This week, the last American held as a prisoner of war from the Afghan War was released after being held captive for 5 years in Afghanistan. Bowe Bergdahl had wondered off from the rest of his army unit when he was taken by the Taliban and held captive. The U.S. finalized his release from the Taliban and just today has a three-person military unit meet with 18 Taliban soldiers to transfer Bergdahl back to U.S. forces. As part of U.S. negotiations with a Taliban representative, the U.S. released three terrorists being held prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Bergdahl is currently being held at an American base in Afghanistan, but will fly back to his hometown of San Antonio, Texas, tomorrow and will be reunited with his family.
This is a really great story. I'm so glad he's finally able to come home, and I couldn't imagine being away from home for 5 years, let alone being kidnapped and held by terrorists. It's terrible how much control the Taliban has in the Middle East, and therefore how little control the government has. The Taliban is largely responsible for the ruin that has plagued the Middle East, and furthermore, it doesn't seem to be coming to an end anytime soon. However, we can all only hope the Taliban does lose that control one day.
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
google's new car: no steering wheel, and no driver - Camille Vigil
Google has introduced the prototype it has been working on of a driverless car. Google has said that the cars "won't have a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, or brake pedal... because they don't need them". Safety features of the new car eliminate the troublesome blind spots that drivers currently are troubled by and sensors that detect objects at a far away distance. Google is planning to make more prototypes and test out the car even more, and even estimates that the car will be available for purchase as soon as 2020. The car is shaped similarly to a Smart car, and its front face is designed to look like a smiley face.
I'm a little unsure about the idea of a driver-less car. It seems like a very convenient idea, but it also does pose very real safety concerns, despite all of its safety features. Technology isn't flawless and I'm not so sure I'd put my life in the hands of a small computer inside a tiny car every day. I would, however, like to see where this new invention leads us in the future!
I'm a little unsure about the idea of a driver-less car. It seems like a very convenient idea, but it also does pose very real safety concerns, despite all of its safety features. Technology isn't flawless and I'm not so sure I'd put my life in the hands of a small computer inside a tiny car every day. I would, however, like to see where this new invention leads us in the future!
Secondary Drowning- Madison Russell
Secondary drowning can and does occur up to 72 hours after near-drowning incidents occur.
When someone drowns, they inhale to much liquid in their body, clogging the person's airways and preventing oxygen from entering the body.
When someone suffers from secondary drowning, the body almost drowns in liquid- then suffers from too much liquid in its systems (especially the lungs). The body counters the liquid in its lungs with its own bodily fluids, filling the systems further. This type of drowning is a sort of slow motion version of the first kind. The victim finds it more and more difficult to breathe, until they can't anymore.
Effects of secondary drowning are usually hours after the near-drowning events. Usually it is small children that suffer from this condition- that is why it is important for parents to take note of its symptoms, "difficulties in breathing, extreme tiredness or behavioral changes."
More information on this at this link:
When someone drowns, they inhale to much liquid in their body, clogging the person's airways and preventing oxygen from entering the body.
When someone suffers from secondary drowning, the body almost drowns in liquid- then suffers from too much liquid in its systems (especially the lungs). The body counters the liquid in its lungs with its own bodily fluids, filling the systems further. This type of drowning is a sort of slow motion version of the first kind. The victim finds it more and more difficult to breathe, until they can't anymore.
Effects of secondary drowning are usually hours after the near-drowning events. Usually it is small children that suffer from this condition- that is why it is important for parents to take note of its symptoms, "difficulties in breathing, extreme tiredness or behavioral changes."
More information on this at this link:
First Lady's school lunch plan hits a snag/ Arlesia McGowan Period 4
Written by: N/A
Date Written: May 30, 2014
First lady Michelle Obama's drive to stop a Republican-led effort to slow adoption of nutrition standards for school meals, a centerpiece of her anti-obesity "Let's Move" campaign, was dealt a setback in Congress.
Date Written: May 30, 2014
First lady Michelle Obama's drive to stop a Republican-led effort to slow adoption of nutrition standards for school meals, a centerpiece of her anti-obesity "Let's Move" campaign, was dealt a setback in Congress.
Democrats aligned with Mrs. Obama on the issue failed on Thursday to strip the proposal from a $142.5 billion Agriculture Department spending bill, which was approved by the Appropriations Committee and sent to the full House for consideration.
The controversial plan offered by Rep. Robert Aderholt of Alabama would give schools struggling financially an extra year to comply with rules approved by Congress in 2010 to limit fat and salt and promote fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
"I want to be clear that everybody supports healthy lunches and meals for children, but the bottom line is the schools are finding the regulations to be too much too quick," Aderholt said during consideration of the measure by the appropriations panel. "School districts need more time to implement the changes."
I totally support Michelle in her lunch plan and I hope everything goes well. I certainly agree that school lunch should be more healthy. Lunches at school are often filled with lots of salt or MSG, which increases the risks and factors of obesity. If anything, especially when some as well as most children cannot afford to bring lunch from home, school lunch should be readily available and healthy. Therefore, much time is needed to bring about these changes.
Arlesia McGowan
Period 4
Friday, May 30, 2014
Google's new car: No driver, and no steering wheel - Alix Kast
Google has released a prototype of a new driverless car: it only has a stop and go button. There are no pedals and there is no steering wheel. It can carry two passengers and goes up to 25 miles per hour. It has sensors to remove blind spots, and it can detect objects around it within the distance of almost 2 football fields in all directions. This is designed to deal with problems that busy intersections might pose. Its front was designed to look like a cute smiley face. The company plans to build around 100 prototypes and to begin testing them in a few months. Google began designing driverless cars in 2005, and these are meant to be ready to be sold by 2020.
I am always excited to hear about new inventions. This one seems especially promising. However, this car is still in its early phases of development, so it will probably be awhile before it is ready to be sold and used by many people. It has many safety features, which is very important since driving can be very hazardous. Maybe developments like this can help make our cars much safer in the future. But, we have to be wary of relying completely on technology because there can be glitches in the system. But humans can certainly make many mistakes as well. It would be best if we can find a balance where the machine can make up for human error.
I am always excited to hear about new inventions. This one seems especially promising. However, this car is still in its early phases of development, so it will probably be awhile before it is ready to be sold and used by many people. It has many safety features, which is very important since driving can be very hazardous. Maybe developments like this can help make our cars much safer in the future. But, we have to be wary of relying completely on technology because there can be glitches in the system. But humans can certainly make many mistakes as well. It would be best if we can find a balance where the machine can make up for human error.
