Saturday, May 11, 2019

jude holland - Gasoline Shipwreck near Houston

The Genesis river, a gasoline tanker ship recently crashed off the Texas coast near a shipping canal, and about 9000 barrels of gasoline poured out into the water.  This was caused by a small tug boat running into the barge, crating a large hole in the side, and capsizing the boat. The Environmental protection agency has already begun cleanup efforts, and weather services say that a strong gasoline vapor cloud will hang over the nearby communities for the next few days, and has warned citizens to stay indoors.

This is a classic example of irresponsible people creating dangerous consequences.  Shipping oil over water can be risky, and those who are in charge of these operations need to be completely informed and understand whats going on in the water around them. The fact that a small boat continued on, crashing into the tanker shows that whoever piloted the small boat was probably not paying attention to his surroundings, which resulted in a huge environmental problem, that will now require lots of time and money to clean up.


  1. That's unfortunate. I hope the company learns from this.

  2. I hope the companies repairs all the damages done. This is an example of human carelessness even though it was an accident
