for being linked to communism, so close enough. Does that count for synthesis?
This seems about right. "America The Screwed". McCarthy is accusing someone for being linked to communism, so close enough. Does that count for synthesis?
India Cancels Coal Power In Favor of Renewable Energy- Austin Wallace
India has just scrapped plans for a new coal power plat, in favor of solar powered infrastructure. They cite their already massive output of coal energy as reasoning to abandon further coal based power plans for solar power, a more long term oriented solution they believe. India has hopes of becoming the world leader in renewable energy by the year 2030.
This is great news, especially when our own president insist on quite the opposite for America. President Trump has recently cut funding for renewable energy research programs in favor of bringing back coal mining jobs, a shrinking industry in America (for good reason). Researchers have said that there might still be hope for our atmosphere if we switch to renewable energy now, but if Trump has his way, that last chance may be lost for good, causing devastating and irreparable damage to our planet.
This can be synthesized to the industrial revolution, when new sources of energy change the way of life for people world wide, and set us upon the path we find ourselves today.
This is great news, especially when our own president insist on quite the opposite for America. President Trump has recently cut funding for renewable energy research programs in favor of bringing back coal mining jobs, a shrinking industry in America (for good reason). Researchers have said that there might still be hope for our atmosphere if we switch to renewable energy now, but if Trump has his way, that last chance may be lost for good, causing devastating and irreparable damage to our planet.
This can be synthesized to the industrial revolution, when new sources of energy change the way of life for people world wide, and set us upon the path we find ourselves today.
Cracking some kid kinder eggs - Evan Daane
Unboxing things has been a long time craze on youtube but over the recent years it has shifted gears to the child toy market. Now you may be thinking, "what child wants to watch something be unboxed and played with by some other child?" and you're not the only one. The new template for a successful toy unboxing channel is to have a toddler open an egg of some sort, full of toys, and then play with them for others amusement. What a fun way to spend your day, watching videos of other kids opening kinder eggs of toys.
What is the internet anymore. I know people have been exploiting their children for centuries but come on, opening eggs of various sized filled with toys, that's an all time low for the humans as a species. Putting them to back breaking work gives them good life lessons like "Go to school so you don't have to do back breaking work" and "Do it correctly so it doesn't have to be done over again" and others. Now particularly cruel parents are using their children for these videos and getting hundreds of thousands of dollars, all while stroking their brain dead kids ego way past where it should be for a 4 year old.
What is the internet anymore. I know people have been exploiting their children for centuries but come on, opening eggs of various sized filled with toys, that's an all time low for the humans as a species. Putting them to back breaking work gives them good life lessons like "Go to school so you don't have to do back breaking work" and "Do it correctly so it doesn't have to be done over again" and others. Now particularly cruel parents are using their children for these videos and getting hundreds of thousands of dollars, all while stroking their brain dead kids ego way past where it should be for a 4 year old.
Fidgeting is a sin - Evan Daane
The fidget spinner craze has hit the united states and abroad and it looks like there's no end. The little three sided bearing based spinners are getting into the hands of the self diagnosed masses and causing much anger. The fad will eventually subside but for now there are many complaints about them disturbing classes and many schools have begun to ban them. The other side argues that they are a much needed tool to calm people WHO ACTUALLY HAVE DIAGNOSED ADHD KAREN. Some are compare these to other passing crazes like Rubiks cubes and jelly bracelets (which many religious zealots were convinced were dangerous sex bracelets and each color referred to a dangerous sex act that when broken the wearer had to perform said dangerous sex act) and they might be right. Until then, we'll just have to live with it.
Who the hell decided they wanted to make cancer in the shape of a three pronged ball-bearing spinning contraption. Probably communists. Goddamn commies always trying to topple our democracy. They can't though. We are a strong country with god protecting us from sex bracelets and fidget spinners. The only thing worse than the kid crazes are abortions and the devil himself, and god protects us from them every single day isn't that right Jesus up on high? You can't kill us commie atheist homosexuals! WE ARE AMERICA AND YOU ARE NOT!!!! Go back into the trash hole you were spawned from! Your mother ought to be ashamed of what you became you communist fidget spinning Rubiks cube solving godless heathens! You are the scum of the earth! The scum I SAY!
Who the hell decided they wanted to make cancer in the shape of a three pronged ball-bearing spinning contraption. Probably communists. Goddamn commies always trying to topple our democracy. They can't though. We are a strong country with god protecting us from sex bracelets and fidget spinners. The only thing worse than the kid crazes are abortions and the devil himself, and god protects us from them every single day isn't that right Jesus up on high? You can't kill us commie atheist homosexuals! WE ARE AMERICA AND YOU ARE NOT!!!! Go back into the trash hole you were spawned from! Your mother ought to be ashamed of what you became you communist fidget spinning Rubiks cube solving godless heathens! You are the scum of the earth! The scum I SAY!
Education Smeducation, who needs it am I right? - Evan Daane
The Don is here and he's bringing change. Betsy DeVos (Botched botox patient) has released the education plan and man is it going to be a fun time. The budget is being slashed. Public schools are basically being thrown down the toilet in favor of charter schools and private schools so people have a "School Choice". Oh yeah and after school. Who needs after school right? Oh wait the 1.6 million kids who use it, usually because their parents work long hours to pay rent. Its like we elected people who've never faced poverty... Oh wait.
Welcome to the U S of A!
Black Speings shooting- Lance Jackson
Summary: On May 2, 2017 a young teen was shot down. After the officer in question shot the young 15 year- old his brothers watched as he bled out. The officer has yet to be charged.
Analysis: Many of similar incidents such as the killing of Sandra Blamd Alton Streling and Trayvon Martin have led to the black lives matter movement. That movement can be compared to the the black power movement during the 60s until the early 80s
Analysis: Many of similar incidents such as the killing of Sandra Blamd Alton Streling and Trayvon Martin have led to the black lives matter movement. That movement can be compared to the the black power movement during the 60s until the early 80s
It's hot!! Lance Jackson
Summary: April was the hottest April in 137 years. We saw temperatures around the world almost a degree hotter than the have ever been.
Analysis: this can be compared to the great hear have that hit Europe in the twentieth century when their temperatures were in the 90s and killed thousands of people.
Analysis: this can be compared to the great hear have that hit Europe in the twentieth century when their temperatures were in the 90s and killed thousands of people.
Earth day 2017 Lance Jackson
Summary: On April 22, America celebrated the 47th anniversary of Earth Day.
This is a holiday that promotes conservation natural resources and and reducing non existent he usage of non renewable.
Analysis: The first Earth Day was celebrated under the president Richard Nixon. The seeds of this movement were planted my president by Trust Bustin president Teddy Roosevelt.
This is a holiday that promotes conservation natural resources and and reducing non existent he usage of non renewable.
Analysis: The first Earth Day was celebrated under the president Richard Nixon. The seeds of this movement were planted my president by Trust Bustin president Teddy Roosevelt.
Mackenzie Bessner- deadly weather
Summary: Over the weekend many dangerous storms took place in the southern United States. They ended up killing 13 people and so many more were injured, with housing and buildings destroyed.
Analysis: This article was written by Jay Croft on Monday May 1,2017 for CNN. This is very similar to the event of Hurricane Katrina in which came with way more devastating news and effects. When reading this article, it seemed as Croat was saddens by this but also felt guilty in a way.