Cabdriver Charged with Obstruction of Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation - Lizy Rutherford 4th pd
A man from Quincy, MA has been recently arrest and charged with obstruction of the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing. He allegedly was a friend of the late Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The man, Khairullozhon Matanov, 23, was arrested early this morning by a SWAT team. He is being held without bail, currently.
Huh... it's weird that this is the fourth arrest made since the bombing happened. There was the initial one, then two more with more of the Tsarnaev's friends as they were obstructing evidence too. Wonder why all of a sudden this happened now? Considering it was a year ago ish already.
Huh... it's weird that this is the fourth arrest made since the bombing happened. There was the initial one, then two more with more of the Tsarnaev's friends as they were obstructing evidence too. Wonder why all of a sudden this happened now? Considering it was a year ago ish already.
SpaceX unveils new spacecraft to take astronauts to space station, back to Earth (Haley Hill, 4th)
SpaceX unveils new spacecraft to take astronauts to space station, back to Earth
Greg Botelho, CNN
The Dragon V2, created by the company SpaceX, is the newest technology available for space travel. It's unique ability to bring astronauts to the International Space Station and then back to Earth is the first of its kind. It can transport several astronauts for several days. This technological innovation makes it more convenient for astronauts to go to the ISS, cuts down on costs, and creates more opportunities for exploration. Its ability to control descents gives it the ability to land virtually anywhere, much like a helicopter. Although the only times it has been used its been unmanned, the creator, Elon Musk, plans on changing that.
Creations like this keeps the United States constantly pushing for more innovative, economically cheaper, and safer space travel. Hopefully we can meet Obama' goal of putting a man on Mars in 2030.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
City of Tomorrow- Haley Hill, 4th
link for the video, (that everyone should watch):
The United Nations predicts that by 2030, 60% of the worlds population will live in cities. Because of the influx of people in cities, the demand for cleaner air, energy, and water will skyrocket. Due to the world's trash being doubled and rising greenhouse gases (by 25%), the need for technological innovation in the "Cities of Tomorrow" is dire. The solution? Create buildings that have zero carbon footprint through the creation of automatic window shades, hydronic heat, solar panel roofs, etc.
UCSB Shooting Victim's Father Blames NRA And 'Craven Politicians' Instead of Blaming The Shooter
At a press conference earlier, one of the victim's fathers (who identified himself as such) made a statement that's been making the rounds in the media. “Why did Chris die?” Richard Martinez, the father said. “Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights, what about Chris’ right to live? When will this insanity stop?”
His 20 year old son, Chris Martinez, was killed on the way to a market by Eliot Rodger, the shooter responsible for the death of 7 women on campus at UCSB. 2 others will killed as well.
This event has absolutely horrified me. As a woman, it now means for me that should I decide to reject a man's romantic/sexual advances, he might kill me for exercising my right to say no. Rodger felt so entitled to these young women's bodies that he actually killed them. There's no telling how many men out there are just like him. (PS for anyone who decides to comment on this post - DO NOT post 'not all men are like that'.)
I feel for the families of the victims, but I feel that this particular father is shifting where the blame should really be placed. When it comes to cis men violently attacking and killing cis women, it's always turned into a discussion about gun rights or mental illness, and not about the men themselves. This is why gendered violence like this perpetuates - we never make the men responsible. We always teach women self-defense classes or give them self defense weapons as gifts, but we never teach men that they are not entitled to a woman's body or that no means no. The message is always "don't get attacked" and not "don't attack".
His 20 year old son, Chris Martinez, was killed on the way to a market by Eliot Rodger, the shooter responsible for the death of 7 women on campus at UCSB. 2 others will killed as well.
This event has absolutely horrified me. As a woman, it now means for me that should I decide to reject a man's romantic/sexual advances, he might kill me for exercising my right to say no. Rodger felt so entitled to these young women's bodies that he actually killed them. There's no telling how many men out there are just like him. (PS for anyone who decides to comment on this post - DO NOT post 'not all men are like that'.)
I feel for the families of the victims, but I feel that this particular father is shifting where the blame should really be placed. When it comes to cis men violently attacking and killing cis women, it's always turned into a discussion about gun rights or mental illness, and not about the men themselves. This is why gendered violence like this perpetuates - we never make the men responsible. We always teach women self-defense classes or give them self defense weapons as gifts, but we never teach men that they are not entitled to a woman's body or that no means no. The message is always "don't get attacked" and not "don't attack".
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Accidental outing of CIA official could end a covert career - Victor Ragsdale 4th Period
Accidental outing of CIA official could end a covert career
In a report sent out to 6,000 journalists of a list of servicemen stationed in Afghanistan to be briefed by President Obama for a surprise briefing, there was a name of a CIA agent that was not be listed. They are currently investigating how such events could have occurred.
I don't understand how this could have happened. An agency that is supposed to be so covert and protected manages to leak the identity of an agent on a current mission. Now he and his family are threatened. This is does not look good as far as attaining future CIA agents.
Victor Ragsdale - 4th Period
Kolina Hocevar period 5 SPCA
Originally, the dog walker told the pets' owners that they had been stolen on May 13, the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said in a statement released Monday. But she later admitted they'd died in her care, the SPCA said. The SPCA, which is leading the investigation into the alleged mistreatment of the dogs, will recommend that authorities pursue animal cruelty charges, said Marcie Moriarty, the organization's chief prevention and enforcement officer. The dog walker admitted she was inside a business for about 45 minutes and left the dogs inside her vehicle, said Alesha MacLellan, a spokeswoman for Petsearchers Canada, a detective agency brought in by owners to help find missing animals. "The dog walker said she panicked and disposed of the dogs, then made up story about them being stolen," MacLellan said. "After she disposed of the dogs, she drove to a park, where she was supposed to have taken the dogs originally, and said the dogs were stolen from the park."
