Monday, May 13, 2019

Strict abortion laws in Alabama-Madison Malonson

The state of Alabama is trying to pass the strictest anti abortion law in U.S. history.  The law would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected  and sentence the doctor who did the procedure to 99 years in prison. When a fetal heartbeat can be detected a women is about 6 weeks pregnant, and at the  point she probably doesn’t even know that she’s pregnant yet. A lot of people are upset  over this because this law allows the government to control women’s bodies and personal decisions. This was something that Roe v. Wade protected, but it could now be in jeopardy. Personally I think women should have the choice whether they want to carry a child or not and it is not the governments place to step in. But we will just have to wait and see if any of this actually succeeds.

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