Mackenzie Bessner- school bus crash
Summary: In Las Vegas on Thursday, a bus crashed, injuring at least 14 students. The ages of the students range from 11 to 16, but none of their injuries were diagnosed as life threatening. It is not confirmed if the “fatal accident” was from the other vehicle or the school bus. On Twitter, a message was posted from Bailey Middle School’s principal, informing the parents of the crash. It said that the parents would be informed of the crash as soon as they identify who was on the bus. They requested parents to not go to the scene so that the proper services can be provided.
Analysis: This is extremely scary considering the huge amount of school busses transporting students every day. A lot of my friends take the school bus, and I can’t imagine the shock everyone would be in after this. I am so glad everyone will be okay, but I’m sure students will have a fear of being on the roads for a while. This reminds me of the effects of a car wreck because my mom just got in a bad wreck last week that totaled her car. Thankfully, she only had small injuries as well. I am glad CNN is informing the public about the accident. This will help both drivers and passengers be aware of their safety.
Mackenzie Bessner- drunk vs. drug driving
A 2015 report says that drunk driving is more dangerous drug driving. A test shows that there were more deaths in car accidents from people who were drug impaired than alcohol impaired. Although these stats prove otherwise, scientists still say that drunk driving still is a bigger issue than dugged driving due to he side effects. There are great alternatives that will drive you home instead of putting yourself and everyone around you in danger.
This article was published on Friday, April 28, 2017 on CNN, a popular and trustworthy news site. Before reading this article, I had not heard of this news. It is important for people to know these statistics and information in order for people to make a change. It is so incredibly dangerous to put yourself and everyone else around you at risk. This could synthesize to the general issue of driving under the influence.
Mackenzie Bessner- thoughts on "13 reasons why"
Thirteen Reasons Why is a show based on a young adult novel by Jay Asher, in which the main character Hannah Baker details the bullying and trauma that led to her suicide. Although the book does not have a sequel, the series co-showrunner Brian Yorkey says,"Hannah's story isn't over she has parents who still don't have the complete story, There's a rapist who hasn't been brought to justice and there's a living survivor of that rapist who is just beginning her journey to recovery" They need a second season to clear up all the the questions that are being asked.
I think a second season will be great for this show. If the second season lives up to the first season I think a lot of people will like it even more. Even though it did bring some tension up between suicide prevention groups and stuff, the show is really helpful in showing all aspects in that life.
Mackenzie Bessner- 'Skittles' remove the colors
Near the end of March, Skittles decided to launch 'white' candy to inspire LGBTQ pride. They did this because "only one rainbow matters" as stated on the back of the skittles package. “Give the rainbow, taste the rainbow. All the lentils are white in celebration of Pride. Enjoy the mystery mix.” So they all still have their flavors, but you just don't know which one you are about to eat. Instead of getting good feedback, people hated and called Skittles racist for choosing white as the color for the candy meant to praise equality.
This was posted near the end of March, showing that this idea of the white Skittles is new. I honestly think it was a cute idea of supporting the LGBTQ community, but of course there had to be some hate. I think they just did white because when you take the color away, that is what they are. Prior to reading this article i saw this topic on twitter and wanted to see the skittles! This is a cute idea and i want to see how long it lasts!
tessa ward
Dallas School Police Use Handcuffs to Restrain 7-Year Old Boy:
Dallas ISD Police Department tased, bruised, and cuffed a 7 year old special needs boy. According to witnesses, the boy, Yosio Lopez, has mental health disorder and he started banging his head up against the wall repeatedly. He was taken into custody in order to "protect himself and the people around him" and he was not allowed to see his mom for several days.
I think this situation was blown completely out of proportion. Why would anybody arrest a 7 year old boy with attention problems? The police should be charged severely because this is a ridiculous situation and completely inappropriate. If the boy had started attacking the people around him, i would understand them taking him in, but not beating his and tasing him. The fact that he was not allowed to see his mom the could of days after the incident disgusts me.
Tessa Ward
Penn State Hazing:
A 19 year old boy, Timothy Piazza, died after participating in a hazing ritual that was part of joining the fraternity, Beta Theta Pi. He was given an enormous amount of alcohol, enough to get him super drunk, then was forced to sprint around the fraternity house many times. Unfortunately, he fell 15 feet down a flight of stairs and then down another. His fraternity brothers didn't even call 911. They fought over what to do and forensic evidence now reveal that they were searching up what to do in their situation without alerting the authorities. He had suffered a ruptured spleen along with a severe head injury. He died a slow, painful death and died the next day. The fraternity then tried to cover it up by dressing him nice and cleaning up the alcohol. Security cameras, however, caught everything and now the fraternity is banned from Penn State and there is a total of 1000 charges against the members.
I think that it is horrible that this was apart of joining this particular fraternity. First of all, it is illegal to drink before the age of 21, so basically the fraternity was requiring criminal activity. Some people may not see this as murder, but i do because the requirements made by the fraternity caused Timothy to die. And then sitting there and watching him die is "not just boys being boys, but demonstrating criminal activities."
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Passengers can't be removed from overbooked flights in Canada- Austin Wallace
After a horrible and violent incident involving an innocent passenger aboard a United Airlines flight, Canada has passed a new "passenger bill of rights" ensuring that passengers are to be treated like people and not numbers. Under this new bill, airlines will not have the right to forcibly remove a passenger who has paid for their flight, and in the event of overbooking, if the airline can't find a willing volunteer to take a minimum compensation amount, they will be required to increase the amount offered until they do.
Overbooking is a somewhat shady business practice, in which the airline sells more seats than they have in order to ensure all seats are filled in case of passenger cancelation. I hope that this new bill encourages airlines to stop overbooking there flights. In any other business, it would be illegal to take someones money with promise of a good or service you may not be able to provide. Airlines need to be held to the same standards as every other business. I think America should follow Canada's example and pass laws to protect the rights of passengers, instead of protecting the interests of big corporate airlines.
This can be synthesized to the consumer rights act of 2015 in the UK.
Payton Climer
This article was written by Robert Jimison, writer and CNN staff. This article was written on May 16th, 2017, making the information current and accurate. Being written by Robert Jimison, we get a better view of the topic with is specialized background of the subject matter. In this article we hear about the risks of using cotton swabs or q-tips to "clean" children's and people's ears in general. By using a soft tip tool to try toclean out your ears you end up pushing the ear wax further down the canal and eventually to you ear drum. The Nationwide Children's Hospital did a study and found out that about 12,500 children end up being treated for injuries related to these tools. Most doctors suggest that you should let nature do its job and if you end up with too much wax to contact a professional. Before seeing this article I knew that Q-tips and cotton swabs were bad for your ears but I did not know how many people and kids are effected. I think its silly to try to clean your ears with a cotton swab because there is no logic behind it.