Leslie Kelly: Why Giving Adderall to Toddlers Is So Completely, Utterly Wrong
Hello, good day everyone, I'm going to talk to you about meds. They can be pretty awesome and they can be pretty horrible. I've only been taking mine for a couple of months, but the effect they have on me already is pretty astounding. While I'm taking them, they help me calm down enough to get through my daily life without (generally) being crippled by panic attacks. So can anyone guess what happens when I run out of the magic pills? Lots of panic attacks, good job! Now imagine what this kind of stuff does to toddlers. But one might argue, "Leslie, you're on antidepressants, not anti-ADHD meds. It's diffffffferent." And to combat this, I have another story. In elementary school, one of my best friends was a little boy with severe ADHD. So his mother gave him meds. This boy was incredibly sweet, but his meds seemed to turn him into an entirely different person. Cold, grouchy, impatient instead of happy-go-lucky and carefree. The minimum age for kids taking medication is supposed to be four, and yet doctors are prescribing thousands of toddlers with pills. I understand that small children are hell to take care of--I babysit little kids all the time and they drive me absolutely crazy after just an hour. But pills are just not always the answer. It's not fair to the children taking them, who could very well be perfectly "normal" and who are missing out on important cognitive development that traditional parenting would provide. We have to stop prescribing meds where meds are not due. They're more serious than people seem to realize.
"Video Rant, Then Deadly Rampage in California Town" (Melissa Kurtzman, 5th Period)
Summary: On Friday night, a UC Santa Barbara student went on a terror rampage and shot 6 students and wounded 13 others. Elliot O. Rodgers recorded a video of himself speaking about his rage towards women that had rejected him and then posted them on YouTube. After he open fired on bystanders in the town, he crashed his BMW into a parked car and was found with a bullet wound to his head. In the video, he said that it would be the final video he would post and that the next day would be a "day of retribution".
Analysis: This entire incident is extremely upsetting. It's crazy that this guy would go on this kind of rampage just because s few girls said they didn't want to go out with him. My heart goes out to the families of the victims.®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article
Analysis: This entire incident is extremely upsetting. It's crazy that this guy would go on this kind of rampage just because s few girls said they didn't want to go out with him. My heart goes out to the families of the victims.®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article
Leslie Kelly: Skirts Should Be a Normal Choice…for Both Women and Men
In Nantes, France, male students and teachers alike came to school in skirts as a campaign against sexism displayed towards their female counterparts. The "Lift the Skirt" movement rocked conservative citizens of France, who, of course, found it scandalous and ridiculous. Even here at Booker T., the idea of seeing a person usually perceived as male wearing a skirt draws less-than-fuzzy feelings. Even the idea of seeing a male wearing short shorts, which are just now starting to circulate in mainstream men's fashion, is ludicrous for many people. But have you ever wondered why? Have you never thought about the fact that women wearing pants had the same reactions and was just as radical? And yet nowadays it's perfectly acceptable. I applaud these guys who participated in Lift the Skirt. They're not even doing it to liberate their own clothing, they're doing it to liberate their female classmates. But they've also helped to bring this issue to light. When you think about it, fashion is becoming more androgynous every day and the whole skirt thing is just one more step towards non-gender-specific fabulousness. Now, I know that not everyone is on board with that, but all I ask of you is that the next time you want to talk about a boy behind his back for wearing a skirt and pumps, the next time you give the girl who happily chopped her long locks off funny looks, just remember that it's all the same thing as me wearing jeans.

Who's the girl anyhow? And who even cares?
Who's the girl anyhow? And who even cares?
On Sunday afternoon, a 19-year-old named Daniel J. Calhon caused a car accident under the Highway 26 tunnel in Portland, Oregon involving three vehicles because he fainted while holding his breath as he drove through the tunnel.
When he blacked out, his 1990 Toyota Camry drifted across the centerline and crashed head-on into a Ford Explorer that was carrying two passengers. Both cars hit the tunnel walls before a pickup crashed into the Camry.
Thankfully, no-one was in life-threatening conditions. Calhon and his passenger, along with the two in the Explorer, suffered some injuries and were sent to the hospital; and the two people in the truck were not injured.
Later, Calhon was charged with reckless driving, 3 counts of reckless endangerment, and 4th-degree assault.
State Police Lieutenant Gregg Hastings stated that he wasn't sure why Calhon held his breath, but concurred that it was because some people hold their breaths under tunnels as part of a game or superstition.
I find this story to be quite amusing and not funny at all at the same time. It's funny that he was stupid enough to hold his breath until he passed out just because of some silly superstition, and I also think it's funny that he couldn't even hold his breath for ten seconds - since the tunnel is only 772 feet long and thus travelling through it at the speed limit of 55mph would only take about 10 seconds.
However, this story is also not funny because it shows just how dangerous it can be to get even slightly distracted on the road. Thankfully, by the grace of God, no-one was hurt in this particular incident; but it should go to show that we need to be very careful on the road (especially as young and inexperienced drivers) and not cause accidents over stupid silly things like this.
When he blacked out, his 1990 Toyota Camry drifted across the centerline and crashed head-on into a Ford Explorer that was carrying two passengers. Both cars hit the tunnel walls before a pickup crashed into the Camry.
Thankfully, no-one was in life-threatening conditions. Calhon and his passenger, along with the two in the Explorer, suffered some injuries and were sent to the hospital; and the two people in the truck were not injured.
Later, Calhon was charged with reckless driving, 3 counts of reckless endangerment, and 4th-degree assault.
State Police Lieutenant Gregg Hastings stated that he wasn't sure why Calhon held his breath, but concurred that it was because some people hold their breaths under tunnels as part of a game or superstition.
I find this story to be quite amusing and not funny at all at the same time. It's funny that he was stupid enough to hold his breath until he passed out just because of some silly superstition, and I also think it's funny that he couldn't even hold his breath for ten seconds - since the tunnel is only 772 feet long and thus travelling through it at the speed limit of 55mph would only take about 10 seconds.
However, this story is also not funny because it shows just how dangerous it can be to get even slightly distracted on the road. Thankfully, by the grace of God, no-one was hurt in this particular incident; but it should go to show that we need to be very careful on the road (especially as young and inexperienced drivers) and not cause accidents over stupid silly things like this.
