Monday, May 13, 2019

"Republicans surrender to Trump's China tariffs" -- Youssef Bakr

The president is back at it again with his bad foreign trade policy. Despite his good intentions, President Trump's imposing of tariffs on Chinese goods has caused the American economy to stumble as China retaliates. American stocks have tanked in the wake of unstable prices, and farmers have been receiving the butt end of the conflicts. Many experts consider this to be the beginning of a global trade war.

This is reminiscent of that one time Congress passed the Tariff of Abominations in 1828, which upset the agricultural Southern economy.


  1. Me not knowing anything about this is making me realize how long it’s been since I’ve watched the news, and that’s kind of an issue.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. This should gain more awareness because this is a serious problem!

  3. I just hope more people become aware of this . - Alma Avarado