Payton Climer
This article was written by Lauren del Valle, writer and CNN staff. This article was written on May 16th, 2017, making the information current and accurate. Being written by Lauren del Valle, we get a better view of the topic with is specialized background of the subject matter. In this article we hear about the death of a freshman who was knocked unconscious during a fraternity ritual. Due to the fact that none of the 30 people who witnessed his injury called for help or contacted an ambulance or police he died. He was later taken to the hospital where he was put and life support and latter taken off. The college informs viewers that they did not know this was going on and do not support this behavior in any way. I think it is sad that out of the 30 people that saw him get hurt and witnessed what happened, not a single person made an attempt to help hime by calling an ambulance. The fact that he could still be alive right now if someone had simple made a phone call makes this situation worse. I don't know why the people involved thought it was okay to just leave him there when he was clearly no okay.
Payton Climer
This article was written by Allyssia Alleyne, writer and CNN staff. This article was written on May 16th, 2017, making the information current and accurate. Being written by Allyssua Alleyne, we get a better view of the topic with is specialized background of the subject matter. In this article we hear about a Pablo Picasso painting that was sold for $45 million in New York. This piece called "Femme assise, robe bleu" was confiscated by Nazis from and Jewish art dealer. It was then sent to Paris for storage where it was found and later auctioned. Pablo Picasso has the record for the highest sold piece at $179 million in 2004. I think that is crazy and awesome that the art sells for that much. It is also kind of sad that the artwork is not worth that much until the artist dies. This makes it hard for visual artists to make and living when they struggle to make very much money off of their artwork alone. Before reading this article I heard about a new form of 3D printing where people can now print paintings. I think that once this become more of a think it will either make the people who actually put work in for the art more valuable or make it even harder for them to sell artwork due to the cost efficiency of 3D printing work.
Payton Climer
This article was written by Artemis Moshtaghian, writer and CNN staff. This article was written on May 16th, 2017, making the information current and accurate. Being written by Artemis Moshtaghian, we get a better view of the topic with is specialized background of the subject matter. In this article we hear about a seven year old dallas student that was restrained in extreme measures. The dallas school district student was in the special needs program and his mother explains that he has ADHD and a mood disorder. He was banging his head against the wall in class and Dallas Independent School District Police Tased, handcuffed and bruised the seven year old, Yosio Lopez. I think that it is unacceptable for any police to do that, especially not a DISD police. The fact that this child is seven makes this situation concerning but on top of that he has special needs makes this almost disturbing. I think there were many other ways to calm him down and stop him from banging his head against the wall like just talking to him or calling his parents. Instead these adults though it was a good idea to treat this kid like a criminal. That will definitely help him grow and learn in a safe place called school. It makes me angry that a grown person though that was a good idea and an okay thing to do to a seven year old with special needs.
gray breidenbach- nuclear catastophe
North Korean monitoring
service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is
"primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. "The activity during the
past six weeks is suggestive of the final preparations for a test," 38
North analyst Joseph Bermudez told CNN. Their prediction comes as
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Thursday that North Korea
has the ability to launch missiles equipped with sarin nerve
gas. He and other analysts research commercial satellite imagery of the
testing site, looking for signs of missile testing. Speaking at an event in Tokyo Thursday, Yukiya Amano,
director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said "North
Korea's nuclear program is showing steady progress."
This article was published by Madison Park from CNN on April 13, 2017. I had no prior knowledge of this topic, this article shows how important our foreign affairs are with other countries. It was published to notify people of the world around them. This article could link directly to the Cold War where there was an increased amount of tension between the United States and the USSR.
This article was published by Madison Park from CNN on April 13, 2017. I had no prior knowledge of this topic, this article shows how important our foreign affairs are with other countries. It was published to notify people of the world around them. This article could link directly to the Cold War where there was an increased amount of tension between the United States and the USSR.
Payton Climer
This article was written by Rob Goldberg, sports writer and CNN staff. This article was written on May 15th, 2017, making the information current and accurate. Being written by Rob Goldberg we get a better view of the topic with is specialized background of the subject matter. He wrote about a soccer player apologizing for an offensive picture that was posted on twitter. Ezequiel Lavezzi says "I had no intention of insulting the Chinese people and did not do it with bad intentions". I think it is interesting that he is even in this situation and did not see the fact that it may be insulting before he posted it. I agree that it can be insulting to many but i appreciate the fact that he is making and effort to apologize for his actions.
gray breidenbach- 8 students charged in Penn State hazing death
Eight members of a Penn State Fraternity are charged with
involuntary manslaughter in the death of a student after a night of
heavy drinking. Timothy
Piazza died after he was injured while pledging the Beta Theta
fraternity. The cause of death was traumatic brain injury that resulted
from several falls. His blood alcohol content was between .26 and .36
the night he died. Beta Theta Pi was also charged with 50 counts of
hazing, 48 counts of providing alcohol to minors and 48 other alcohol
related counts. Penn State permanently banned the fraternity from
operating the chapter on campus.
Analysis - This article is about the tragic event that took a young mans life because of the hazing from the fraternity. This should act as a wake up call to everyone of the dangers of binge drinking and all the lives that can be ruined in one night.Its not fair to the family nor the child to pass in those circumstances
Analysis - This article is about the tragic event that took a young mans life because of the hazing from the fraternity. This should act as a wake up call to everyone of the dangers of binge drinking and all the lives that can be ruined in one night.Its not fair to the family nor the child to pass in those circumstances
Payton Climer
This article was written by Jeff Pearlman, former Sports illustrator, best-selling writer, and CNN staff. This article was written on May 16th, 2017, making the information current and accurate. Being written by Jeff Pearlman we get a better view of the topic with is specialized background of the subject matter. He wrote about the death of NBA player, Bryce Jones. It is explained that the Bryce was a kind person but had some anger issues on and off the court. When mixed with drinking there were issues that became apparent. One night after getting pretty drunk, Bryce went back to his apartment where he and his wife and daughter lived. He mixed up the floor numbers and went to the wrong apartment which was locked. In rage of it being locked he managed to break down the front door and preceded to the bedroom door. This door was also lock with a teacher in there twenties waiting inside with a gun he had received as a graduation gift from his dad. Scared of the unknown intruder he fire twice after he had broken through the door. The writer portrays this story in a very unique manner. He is able to include all of the details about Bryce while still respecting him and not being rude to either side. There does seem to be a little bias toward the basketball player or just an opinion of the author. I do not think that is was right for the teacher to shoot Bryce before he even knew who he was or tried to put an end to it. This show the importance of regulation or limitation of alcohol for many people especially to athletes.
gray breidebach-Powers Boothe Dies at 68
In his home in Los Angeles on Sunday, Powers Boothe dies by
natural causes. He is very well known for his amazing acting in Sin City
and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He accepted his Emmy in person, which is no normal for the
actors who boycotted. This boycott was as part of a Screen Actors Guild
strike. On social media, his passing has been extremely popular in the
postings. Beau Bridges and Lea Thompson expressed their sadness of the
passing by a few tweets which have gone viral. His acting career started
in the 1970s.
Analysis: I had not heard about Powers Boothe dying prior to reading this article. Although I did not know much about Boothe, I think it is important that they wrote an article remembering him for the great man he was. He was extremely well respected in the entertainment industry, and it is important for people who do not know about him to understand his importance in the acting business. Becuase the article was posted on CNN, I can trust that this article is presenting true facts. I hope that his family and friends heal quickly during this hard time.