Griffin Johnston, 4th period, The Importance of being Politically Informed
an article in The New York Times, Lynn
Vavreck talks about how voters who choose candidates from different political
parties are usually uninformed/uneducated. This group of voters can have a
large influence over the outcome of elections; the author states how it is
somewhat distressing to know that these voters can be so easily influenced and,
sometimes, led astray by the media, celebrities who voice their political
views, friends, etc. To test the political knowledge of the people, Vavreck
initiated a short quiz to 45,000 people. The quiz posed questions regarding the
political parties and job of various prominent political figures (Eric Cantor,
Nancy Pelosi, John Roberts, Harry Reid, etc.). Taking the results from the
quiz, Vavreck categorized the participants into three tiers of knowledge (the
top tier being the most politically informed and the bottom tier the least). In
the bottom tier, 12 percent of the participants cast ballots that voted for
different candidates of differing political parties in the 2012 election, the
second tier, 8 percent, and the top tier only 4 percent split their votes.
are most effective when the vast majority of voters are adequately informed and
well educated. Part of our duty as Americans is to be politically informed
about the people running for office and about current events. In this age of
extensive easily accessible resources and information, informing ourselves is
made much more effortless. Even with the bias in the media, knowing that there
is bias and being able to view both perspectives enables us to be more
effective citizens and voters. However, when there is a large population of
voters who do not know who they are voting for and are too susceptible to the
influences of celebrities political views or their close friends views or
unreliable sources, there is a greater likelihood of someone gaining office who
is not qualified and/or does not have the nation’s best interest at heart. Even
though we are one person out of millions, each person’s efforts to make
themselves more educated helps our nation to become better by putting smarter
and more qualified people in office. Lastly, though Vavreck was referring to
uninformed voters, and though a person’s political party is obviously
important, a person should not determine their vote solely due to their
political party. A candidates party does help voters know, in a general sense,
what positions they hold on important, current issues. However, the decision to
vote for someone should be based on whether you think that the candidate will
help the country the best while in office.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Denied again by people he hated, gunman improvised - Nana Johnson 2nd Period
Elliot Rodger attempted to slaughter and “punish” young women inside a UCSB sorority house. He was upset about his social and sexual isolation, and blamed women for the lack of attention he received. He planned to target as many people as possible. He attempted to enter the sorority house, however no one answered the door. Instead, he randomly opened fire on a group of students, took off in his car, and shot himself. He had stabbed 3 victims in his apartment, shot and killed 3 students at random, and injured 13 more with gunshots or his car. In his writings, he wrote out his plan to kill his roommates and the sorority sisters. He concluded those represented the world that tortured him. In the end, he was found in his car after he shot himself.
So I don’t know if this guy was just mentally ill or if legit misogyny, sexism, racism, patriarchy, and supremacy was the cause of innocent lives to be lost. Documents show that Rodgers was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, which may have increased his outrage at the world. Even with Asperger syndrome, he was a real life example of how misogyny and supremacy still exist and are an actual problem. Mental illness aside, Rodger thought that he was entitled to being wealthy, took his family for granted, thought that he deserved beautiful girls, and that the world was against him. I read his manifesto, and he talks about how women made him feel insignificant, and that is what fueled his hatred toward women. After reading his manifesto, I realized jealousy, self hatred, and inferiority caused him to feel hate toward the world. I can’t imagine how the families of those who were wrongly killed by him feel.
Apple Users are Potheads - Zane Mallett - 5th
The Weed Firm app, after hitting No.1 on the apple store, was taken down by Apple. Its popularity was growing at a substantial rate. The company saw its popularity and finally decided to take a stand and pull it out of the app store. There has been no announcement by Apple as to why it has been removed but the speculations for removal are because of the companies stance on pot.
I get why the removed it. They didn't want to hurt their sales by making parents upset that their kids have access to downloading games that encourage the use of drugs. Also, they might not want to have an open stance on the use of Marijuana because it might drive some morally anal people away from buying apple products ever again. My best guess as to why they haven't said anything is because they're trying to formulate a perfect lie that wont get them into any trouble. Also to keep the support of their millions of customers who smoke pot and their hundreds of parents who actually care.
I've seen worse games than this harmless app. *cough* Grand Theft Auto *cough*
The Weed Firm app, after hitting No.1 on the apple store, was taken down by Apple. Its popularity was growing at a substantial rate. The company saw its popularity and finally decided to take a stand and pull it out of the app store. There has been no announcement by Apple as to why it has been removed but the speculations for removal are because of the companies stance on pot.
I get why the removed it. They didn't want to hurt their sales by making parents upset that their kids have access to downloading games that encourage the use of drugs. Also, they might not want to have an open stance on the use of Marijuana because it might drive some morally anal people away from buying apple products ever again. My best guess as to why they haven't said anything is because they're trying to formulate a perfect lie that wont get them into any trouble. Also to keep the support of their millions of customers who smoke pot and their hundreds of parents who actually care.
I've seen worse games than this harmless app. *cough* Grand Theft Auto *cough*
CIA Slip Up. Gloria Jones
Recently the CIA accidentally released their top intelligence in Afghanistan to 6,000 journalists.
This is a huge mistake and could greatly threaten security. I can see how this would happen though. There is so much at stake because of this. It was given away by being on the guest list. Hopefully this won't result in anything too bad.
This is a huge mistake and could greatly threaten security. I can see how this would happen though. There is so much at stake because of this. It was given away by being on the guest list. Hopefully this won't result in anything too bad.
"99-Year-Old Maine Woman Receives College Diploma 75 Years Later" - Camille Farrar
White, a 99-year-old woman, should have received her college diploma from Beal
College in Bangor 75 years ago in 1939. However, after putting herself through
the necessary courses to receive the degree using only the $500 her uncle gave
to her, White was unable to afford the $5 diploma fee. One of White’s friends
discovered this recently and contacted the college, which was more than willing
to give White her much deserved diploma. White said it was more exciting to
wait this long. The diploma was printed with her maiden name, as it would have
been had she received it in 1939.
thought this was a very sweet story. It’s sad to think that something as little
as a $5 fee kept this woman from having her college diploma for all this time.
I thought it was incredible that White was able to get a degree for only $500.
Prices have increased tremendously, and it is becoming increasingly harder for
families to shoulder the cost of a higher education. I hope universities
realize how difficult it is to afford this level of education and do everything
they can to help students that want to work afford the education they should be
privy to.
Prosecuters: Hacker helped thwart 300 cyberattackers "Felicia Padilla 5th period"
An infamous computer hacker later switched sides to help the government disrupt hundreds of cyberattacks on Congress and NASA along with other sensitive targets.
