A sex strike is a way to protest the restrictions on abortion and it has made a powerful response to it. It is said that we are being stripped of our reproductive rights very quickly. The anti-choice activists have been chipping away at the abortion rights for a very long time trying to overturn the Roe v Wade. The "heartbeat" bill that was just passed and signed bans abortions as early as 6 weeks in pregnancy. 4 states have already passed this law and 16 other states our trying to get this as well. There has also been hearing about a bill being passed that if a woman has an abortion she will be charged with capital murder which is a crime that is punishable by death.
These laws that the states are coming up with for women are out of hand and it doesn't make since that they are trying to make the decision for someone when it isn't their decision to make. They don't understand the situations that some women are in and forcing them to have the baby by law is not far but under some circumstances because lets say that a women got raped and she ended up being pregnant, forcing that woman to have that baby isn't fair at all. They are making these toooooo strict on what women can and can not do and we have been fighting this for decades and instead of getting better it seems that it is getting worse.
Women should be able to choose If they want to have the baby because they have a liberty to their bodies
ReplyDeleteDo people forget that women are humans and they deserve rights too?? because that's what seems to be happening
ReplyDeleteIt is very unjust for a board of men to be able to decide what a woman legally does with her body . Why is the focus on abortions such a bad thing to the board o men but the kids in poverty isn't ? the homeless children aren't ? I think they're just concerned on their money and how it affects them and not the rest of the freaking world
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. This decision on a woman’s right to have an abortion was decided back in 1973 with the court case of Roe v. Wade. It is their own body and women should be able to decide what happens to it. There are still so many other problems related to children and other human beings that hav not been solved yet. Lily Philips