Analysis: I had not heard about Powers Boothe dying prior to reading this article. Although I did not know much about Boothe, I think it is important that they wrote an article remembering him for the great man he was. He was extremely well respected in the entertainment industry, and it is important for people who do not know about him to understand his importance in the acting business. Becuase the article was posted on CNN, I can trust that this article is presenting true facts. I hope that his family and friends heal quickly during this hard time.
Anna Czyzewski - 3D Printed Ovary Enables Mouse to Give Birth
Summary: Using a 3D printer to make functioning ovary, scientists have enabled an infertile mouse to become impregnated and give birth to two pups. The scaffold-like structure, which allows the embedding of follicles, is made of 99% water and a little bit of polymer. The flow of blood through the mice's pores eventually led to the ovaries becoming functional bioprosthetics and allowed the mouse to become pregnant. Scientists are hoping this process could one day help women who became infertile due to cancer treatments. Researchers hope this will be possible in five years.
Analysis: Science is truly amazing. To think that we could help thousands of couples with infertility issues, and especially cancer survivors. Only just a few years ago, scientists had proven that they could 3D print body parts and tissues. It's impossible to know what we will one day be able to do, but it's obvious it will improve everyone's lives.
Analysis: Science is truly amazing. To think that we could help thousands of couples with infertility issues, and especially cancer survivors. Only just a few years ago, scientists had proven that they could 3D print body parts and tissues. It's impossible to know what we will one day be able to do, but it's obvious it will improve everyone's lives.
gray breidenbach- Tunnel collapse at nuclear site
A 20-foot hole in the roof of a tunnel at Washington state's Hanford nuclear waste site will be filled with clean soil. Earlier
in the day, workers noticed that a section of the tunnel had caved in.
The tunnel, which is made of wood and concrete and covered in 8 feet
of soil, was constructed during the Cold War to hold rail cars loaded
with equipment that had been contaminated in the process of plutonium
production. It has been sealed since the mid-1990s.
There is no
initial evidence that workers have been exposed to radiation or that
there has been an "airborne radio-logical release." Government spend
billions trying to repair site.
gray breidenbach- Always Dreaming Wins 143rd Kentucky Derby
Always Dreaming wins 143rd Kentucky Derby. Before Always Dreaming came through the slop at Churchill Downs to beat Lookin at Lee by 2 3/4 lengths, there was concern about his behavior this week. When trainer, Todd Pletcher, sent Always Dreaming to the track last Sunday, the horse was so eager to train. He became difficult for his exercise rider Adele Bellinger to control,. The concern in a situation like that is the horse will exert too much energy and leave his race on the track in the morning. He clearly wanted to run, but its critical for these animals between jumping out of their skin and being relaxed enough to handle all the issues a 1 1/4-mile race in front of 158,070 people.
While Always Dreaming has the ideal running style for a Triple Crown winner, looking a lot like American Pharoah on Saturday, the Triple Crown shifts to Baltimore now.
Analysis: This article was written by Dan Wolken for i hope that Always Dreaming can pull through to win the Triple Crown. The Kentucky Derby takes place the first Saturday in May.
gray breidenbach "Man Wielding Knife Kills One and Injures Three at University of Texas"
Kendrex J. White, stabbed three people killing one. There was an account from another student. She was at a food truck and saw this man walking toward another with a small machete. Some people say this attack may have to do with the recent vandalism of fraternity houses because the people vandalizing them think they promote racism and rape.
Analysis/synthesis: I was so sad hearing this story, its truly horrible. i think we should make it more difficult to own guns, In this case it was a knife, which is much easier to obtain. I wish people just didn't make these choices, I think the government if possible should create laws that will decrease events like this; however, getting a knife is very easy to do.
Rape Victim commits suicide - Katie Schuldenberg
26-year-old author Lin Yi-Han from Tainan, Taiwan committed suicide in April 2017 as a result of her depression. Yi-Han is acclaimed for her novel, Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise, a story about a pre-teen girl who was seduced and sexually assaulted by her private tutor. After Yi-Han's death, the truth came out that the story was written from personal experiences and the events in the novel were real life accounts of her sexual abuse and the repercussions of it.
As heart-wrenching as it is to lose someone who has been struggling for so long with depression and suicidal thoughts, Yi-Hin's novel has touched the hearts and lives of many and has brought an awareness to sexually assault not only in Taiwan, but all over the world. The personal accounts of her experiences draw people in to the difficult happening of sexual abuse and inflict change among those who bring inspiration out of Yi-Hin's suffering.
As heart-wrenching as it is to lose someone who has been struggling for so long with depression and suicidal thoughts, Yi-Hin's novel has touched the hearts and lives of many and has brought an awareness to sexually assault not only in Taiwan, but all over the world. The personal accounts of her experiences draw people in to the difficult happening of sexual abuse and inflict change among those who bring inspiration out of Yi-Hin's suffering.
Frontier Airlines Refused Pumping - Katie Schuldenberg
Two female flight attendants for Frontier Airlines have filed complaints after they were refused the right to pump breast milk after their pregnancies on a ten hour shifts. The two women also confessed to being forced to take an unpaid leave after giving birth because of the refusal to allow breast milk pumping while working. Having just had given birth, women need to pump every three to four hours to maintain healthy and comfortable. The policy violated state and federal laws against discrimination based on sex, pregnancy, childbirth, and disability. Having to pump in the public restrooms as well as in the aircraft bathroom was both unsanitary and an inconvenience.
The fact that an occupation dominated by women still uphold these kinds of discriminatory and unreasonable policies prove how sexism is still an active behavior among certain businesses and communities. One shouldn't have to decide between a job and the health of themselves and their child.
The fact that an occupation dominated by women still uphold these kinds of discriminatory and unreasonable policies prove how sexism is still an active behavior among certain businesses and communities. One shouldn't have to decide between a job and the health of themselves and their child.
Sexual Assault Activism - Katie Schuldenberg
High School sophomore Bella was sexually assaulted in 2015 and has been taking action every since. Making t-shirts and wrist bands, this teen spreads awareness of sexual assault among high schoolers and strives to create change in the way these serious crimes are dealt with. Inspiring other students, and even causing some victims to come forward, Bella starts sit-ins to protest the way sexual assault cases are handled by local schools.
Though sexual assault among teens and young adults has been occuring for decades. awareness is now taking place and changes in how school systems handle these cases provide a start to a safer environment. A place where students feel safe and comfortable enough to talk and speak out against violence is necessary for change to take place.
CIT sit-ins against sexual harassment - Katie Schuldenberg
In the fall of 2015, professor Christian Ott was suspended from teaching at the California Institute of Technology for harassing two female students. However, Ott was allowed on campus to observe one of his graduate student's thesis presentation at their request, and was escorted on and off of campus. This resulted in the rise of silent sit-ins by students in the astronomy department against the return of professor Ott. Students are complaining of the unsafe learning environment that would be created if Ott were to return. Some are accusing administration of "valuing his (Ott's) work rather than the concerns of the students".
I feel pride in the students who are standing up for their right to a safe learning environment and school community. While decisions are still being made, the college is keeping the community updated in the process and is open to the concerns of the students. Personally, I don't think the professor values his job enough, shown through his abuse of position, disregard for other's reputations and careers, and overall unprofessional attitude towards students.