Hector Xavier Monsegur was able to help after asking a judge to reward him with leniency at his sentencing Tuesday. He worked with FBI agents along his side. The FBI thinks he helped detect at least 300 separate hacks. This helped to prevent millions of dollars being lost.
Monsegur was facing more than two decades behind bars. But because of his cooperation, his sentence could be less than two years.
Monsegur first began hacking in the early 2000s. His aim then was to steal credit card information to pay his own bills.
He helped to stop Jeremy Hammond, the FBI's most wanted cybercriminal.
When FBI agents showed up at his home in the summer of 2011, Monsegur immediately agreed to cooperate. He was approached on the street and threatened. The harassment became so severe that Monsegur was relocated and so were some of his family members.
Emma Watson graduates from Brown University by Joi Ware
Summary: Emma Watson, best known as Hermione Granger from the famous serious, Harry Potter was among the 2,000 graduates from Brown University on Sunday afternoon. The celebrity tweeted a picture of herself on cap and grown that quickly went viral. Watson received a bachelors degree in English Literature. The young actress started school in 2009, the same year she was named highest-grossing actress of the decade for the Guinness Book of World Records. During her time at Brown she released both parts of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," "This Is the End," and "Noah."
Analysis: You usually don't hear of many celebrities going to get their degrees while they're still active. It's very impressive that she released four movies all while earning a bachelors degree from one of the most prestigious colleges in the nation. During the releases I'm sure she had to attend many red carpets and parties all while maintaining a high gpa. I wonder if young Watson was given special treatment by the university.
For the full story visit,|maing11|dl4|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D480522&hpt=hp_bn16
Analysis: You usually don't hear of many celebrities going to get their degrees while they're still active. It's very impressive that she released four movies all while earning a bachelors degree from one of the most prestigious colleges in the nation. During the releases I'm sure she had to attend many red carpets and parties all while maintaining a high gpa. I wonder if young Watson was given special treatment by the university.
For the full story visit,|maing11|dl4|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D480522&hpt=hp_bn16
"Father of shooting victim gives heart-wrenching statement: 'What about Chris' right to live?'," Carson Wright, 5th Period
The father of a victim of the recent Isla Vista shooting spoke out against the politicians who have yet to do anything about gun control. In an impassioned speech, Mr. Richard Martinez questions the lack of action taken against gun violence in the United States.
This is a short post, but there's not much to say. Mr. Martinez said all that needed to be spoken. The written portion of this article details the circumstances and immediate ramifications of the shooting, but the video speaks volumes more.
Please take a look at the video link below.
This is a short post, but there's not much to say. Mr. Martinez said all that needed to be spoken. The written portion of this article details the circumstances and immediate ramifications of the shooting, but the video speaks volumes more.
Please take a look at the video link below.
Parents, beware: These are the 100 deadliest days for teens by Joi Ware
Summary: Memorial day kicks off the start of 100 deadliest days for teens. From Memorial Day to Labor Day last year, over 1000 people were killed in car crashes involving teens and about 550 of them were teens. More teens drive during the summer and most likely its more recreational then purposeful. Researchers are finding out that passengers might have a bigger risk on teens than texting and driving. Passengers increase the risk for a crash by 44%.
Analysis: As a driver I've never thought of the risk that passengers present, but now looking back on it I can see how it can be a problem. When you're alone you tend to only focus on the road but with many passengers you can get distracted easily with loud conversations and etc. In Texas, in your first year of driving you're only allowed to have one friend passenger and I believe up to two family members. This means at any point in time you could have three extra people at a time and I say thats a lot for first year drivers. Driving can be a very scary experience especially when not cautious of other crazy drivers!!
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Analysis: As a driver I've never thought of the risk that passengers present, but now looking back on it I can see how it can be a problem. When you're alone you tend to only focus on the road but with many passengers you can get distracted easily with loud conversations and etc. In Texas, in your first year of driving you're only allowed to have one friend passenger and I believe up to two family members. This means at any point in time you could have three extra people at a time and I say thats a lot for first year drivers. Driving can be a very scary experience especially when not cautious of other crazy drivers!!
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Wiz Khalifa tweets jail selfie by Joi Ware
Summary: This famous rapper was arrested on Sunday morning at a Texas airport for having a green leafy substance found in his bags during security check. The young rapper seemed to be very chill about the situation as he tweeted a picture of himself captioned "jail selfie." He also tweeted a picture of a barred door saying "Free Trap Wiz." His fans quickly made the caption into a hashtag and made it go viral, of course. The rapper was released a few hours later after being charged with possession of .5 grams of weed.
Analysis: Haahahahaahahahhahaahahahaa<------Im just so done with school and so delirious that I'm laughing so hard at society. Talk about making the best out of situation, Wiz Khalifa is the king. This jsut shows the special treatment that celebrities are given even in our justice system. Although, I read a comment on the article that a man said he was given his phone in holding and hes not a celebrity. Not sure how trust worthy this is considering hes been taken to jail and it was for possession of weed. The mystery will have to remain.
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Analysis: Haahahahaahahahhahaahahahaa<------Im just so done with school and so delirious that I'm laughing so hard at society. Talk about making the best out of situation, Wiz Khalifa is the king. This jsut shows the special treatment that celebrities are given even in our justice system. Although, I read a comment on the article that a man said he was given his phone in holding and hes not a celebrity. Not sure how trust worthy this is considering hes been taken to jail and it was for possession of weed. The mystery will have to remain.
For the full story visit,
McKenzie Hartmann- Parents seek damages- 4th
Recently the parents of three young girls have sought legal damages on claims that three teachers and a guidance counselor lured their children into a demented, religious cult without their consent. The girls, one 21, one 19 and the youngest who claims to have broken free at 16, have declined to make a formal statement and prefer to remain nameless. The parents claim that around the time the teachers began spending time with the girls, they began to experience horrific mood swings, suicidal thoughts and speaking in a strange primitive language. The high school is being sued for bot better monitoring their faculty, as well as Wellesley College for facilitating the continued presence and influence of the teachers during the girls' time there. The college is currently preparing a statement, while the other defendants have declined to comment. The lawsuit additionally claims the girls have been out of communication with the rest of their family. The accusers are seeking unspecified damages and a change in school policy.
This is a really strange situation. If the girls were influenced in negative ways by their faculty, that warrants further investigation and a possible change in school policy. But some of the parents' claims seem almost typical of rebellious teenage behavior. They spoke of their daughters' loss of empathy and humor, which are both generally associated with an average hormonal teenager. Though if the parents are correct in their accusations, their should be repercussions. The problem is, a lot of the information surrounding this case has been sealed and few are speaking out about it, so it's very difficult to tell who is in the right and who is in the wrong here.
This is a really strange situation. If the girls were influenced in negative ways by their faculty, that warrants further investigation and a possible change in school policy. But some of the parents' claims seem almost typical of rebellious teenage behavior. They spoke of their daughters' loss of empathy and humor, which are both generally associated with an average hormonal teenager. Though if the parents are correct in their accusations, their should be repercussions. The problem is, a lot of the information surrounding this case has been sealed and few are speaking out about it, so it's very difficult to tell who is in the right and who is in the wrong here.
Three killed, five wounded in Myrtle Beach shootings by Joi Ware
Summary: A deadly shooting at the Bermuda Sands Hotel left 3 dead and 1 wounded on Saturday night. Myrtle Beach authorities responded to six shootings that led to the motel. One of the victims tried to run after one of the shooters but soon collapsed and died. Memorial Day vacationers and Atlantic Beach BikeFest participants lined Ocean boulevard to watch the scene. In another shooting a woman was shot in the chin and a man in the arm and four other shooting were two people were injured. Police believe the shootings arent related.
Analysis: Its hard to digest that all of this could have happened while innocent bystanders are so close and nearby. I cant imagine what I would do in that situation at that time. My thoughts are with the victims families and friends and the witnesses who had to see the many tragedies that occurred that night. Our world keeps getting crazier and crazier and not necessarily in a good way at all.
For the full story visit,
Analysis: Its hard to digest that all of this could have happened while innocent bystanders are so close and nearby. I cant imagine what I would do in that situation at that time. My thoughts are with the victims families and friends and the witnesses who had to see the many tragedies that occurred that night. Our world keeps getting crazier and crazier and not necessarily in a good way at all.
For the full story visit,
"Girl accuses school of body shaming for ban on short shorts" -Aubrey Chick
Lindsey Stocker is an 11th grader at Beaconsfield High School in Canada. One day at school she was asked to stand up, along with a few other girl classmates, to be checked for dress code. She was told that her shorts were too short and not appropriate for school. She started to explain her opinion about how she thought this was not necessary or fair, but it didn’t get her anywhere. Then she printed out 20 sheets of paper that said “Don’t humiliate her because she is wearing shorts. It’s hot outside. Instead of shaming girls for their bodies, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects.” The signs were removed after being placed around the school and she was sent to the principal’s office.
Although I agree with Lindsey's argument, I do understand why the school was against her. There is, and always has been, a school dress code, only to enforce kids to keep their clothing appropriate in this educational setting. Honestly, I don't think wearing shorts to school is a big deal. But once the school gives that freedom, its possible for some girls to take advantage of that and wear shorts that are TOO short. Therefore, they just have to have a dress code to keep everyone equal and fair. Good for her though for standing up for what she believes.
Lindsey Stocker is an 11th grader at Beaconsfield High School in Canada. One day at school she was asked to stand up, along with a few other girl classmates, to be checked for dress code. She was told that her shorts were too short and not appropriate for school. She started to explain her opinion about how she thought this was not necessary or fair, but it didn’t get her anywhere. Then she printed out 20 sheets of paper that said “Don’t humiliate her because she is wearing shorts. It’s hot outside. Instead of shaming girls for their bodies, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects.” The signs were removed after being placed around the school and she was sent to the principal’s office.
Although I agree with Lindsey's argument, I do understand why the school was against her. There is, and always has been, a school dress code, only to enforce kids to keep their clothing appropriate in this educational setting. Honestly, I don't think wearing shorts to school is a big deal. But once the school gives that freedom, its possible for some girls to take advantage of that and wear shorts that are TOO short. Therefore, they just have to have a dress code to keep everyone equal and fair. Good for her though for standing up for what she believes.
Patriarchy isn't the problem here Sam Smathers 4th
“Women React to a Murder Spree at UCSB With an Airing of
By: Conor Fiedersdorf from the Atlantic
Commentary by: Sam Smathers 4th
article is about the reactions that women had after Elliot Rodgers killed all
those girls at UCLA. The author includes
various tweets that women have written about the killings and says that an easy
way to find more tweets is to search the hashtag #YesAllWomen. The author
provides no opinion toward the killings.
Do I think
the women should have been killed? No. Do I think that guy was bat shat crazy?
Yes. Do I think he had a valid point? Yes. This kid was jealous of the lives
that the frat stars live. He was sad that he had never gotten laid. He was
upset about how he didn’t live the life he wanted to live, and he thought the
life he wanted to live involved sex with a lot of pretty girls, and he never
had any sex with pretty girls. That made this kid upset, and sad, and then,
obviously, very angry. The problem with this is not that this guy subjugated
women the whole time he was talking in his youtube vido, yeah that was messed
up, but the last time women were remotely equal to men we were living in caves,
patriarchy isn’t a new topic. The new thing here is that this guy was twenty
two and no where near reaching his idea of fulfillment because society told
this kid that they only way he could be happy was to fall in love and have sex
with pretty girls, and he never did this so he was upset. If society told him
that the only way to be happy was to grow potatoes, than this killing would of
never happened.
This kid did say something that I think is very
true in regards to today’s society, the kid went on about how much he hated how
materialistic we are. And I think that being materialistic is one of the largest
“sins” that society has instilled in us. The problem isn’t patriarchy, the
problem isn’t rape, and the problem is the way society views fulfillment. Sure
the other two are problems, but they are not what women should be ranting about
after this, women should be ranting about how ridiculous it is that the goals
of young men are to have sex with pretty girls, because shagging girls isn’t going
to give people fulfillment and if you cant shag girls you are just going to be
sad and then kill people. We need to change the structure of society to be more
nurturing to the individual so that people don’t get these ridiculous ideas in
their heads, like making sex the end all be all of their lives. Equal rights
for women wont stop rape or boys going on killing sprees, the only thing to
stop that is to change our society completely, and that is simply never going to happen.