I feel pride in the students who are standing up for their right to a safe learning environment and school community. While decisions are still being made, the college is keeping the community updated in the process and is open to the concerns of the students. Personally, I don't think the professor values his job enough, shown through his abuse of position, disregard for other's reputations and careers, and overall unprofessional attitude towards students.
Teen Dies of Caffeine Consumption - Katie Schuldenberg
On April 26, 2017, sixteen year old Davis Allen Cripe collapsed after consuming an alarming amount of caffeine. Cripe was immediately taken to the hospital where he passed away. Coroner Gary Watts determined the teen had three different sources of caffeine within two hours: a large diet Mountain Dew, a McDonald's cafe latte, and an energy drink. All of this ingested so quickly caused an arrhythmia, a condition where the heart beats at an irregular or abnormal rhythm. Eyewitnesses explained that Cripe had "chugged" the energy drink about fifteen minutes before he collapsed, leading Watt to believe it wasn't what he consumed that was the cause of his death, but how he costumed it. The coroner also specified that this was in no way a reason to criticize or degrade any of the brands of the substances Cripe drank.
This story opens eyes to the dangers of caffeine and how it affects growing minds and bodies, Because of the stress and pressure of school and work, teens turn towards solutions such as caffeinated/energy drinks to fuel them when they should be exercising, eating right, and knowing their limitations when it comes to how many responsibilities they handle.
This story opens eyes to the dangers of caffeine and how it affects growing minds and bodies, Because of the stress and pressure of school and work, teens turn towards solutions such as caffeinated/energy drinks to fuel them when they should be exercising, eating right, and knowing their limitations when it comes to how many responsibilities they handle.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Mikenzie Moon, "Supreme Court Won't Review N.C. Voting Law"
Summary: The Supreme Court is not going to reinstate the 2013 N.C. voting law, which discriminates aganist African American voters. A good quote from this is, "An Ugly Chapter in Voter Suppression is finally closing."
Synthesis/Analysis: I totally support the Supreme Courts decision, because its wrong to discriminate. It pains me to see that so recently stage legislative has done this. There are still parts of the South were government officials are racist and still try to continue this. Watching The Butler, I saw how starting with President Eisenhower, and the Brown v. Education, which corrected Plessy V Ferguson. Changes need to be made to make a better society
Synthesis/Analysis: I totally support the Supreme Courts decision, because its wrong to discriminate. It pains me to see that so recently stage legislative has done this. There are still parts of the South were government officials are racist and still try to continue this. Watching The Butler, I saw how starting with President Eisenhower, and the Brown v. Education, which corrected Plessy V Ferguson. Changes need to be made to make a better society
Devyn Lemack- Fraternity Members Charged With Manslaughter
Summary - Eight members of a Penn State Fraternity are charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of a student after a night of heavy drinking, the local district attorney's office said. Timothy Piazza died after he was injured while pledging the Beta Theta fraternity. The cause of death was traumatic brain injury that resulted from several falls. His blood alcohol content was between .26 and .36 the night he died. Beta Theta Pi was also charged with 50 counts of hazing, 48 counts of providing alcohol to minors and 48 other alcohol related counts. Penn State permanently banned the fraternity from operating the chapter on campus.
Analysis - This article was posted in a video by CNN about the tragic event that took a young mans life because of the hazing from the fraternity. This should act as a wake up call to everyone of the dangers of binge drinking and all the lives that can be ruined in one night.
Analysis - This article was posted in a video by CNN about the tragic event that took a young mans life because of the hazing from the fraternity. This should act as a wake up call to everyone of the dangers of binge drinking and all the lives that can be ruined in one night.
Alyssa sartuche- 13 reasons why
Summary: Thirteen Reasons Why is a show based on a young adult novel by Jay Asher, in which the main character Hannah Baker details the bullying and trauma that led to her suicide. Although the book does not have a sequel, the series co-showrunner Brian Yorkey says,"Hannah's story isn't over she has parents who still don't have the complete story, There's a rapist who hasn't been brought to justice and there's a living survivor of that rapist who is just beginning her journey to recovery" They need a second season to clear up all the the questions that are being asked.
Analysis: I think a second season will be great for this show. If the second season lives up to the first season I think a lot of people will like it even more. Even though it did bring some tension up between suicide prevention groups and stuff, the show is really helpful in showing all aspects in that life.
Analysis: I think a second season will be great for this show. If the second season lives up to the first season I think a lot of people will like it even more. Even though it did bring some tension up between suicide prevention groups and stuff, the show is really helpful in showing all aspects in that life.
Hayley Cagle, Miss USA: Health care 'a privilege,' not a right
Summary: Kara McCollough, representing D.C. in the Miss USA competition this past weekend, answered a question asking if healthcare was a right or a privilege. She explained that as a government employee, she believes one must have a job to have healthcare.
Analysis: Where are our humanitarian efforts? Maybe it's just because I'm a teenager that doesn't work or have to pay taxes, but I truly do not think that's right. Saying that healthcare is a privilege is implying that one person is greater than another due to their access to opportunities.
Analysis: Where are our humanitarian efforts? Maybe it's just because I'm a teenager that doesn't work or have to pay taxes, but I truly do not think that's right. Saying that healthcare is a privilege is implying that one person is greater than another due to their access to opportunities.
School lunch shaming: Inside America's hidden debt crisis by Macey Kanaman 8th Period
Summary: Matt Antignolo has been working in schools for many years and continuously sees children struggling to pay for their lunches. Research shows that 76% of school districts have students in lunch debt. Many lunch ladies have tried to help and pay for their lunches but have been fired or resigned in response. New Mexico has recently banned lunch shaming and many hope Texas will soon follow. Debt continues to rise and more schools are wondering how to solve the problem. Many GoFundMe accounts have been made to help students pay off the debt. However that is only a temporary solution.
Analysis: I think this article is very sad because every child deserves to have a healthy lunch and not have to worry about how much debt they're going into. Hopefully they can make better food all around or make all lunch 100% as it is as btwhspva. This is similar to the New Deal programs in that many things could not get paid for after the depression and they had to find a way to do it anyway. There will be a way to pay for these lunches eventually just as the New Deal programs did. All that we can do now is help the most we can.
Analysis: I think this article is very sad because every child deserves to have a healthy lunch and not have to worry about how much debt they're going into. Hopefully they can make better food all around or make all lunch 100% as it is as btwhspva. This is similar to the New Deal programs in that many things could not get paid for after the depression and they had to find a way to do it anyway. There will be a way to pay for these lunches eventually just as the New Deal programs did. All that we can do now is help the most we can.
Kate Pinkerton - School Lunch Shaming
Summary - This article is about the lunch shaming that often occurs in schools where kids cannot afford to pay for their school lunch. Sometimes kids hot lunches will be taken from them and given cold lunches in replacement, or even taken from them and having to go hungry. While there are free and reduced lunch programs, families are sometimes unaware that they are qualified to apply for the programs and continue to struggle to pay for their kids lunches. Teachers and legislators are looking for a way to end lunch shaming and the debt that piles up as kids cant pay for their food.
Analysis - This is good that people are trying to fix this problem. I know that in DISD everyone gets free lunch because such a high percentage of the district qualifies for free or reduced lunch. I think our districts decision to do this was the right thing to do because then students don't have top worry about if they will be able to eat at lunch that day or if they owed money and can instead focus on learning. I hope the government can continue making programs that help make equal opportunities for all students despite their socio-economic backgrounds.
Analysis - This is good that people are trying to fix this problem. I know that in DISD everyone gets free lunch because such a high percentage of the district qualifies for free or reduced lunch. I think our districts decision to do this was the right thing to do because then students don't have top worry about if they will be able to eat at lunch that day or if they owed money and can instead focus on learning. I hope the government can continue making programs that help make equal opportunities for all students despite their socio-economic backgrounds.
Scared for my wife': why are crimes victims being jailed?
A resident from New Orlands, Marc Mitchell testified that while he was working as a houseman the police arrested him without any warrant.He later explains that the only thing he knew was that the Orleans Parish district attorney wanted him picked up.After the sheriffs told him that he was arrested for being a material witness warrant.Mr.Mitchell and his cousin were on the public basketball court when they got into a dispute with Chris Chambers, a leader gang member over who was going to play next so he ordered a Jontery Bernard to kill them the very next day.They said that after the incident he was legally obligated to testify even though he wanted to neglect his participation for safety concerns.The DA's office obtained a witness warrant, after that Mr.Mitchell found himself in the Orleans Parish Jail, under the same roof of the prosecutor.
The article was published by BBC news, and was written by Joel Gunter to inform the people about the injustice that Mr.Mitchell faced in the judicial system.According to the article, the witness warrants were originated in the 18oos to get a hold of the witness who has left the jurisdiction in the trail.In my opinion, the practice of witness warrant should be ratified if victim's security is in sake.I understand why his testimony was important to the case, but by forcing him to testify they used the law violated of the 4th, 5th, and 8th amendment.
The article was published by BBC news, and was written by Joel Gunter to inform the people about the injustice that Mr.Mitchell faced in the judicial system.According to the article, the witness warrants were originated in the 18oos to get a hold of the witness who has left the jurisdiction in the trail.In my opinion, the practice of witness warrant should be ratified if victim's security is in sake.I understand why his testimony was important to the case, but by forcing him to testify they used the law violated of the 4th, 5th, and 8th amendment.
Leslie Z-The rise of China's Taylor Swift
The famous singer Taylor Swift has broken borders, she has millions of fans all around the world.Her songs and her catchy style have traveled from places in the United States to the remote islands of Hong Kong.Just recently an artist called G.E.M. from Hong Kong, has earned the title as the next Taylor Swift of Asia, many compared them for their embellishing songwriting skills and her pretentious looks.
The article was written by BBC news to inform the people about the great influence of modern pop culture in other parts of the world.The internet language as we all know is English, therefore the U.S. industry distributes their culture throughout the entertainment business such like the Hollywood industry and social media.Thanks to the effectiveness to communicate with the world, people are able to share ideas and different customs to other parts of the world.
Leslie Z-Paris Jackson explains nude Instagram posts
Paris Jackson explained to her followers that nudity is natural and 'part of what makes us human.'The young model has been harshly criticized for posting a photo of herself lying topless alongside her dog.Apparently, the picture has being deleted since, but they couldn't stop Paris as she later posted another picture of her topless and smoking.She declared by posting nudist pictures she was starting a movement for going back no nature, which she calls philosophy.She also said that by posting pictures like that she was able to show her feminism.
The article was written by BBC news to inform the audience about recent conflicts in the world.The 1st amendment says that the individual has the freedom of religion press, speech, assembly, and petition.Therefore, Paris Jackson was only exercising her right to express herself even though many thought is was immoral of her to expose her body to the entire world.
Leslie Z-Us government shutdown: how did we get here gain?
It happened once in 1929 when the stock market crashed, a national crisis paralyzed the nation and welcomed the era of the Great Depression.The time period between the 1930s was remembered as a calamity because many Americans struggled to survive against the economic collapsed. Anyhow, a new threat is demanding a potential government shutdown, according to the article if the spending bill gets through both houses of congress and signed by president Trump by 28th of April, the federal governed will indeed close doors although emergency servile will still be provided.The spending bill proposes ways to provide the sufficient money to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexico, which comes with an estimated price of $22 Billion dollars
The article was written by BBC news to keep the people informed about the current events and changes the U.S government is making.The previous shutdown in the U.S. was back in 2013, when Republicans demanded the spending bill to have provisions to remove funding from Obamacare.
Small Plane Crashes into Australian mall killing pilot, 4 US citizens: Larissa Perez #5
Summary: A small plane crashed into a shopping center after takeoff Tuesday morning. Everyone in the plane was killed including pilot according to police statement. Fortunately DFO shopping center was closed and no one was inside and therefore no one was killed. All flights out Essendon were temporarily put to a stop and the the Tullamarine Freeway was closed due to scattered debris.
Analysis: This article was published on February 21, 2017 by Joel Williams, Douglas Jones and Ben Westcott. Although small this was a tragic event. However I'm still curious to what made the plane crash. Although the shopping center was closed 5 lives were still lost and their family and friends are deeply impacted by this lose.
Analysis: This article was published on February 21, 2017 by Joel Williams, Douglas Jones and Ben Westcott. Although small this was a tragic event. However I'm still curious to what made the plane crash. Although the shopping center was closed 5 lives were still lost and their family and friends are deeply impacted by this lose.
emily anderson - medical testing in mice
Unfortunately, type 1 diabetes affects around 1.25 million children and adults in the U.S. alone. Diabetes consists of insulin producing cells being destroyed by the immune system. Therefore, this causes a rise in the blood glucose levels. This is monitored through dieting and insulin therapy although there is no real cure altogether. Scientists have approached a cure by trying to get other pancreas cells to produce the lost insulin. With this, type 1 diabetes has been tested and cured in mice.
This is an incredible discovery and breakthrough in the medical world. Considering how many people are affected by diabetes, hopefully someday this technique will be successfully transferred to humans. If that becomes the case, then we will have advanced as a society and in technology in so many ways. The research we do now is so important for the future of society. This relates to how many people became doctors and researchers in order to cure people throughout basically all of history. From the beginning, we as humans have been attempting to allow for society to become as healthy as possible. This began a long time ago and has become concise research in the past century. I think medical research is extremely important and can be the future of everyone's health and well being.
This is an incredible discovery and breakthrough in the medical world. Considering how many people are affected by diabetes, hopefully someday this technique will be successfully transferred to humans. If that becomes the case, then we will have advanced as a society and in technology in so many ways. The research we do now is so important for the future of society. This relates to how many people became doctors and researchers in order to cure people throughout basically all of history. From the beginning, we as humans have been attempting to allow for society to become as healthy as possible. This began a long time ago and has become concise research in the past century. I think medical research is extremely important and can be the future of everyone's health and well being.
Miracle Boy Graduates- Abbey Winiger
SUMMARY- On Saturday the 29 year old Ryan Dant walked the stage in his cap and gown at his dream university, University of Louisville. Ryan is affected with MPS causing his spleen and liver to be enlarged. The geneticist told Ryan his life expectancy was 10 or if he was lucky 12. He would live in constant pain possibly blind or deafness, and decline in mental abilities. They got to work in spreading awareness and gaining help from scientists. Luckily this inspiring story will inspire many who have the same disease to not give up.
ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS- I think this story is absolutely incredible. The article was written by Ashley Strickland and she is awe-inspired by this young man. I believe with this persistence anything is possible. Prior to reading this I had not heard Rya's story. This story reminds me of Franklin Roosevelt and dealing with his crippling condition.
RIP Chuck Davis- Camryn Stafford
Mr. Chuck Davis, dancer and performer, passed away this past Sunday at the age of 80. Baba Chuck was known for many things including being the founder and face of Dance Africa. Baba Chuck led the African American Dance Ensemble for more than 30 years as they performed around the world. The American Dance Festival's 82nd season was dedicated to Baba and he was named irreplaceable by the Dance Heritage Coalition.
Baba Chuck will surely be missed. He was a major part of my life in the way that he made Dance Africa so much fun for me and the rest of my group. His energy radiated throughout the crowd and was able to appeal to anyone. Baba Chuck was very smart, funny, and at the same time very serious. Even though we always wanted to please him he made sure to remind of us how awesome we were. This can be synthesized to loosing a loved one in any circumstance
JADA BROWN-U.S. judges question Trump's temporary travel ban.
On Monday, May 15, 2017, U.S. appeals judges question the lawyer defending Trump's temporary travel ban. They were trying to figure out if it discriminates specifically against Muslims and/or if they should let this policy carry on.
I'm starting to realize that everything that Trump does, cause lots of comotiona and everyone makes a big deal about it.Me, personally, actually understand a little this time about what he's trying to do. If he sees that terrorism happens from people in those areas, hen certain precautions must me made.
Synthesis: As mist people would call this subject unfair, it can easily relate to The Jim Crow laws in the 1900s. Certain laws were made to keep black people away and separate from white people. This is the way that Muslims and Muslim countries are being treated.
Resource: play news stand app
On Monday, May 15, 2017, U.S. appeals judges question the lawyer defending Trump's temporary travel ban. They were trying to figure out if it discriminates specifically against Muslims and/or if they should let this policy carry on.
I'm starting to realize that everything that Trump does, cause lots of comotiona and everyone makes a big deal about it.Me, personally, actually understand a little this time about what he's trying to do. If he sees that terrorism happens from people in those areas, hen certain precautions must me made.
Synthesis: As mist people would call this subject unfair, it can easily relate to The Jim Crow laws in the 1900s. Certain laws were made to keep black people away and separate from white people. This is the way that Muslims and Muslim countries are being treated.
Resource: play news stand app
Anecia Forbes : Family members fear California mother of 2 was abducted while running
Summary: The family of a missing California woman believes she had been abducted while she was out jogging. Family and friends told the Ventura County Star on Thursday that Sherri Papini, 34, of Redding, was a devoted mother of two who wouldn’t think about leaving her children. “She was out for a run. She wouldn’t leave her babies,” Sheila Koester, Papini’s sister, told the paper. Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko said Papini was last seen around 2 p.m. in her neighborhood running about 1 1/2 miles away from Interstate 5. Papini had sent a text message to her husband Keith asking him whether he’d be home for lunch, Koester said. He said he wouldn’t. “He returned to the home later in the evening, around 5, and no one was here,” Koester said. “He called the authorities immediately.” Her family said that jogging in the area is routine for Papini. She then picks up her two children from daycare in the afternoon and then spends the rest of the day gardening with them or doing other projects. Keith Papini used the Find My iPhone app to track his wife’s phone to see whether it would lead him to her or a possible body. Papini found the phone at an intersection where she had been seen last, but no sign of his wife. “I would say my personal reaction is that it’s twofold,” Suzanne Papini told the paper. “One, is that is it’s good to have some sort of clue. The other portion is that it really points to she’s been taken. I mean, she wouldn’t just drop her phone if she was running away. So, at least it’s giving us some kind of information. This is a pretty sickening situation.” Authorities have said that there were no reports of any major incidents at the Papini household nor have any suspects been identified. Police said there were four registered sex offenders in the area, but didn’t say whether those men had been cleared. Papini is described as being 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs about 100 pounds. She was last seen wearing pink running clothes, deputies said.
Analysis/Synthesis: This is absolutely terrible. It makes you think how the world can be such a horrible and bad place and how you need to be aware of who and what is around you. I hope this case will be solved very very soon because this is truly saddening. This event can be synthesized to the Chibok Schoolgirls that got abducted by Boko Haram.
Analysis/Synthesis: This is absolutely terrible. It makes you think how the world can be such a horrible and bad place and how you need to be aware of who and what is around you. I hope this case will be solved very very soon because this is truly saddening. This event can be synthesized to the Chibok Schoolgirls that got abducted by Boko Haram.
Health care -Karina Enriquez
On the Sunday showing of Miss USA ,winner Kara McCullough, was said that health care is a privilege and not a right. She presented this as her answer through the question of what was her opinion towards health care. She also touched base on the feminist movement,and how she doesn't consider herself one but does want the equality for female.
This post was published for CNN by Eugene Scott on Monday may 15,2017. The authors seem to have a neutral side of this argument and maintained his views open. We can relate this through the idea of the passing of the bill of rights when people debated on wether they should be a right or not just how Miss USA doesn't believe it should be one.
On the Sunday showing of Miss USA ,winner Kara McCullough, was said that health care is a privilege and not a right. She presented this as her answer through the question of what was her opinion towards health care. She also touched base on the feminist movement,and how she doesn't consider herself one but does want the equality for female.
This post was published for CNN by Eugene Scott on Monday may 15,2017. The authors seem to have a neutral side of this argument and maintained his views open. We can relate this through the idea of the passing of the bill of rights when people debated on wether they should be a right or not just how Miss USA doesn't believe it should be one.
Madison Harvey - 8 students charged in Penn State hazing death
Summary - Eight members of a Penn State Fraternity are charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of a student after a night of heavy drinking, the local district attorney's office said. Timothy Piazza died after he was injured while pledging the Beta Theta fraternity. The cause of death was traumatic brain injury that resulted from several falls. His blood alcohol content was between .26 and .36 the night he died. Beta Theta Pi was also charged with 50 counts of hazing, 48 counts of providing alcohol to minors and 48 other alcohol related counts. Penn State permanently banned the fraternity from operating the chapter on campus.
Analysis - This article was posted in a video by CNN about the tragic event that took a young mans life because of the hazing from the fraternity. This should act as a wake up call to everyone of the dangers of binge drinking and all the lives that can be ruined in one night.
Analysis - This article was posted in a video by CNN about the tragic event that took a young mans life because of the hazing from the fraternity. This should act as a wake up call to everyone of the dangers of binge drinking and all the lives that can be ruined in one night.
Matthew Zapata - Texas Police Brutality
Summary: Daily News released an article which covered the incident in DISD inn which a police officer had a physical confrontation with a 12 year old girl. Mariana was seen fighting with other students in the video until a police officer physically assaults her. He picks her up and slams her body on the ground. After the incident she was then taken to the hospital because of a clavicle fracture from the body slam. DISD has kept silent about the situation and only released one statement that is vague and doesn't directly talk about the confrontation that took place.
Analysis: Reading this article makes me so sad knowing that girls, and people in general for that matter, are getting wrongly treated by the police because of the police's interpretation of their "power".