Nia Edwards 4th period 3 killed on Myrtle Beach
Nia Edwards
4th period
On May 25, 2014, Myrtle Beach authorities responded to six separate shootings Saturday that left three people dead and five people wounded in the popular South Carolina resort city. The deadly incident occurred at the beachfront Bermuda Sands motel, where three men were killed and one person was wounded. The people who take resident of these places were extremely scared of the shots they heard. The police have said that none of the shootings are connected. No one has been arrested yet for these crimes.
This is so scary i can't believe someone would do such a thing especially on a holiday weekend when we are supposed to be celebrating the veterans who have fought in the war. The world is unpredictable and it is strange that none of these shootings are connected. Just goes to show that things like this happen and some people are just relentless. I feel for those people who were effected and i hope that the people behind these shootings are caught and put in jail.
4th period
On May 25, 2014, Myrtle Beach authorities responded to six separate shootings Saturday that left three people dead and five people wounded in the popular South Carolina resort city. The deadly incident occurred at the beachfront Bermuda Sands motel, where three men were killed and one person was wounded. The people who take resident of these places were extremely scared of the shots they heard. The police have said that none of the shootings are connected. No one has been arrested yet for these crimes.
This is so scary i can't believe someone would do such a thing especially on a holiday weekend when we are supposed to be celebrating the veterans who have fought in the war. The world is unpredictable and it is strange that none of these shootings are connected. Just goes to show that things like this happen and some people are just relentless. I feel for those people who were effected and i hope that the people behind these shootings are caught and put in jail.
Veronica Jones: 99-year-old Maine woman receives college diploma 75 years later
In 1939, Jessie Rose White went off to college. She was gifted 300 dollars by her uncle to be used for college. White, as a baby, was diagnosed with polio and continued pursuing her education regardless. She completed all her studies but never received her diploma because of a five dollar fee. 75 years later Beal College in Bangor gifts her a degree in stenography and bookkeeping. After the ceremony was held, white said,"I'm glad I had to wait 75 years, because it was more fun than it would have been in the first place,"
I think it's sweet to see something like this. Even if it took 75 years, they still gifted her with her hard earned diploma and she sounded so happy. It's nice to see people keeping track of these things and years later, trying to make an effort to fix them. Because though it may not appear to mean all that much all these years later, I'm sure it meant the world to her.
I think it's sweet to see something like this. Even if it took 75 years, they still gifted her with her hard earned diploma and she sounded so happy. It's nice to see people keeping track of these things and years later, trying to make an effort to fix them. Because though it may not appear to mean all that much all these years later, I'm sure it meant the world to her.
Madison Ceurter 5th period: Animal-Welfare Groups Hopping Mad Over Canberra’s Kangaroo Cull
Kangaroos hopping down the streets of Australia happens to be true in the national capital Canberra. They are coming from eucalyptus forests that are heavily prone to drought, the city’s parks, gardens, golf courses and sports grounds. In Canberra kangaroos are very populated. Interactions between humans and kangaroos have not been turning out good for the humans. In 2009, a kangaroo crashed through the window of a Canberra home, hurt a family and damaged their furniture and finally it escaped through an open door. In 2010, a footballer was knocked unconscious by a kangaroo in a Canberra park. Many people are getting attacked by kangaroos because the kangaroos are frightened by the humans. There needs to be some precautions. People are now are leading Canberra’s controversial kangaroo cull. This is to prevent overgrazing, because there has been 1,600 kangaroos that have been separated by wires. “The primary goal of the conservation cull is to maintain kangaroos at sustainable densities to minimize the impact of heavy grazing on other native fauna and flora,” said by the Territory and Municipal Services website." Kangaroos have been eating the grass which is has made animals not able to have food or shelter. It would be very smart to start this program for the safety of the people living in their homes.
Byron Otis- Secret CIA Informant Accidentally Revealed
The president recently visited Afghanistan, and, as is standard in these sort of white house travelling situations, a pool of reporters followed the event, and were attended to by a white house official, who gives the pool information approved by the president, like lists of activities the president would undertake during his time abroad, or lists of names of those he would be meeting with. The latter was released the press pool in this recent visit, and a large error seems to have been made. The name of a secret CIA official that was undertaking undercover work in Afghanistan was released to the press. The White House attempted to cover up this error soon after making it, giving the press a "corrected" version of the list, but a lead reporter in the Washington Post had already noticed the unintentional name, and had begun making ripples. I wonder how this will affect the presidency.
The president recently visited Afghanistan, and, as is standard in these sort of white house travelling situations, a pool of reporters followed the event, and were attended to by a white house official, who gives the pool information approved by the president, like lists of activities the president would undertake during his time abroad, or lists of names of those he would be meeting with. The latter was released the press pool in this recent visit, and a large error seems to have been made. The name of a secret CIA official that was undertaking undercover work in Afghanistan was released to the press. The White House attempted to cover up this error soon after making it, giving the press a "corrected" version of the list, but a lead reporter in the Washington Post had already noticed the unintentional name, and had begun making ripples. I wonder how this will affect the presidency.
Thoughts of crime By:Valerie Coahuilas
Last week, Michelle Obama made headlines when she exhorted graduating high schoolers in a commencement address to monitor their families for politically incorrect thoughts and behaviors.To one journalist, this was more than an off-hand comment made by the first lady. In the opinion of Cheryl Chumley, reporter for The Washington Times, Michelle Obama’s remark reflects a growing trend in America to target and attack individuals for committing “thought crime.”“Michelle Obama’s push for kids around the nation to monitor their family members for perceived racist comments is just another way the government seeks to inject itself into an area it doesn’t really belong — the American home,” says Chumley. In Chumley’s opinion, Americans growing a backbone and holding firm to their beliefs would be enough to resist this apparent infringement on individual rights.
99-year-old Maine woman receives college diploma 75 years later Ilana Lemack
A 99-year-old woman was finally awarded her college diploma at a special graduation ceremony after a $5 diploma fee prevented her from receiving it 75 years ago. Although the woman, Jessie Rose White, received her degree for stenography and bookkeeping in 1939, she was not able to pay the $5 to actually get the diploma. White says she put herself through bookkeeping courses with $500 her uncle had given her years before she enrolled at Beal College. He specified that the money could not be used for anything other than education. 75 years later in 2014 Beal College President Allen Stehle presented White with her diploma.Diagnosed with polio at 18 months old, White used crutches to make her way around the Beal campus when she was a student. She struggled to get a job after because of her disability, working as a bookkeeper and later a seamstress.