Townley Jordan-One of Largest Drug Busts in History
Summary: Eight tons of cocaine were recently intercepted in a double drug bust, one of the largest in history. In the larger, Spanish and Ecuadorean authorities to intercept a shipment of 5.5 tons headed to Spain. In a separate drug seizure, Spanish police stopped a Venezuelan fishing vessel carrying 2.5 tons. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and Britain's National Crime Agency also contributed to the operation. The cargo seized off the coast of Ecuador has an estimated value of $250 million. The first operation resulted in the capture of 24 drug trafficking suspects. Since the beginning of 2017, Ecuador has confiscated about 30 tons of cocaine.
Analysis: This article was written a few days after the first bust, so all of the information was given. It is so crazy to me that people would risk it all to ship that much cocaine at one time, it seems to me that when you get that greedy and ship that much, you are just asking to get caught. I think also that it is impressive that multiple countries had intelligence on this and worked together to stop it. This shows that many countries are worried about drug abuse and dealing and are working to eliminate it.
Joey Julius~ Harper J.
Summary: Those who have dedicated their lives to studying the minds and mental well-being of elite athletes, hope Penn State kicker Joey Julius will no longer serve as an outlier. That his openness and honesty about struggling with an eating disorder will be a beacon for others. For people like Mark Aoyagi, director of sport and performance psychology at the University of Denver and a member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, the hope is Julius will help change a culture that has discouraged weakness of this kind, simply by embracing the idea that it's OK to admit that help is necessary. For the second time in a year, Julius opened up about his struggles with binge eating. After coming forward last fall, appearing on programs such as Good Morning America and College GameDay, Julius announced in early May that he was again struggling and seeking treatment at the McCallum Place treatment facility in St. Louis. While revealing the reason for his spring football absence on Facebook, he didn't beg for support or understanding. Instead, he devoted the majority of his message to emphasizing the importance of seeking help when in need.
Analysis: It is those like Joey Julius who break the standards for people with such disorders. They are the ones who give hope and prove that anyone can do it
Analysis: It is those like Joey Julius who break the standards for people with such disorders. They are the ones who give hope and prove that anyone can do it
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Joshua Klein
The article describes how last week Trump disclosed highly classified information on Islamic terrorist threats with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador. Officials say that Trump had no permission to share the information with the Russians. The information was a high level of classification. The White House staff denied the claims stating that Trump did not disclose any information that the public did not already know. The information was code word classified and is information that the United States has not even shared with its allies.
I think this is just scary. Trump is reckless wielding around information with one of our greatest adversaries. Trump has created another problem for himself politically by just being plain stupid. If he can hardly keep classified information he is hardly classified to hold the position of president
Lauren Brady P4 5/15/17 Handwritten Harry Potter Prequel Stolen
A short story prequel to the Harry Potter series has been stolen from a home in Kings Heath, Birmingham. That short story was handwritten by JK Rowling on a postcard. She is urging anybody who sees the piece for sale to contact the police. The story had been auctioned for $32,000. Other valuables, including jewelry, were also stolen during the theft.
The short story is only 800 words long, but it gives a lot of backstory to the Harry Potter books. It details a misadventure of James Potter and Sirius Black with a muggle policeman. It also shows the flying motorcycle of Sirius Black and a glimpse of Death Eaters. It would be a shame to have this rare treasure stolen and potentially gone forever. This connects to the 1990 robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, in which $500 million of art was stolen and has not yet been recovered.
The short story is only 800 words long, but it gives a lot of backstory to the Harry Potter books. It details a misadventure of James Potter and Sirius Black with a muggle policeman. It also shows the flying motorcycle of Sirius Black and a glimpse of Death Eaters. It would be a shame to have this rare treasure stolen and potentially gone forever. This connects to the 1990 robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, in which $500 million of art was stolen and has not yet been recovered.
Elijah Macias- North Korea threat: US ‘monitoring’ claim missile could carry nuclear warhead
Summary: America is keeping an eye on North Korea after their recent missile test with a missile that North Korea claims to be able to hold a nuclear warhead and could reach the U.S. One day after Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship reported a successful test flight of its KN-17 missile, state-run news agency KCNA reported the “U.S. mainland and Pacific operations” were in range of North Korean weapons. A senior administration official said the White House was warily assessing the latest news out of North Korea, given the country’s propensity to push misleading and exaggerated propaganda; however, the official said if the latest claim is true, it “would be a cause for great concern.” It also should be noted that the recent missile flew longer than any other Korean missile in history.
Analysis: I wish these tensions would die down already because i'm sick and tired of it. Are we going to solve this diplomatically or are we going to launch ourselves into another war? Trump has already shown his quickness to act, so i hope he doesn't screw it up for the rest of us here. Nuclear war would be absolutely terrible and would alter the course of history forever.
This is very similar to the Cold war in that they both are nuclear arms races with no real end in sight.
Analysis: I wish these tensions would die down already because i'm sick and tired of it. Are we going to solve this diplomatically or are we going to launch ourselves into another war? Trump has already shown his quickness to act, so i hope he doesn't screw it up for the rest of us here. Nuclear war would be absolutely terrible and would alter the course of history forever.
This is very similar to the Cold war in that they both are nuclear arms races with no real end in sight.
Chloe Dupuy- Trump on same-sex marriage and Roe v. Wade
Synopsis- Donald Trump is not shy about his beliefs, especially when it comes to social issues such as same-sex marriage and abortion. Since his election as president, he has now stated that the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage is "settled", but that the issue of abortion is still on the table. The Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade ruled that not allowing women to make the decision on whether or not they get an abortion was unconstitutional. This means that abortion cannot be completely outlawed by any states in the U.S.. Trump is not a fan of this decision, and says that he wants to elect Supreme Court justices that will work to reverse this action.
Analysis: This news makes me furious. The Roe v. Wade decision was a huge step forward in women's rights. The fact that Trump is already looking to take this away from us, not even a week after his election, is maddening. As a woman I am comforted by the fact that if I do not want to carry a child to term, I have access to procedures such as abortion. If this right is taken away, an uncountable number of women will be forced to care for an unwanted child inside of them. Either that, or they will seek out illegal and dangerous methods of aborting the fetus on their own. This could lead to the deaths and injuries of not just the unborn, but the mothers as well.
Synthesis: This news synthesizes to the Supreme Court case of Brown v. The Board of Education. This decision stated the segregation of schools based on race was unconstitutional. This was a ginormous step forward in the fight for equal rights, just like Roe v. Wade. If that decision have been overturned, imagine how different our lives would be today.
Analysis: This news makes me furious. The Roe v. Wade decision was a huge step forward in women's rights. The fact that Trump is already looking to take this away from us, not even a week after his election, is maddening. As a woman I am comforted by the fact that if I do not want to carry a child to term, I have access to procedures such as abortion. If this right is taken away, an uncountable number of women will be forced to care for an unwanted child inside of them. Either that, or they will seek out illegal and dangerous methods of aborting the fetus on their own. This could lead to the deaths and injuries of not just the unborn, but the mothers as well.
Synthesis: This news synthesizes to the Supreme Court case of Brown v. The Board of Education. This decision stated the segregation of schools based on race was unconstitutional. This was a ginormous step forward in the fight for equal rights, just like Roe v. Wade. If that decision have been overturned, imagine how different our lives would be today.
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