This is an uplifting story of a woman with perseverance and strength. She did not let her disability or lack of money keep her from getting an education. It is people like her that keep this country a positive place. Although it was 75 years late, it was amazing that White still was able to receive her diploma.
This is an uplifting story of a woman with perseverance and strength. She did not let her disability or lack of money keep her from getting an education. It is people like her that keep this country a positive place. Although it was 75 years late, it was amazing that White still was able to receive her diploma.
Claire Zimmerman: Memorial Day
As you all know, today is Memorial Day, the day where we honor our veterans and active soldiers and military members. This article talked about some of the common events that happen on this day, like parades or barbecues, and makes a point to say that though many believe that we should focus on the solemnity of this day, that is not always the case. Officer Brian McNeal said, "They made the sacrifice so everyday citizens don't have to worry about the evils of the world." It's alright for us to celebrate, and to enjoy ourselves, but it is also important for us not to forget.
I feel like many of us don't even make a point to remember. We understand what memorial day is, but we do not take the time to sit down and just think about all the lives that have been sacrificed so that we might be here, at home, on our computers, with less worries than we would have if we had not been protected. I know many do not agree with the current war that is going on, or wars in general, because there is so much controversy surrounding it. But you still have to respect the men and women who are righting to protect us. Take a moment out of your day off (which is wonderful to have) and just fully appreciate our nation's heroes, because without them, our country would not be what it is. And if you see someone in uniform, take a moment to thank them for their service.
I feel like many of us don't even make a point to remember. We understand what memorial day is, but we do not take the time to sit down and just think about all the lives that have been sacrificed so that we might be here, at home, on our computers, with less worries than we would have if we had not been protected. I know many do not agree with the current war that is going on, or wars in general, because there is so much controversy surrounding it. But you still have to respect the men and women who are righting to protect us. Take a moment out of your day off (which is wonderful to have) and just fully appreciate our nation's heroes, because without them, our country would not be what it is. And if you see someone in uniform, take a moment to thank them for their service.
Man Hits Traffic Cam and Drives Away with it- Casey Lampert
In California a man hit a red light camera with his car and drove away with it. After crashing into the traffic camera, the man sped off, fleeing the scene. A witness later took a picture of the man trying to move the camera out of his car. As a result, he's being charged for both a hit and run traffic collision and grand theft with the repairs for the camera estimated to cost the city thousands of dollars.
This is just stupid, if he had been a more careful driver he wouldn't have hit the pole in the first place. His reason for fleeing the scene was that he was late to work but he just made the situation that much more worse for himself since it's now considered theft. From what I gather, this mans license should be revoked because safe driver wouldn't have taken the same kind of action that he did.
This is just stupid, if he had been a more careful driver he wouldn't have hit the pole in the first place. His reason for fleeing the scene was that he was late to work but he just made the situation that much more worse for himself since it's now considered theft. From what I gather, this mans license should be revoked because safe driver wouldn't have taken the same kind of action that he did.
North American Rail Towns and Oil Trains- Casey Lampert
About 100-car trains per day are sent from North Dakota to New York transporting Shale. Lately, firefighters have been training to fight fires that can erupt from these cars. Many environmentalists have been protesting this transport of shale because of how many side effects result from when they burn which has been frequent. The necessity of oil and the loopholes found within the railroad legislation has made it difficult for these protestors to make a real impact though.
It's frustrating how reliant we are on oil and how much we destroy to get it. The profit we get from fracking and transporting this shale is great but the environmental effects it has is really bad. I get where both sides are coming from and while it would be great to no longer need the shale, we do. At least by keeping this transport system around people aren't losing jobs.
It's frustrating how reliant we are on oil and how much we destroy to get it. The profit we get from fracking and transporting this shale is great but the environmental effects it has is really bad. I get where both sides are coming from and while it would be great to no longer need the shale, we do. At least by keeping this transport system around people aren't losing jobs.
(Rhyann Lee) 99-year-old Maine woman receives college diploma 75 years later
99-year-old Maine woman receives college diploma 75 years later
Summary: A 99-year-old woman was finally awarded her college diploma at a special graduation ceremony after a $5 diploma fee prevented her from receiving it 75 years ago.
Summary: A 99-year-old woman was finally awarded her college diploma at a special graduation ceremony after a $5 diploma fee prevented her from receiving it 75 years ago.
Jessie Rose White of Belfast, Maine, received a degree in stenography and bookkeeping after completing courses at Beal College in Bangor in 1939."I'm delighted!" White said Monday, "I didn't have the money to pay for the diploma, so I didn't get it."White says she put herself through bookkeeping courses with $500 her uncle had given her years before she enrolled at Beal.
"It stayed in the bank, and he specified it couldn't be used for anything but education," White said.
White says she used all her money to complete the required courses and could not afford the $5 diploma fee.Dona Gilbert, a friend of White's who recently learned about her education plight, contacted the college to share White's story."She deserved a diploma. I just thought it needed to be done," Gilbert said.Beal College President Allen Stehle presented White with her diploma.
"He gave me a receipt showing that it was paid for," White said. "He has a great sense of humor."
Diagnosed with polio at 18 months old, White used crutches to make her way around the Beal campus when she was a student. She struggled to get a job after because of her disability, working as a bookkeeper and later a seamstress.Today, after a number of foot surgeries, White uses a wheelchair.
A regular on the computer and the Internet, White intends to keep pursuing an education.
"I've always had a great thirst for learning, and I try to learn something new every day. I'd love to go back to college now if I had the strength."Gilbert says she is constantly impressed by White's attitude.
"When I visit her, we just never stop talking," Gilbert said. "She's curious and always asking questions. She has taught me and enriched my life in tremendous ways."White was joined at her graduation by her son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren."We're very appreciative of the care and attention to detail that was put into the graduation ceremony," said her son, William White.
The diploma gives her maiden name, Jessie Rose Jones."I'm glad I had to wait 75 years, because it was more fun than it would have been in the first place," White said.
Analysis: I Think its amazing that she finally received her diploma. After all that hard work she did. Now a days people think education isn't nothing but people sacrificed a lot to learn. also in present times $5 would be considered not high at all but she still didn't have it. I believe that it is wonderful that someone finally got her diploma even though she had a disability she still didn't give up
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